Dungeon Siege 2?


Bring on Titan X Volta
Oct 3, 2002
Anyone have thought on it? What do you guys think? I personally loved the first one and the expansion. LOTS and LOTS of Laning hours. :D
I have it and have played it through once. Its great visually and the gameplay is pretty smooth. The game is fairly short though. If you enjoyed the first one, you should enjoy the second.
lol, I know what search is, Ive been on here longer than you, I just felt lazy today and didnt feel like it. But yes, I was also looking for a quick responce.
ATI9700Pro said:
lol, I know what search is, Ive been on here longer than you, I just felt lazy today and didnt feel like it. But yes, I was also looking for a quick responce.
Oh snap. I didn't realize that being here "longer" than someone gave you the right to go against forum etiquette. :cool:

The game sucks. You just hold the right mouse button down all day... and nothing else.

Use the search.
G-daddy said:
Oh snap. I didn't realize that being here "longer" than someone gave you the right to go against forum etiquette. :cool:


Yeah... I've got to admit -- it was a bit weak of him to be busting out the timeline like that... :D
to be honest, sorry for that, I was in a bit of a wierd mood at the time and yet for some reason I pulled what I down on others for doing. I really didnt mean it in a way that your status of being here not as long as I meant you didnt know anything, I just felt a bit offended that someone would be so quick as to reccomend that I search, as I know I should have. I just thought of it as someone new comming on the forums and telling someone who has been there and "done that" to search. Sorry for that.
for what its worth, ive got the game, and i enjoy it a lot. sorry for not being here longer than you, but i still know how to search