Can you help me to build a cheap NAT/Firewall?


Feb 3, 2005

Preferrably without buying anything, I would like your help building a NAT that will get four hub-connected computers onto the internet quickly, seamlessly, and securely.

I have an extra Abit BH6 motherboard with a Pentium-3 500EB and 384MB of RAM. I have an extra CD-RW drive, case, power supply, maybe a 2.5gb hard drive, a pair of NICs. I think I've got everything I need to do it except the precise know-how. :confused:

Thanks in advance. :)
1. Slap it all together
2. Download IP Cop/Smoothwall/Clarkconnect/etc.
3. Read manual
4. Install above selection
5. Profit

Most of the linux firewall distros have extensive documentation. There is a thread around here somewhere with a huge list of potential distros. Several of them even utilize handy easy to use GUIs.
I second Smoothwall. I've used it for years - its user friendly and there are plenty of mods to make it fit your exact needs like QoS and stuff.
Keith240 said:
I second Smoothwall. I've used it for years - its user friendly and there are plenty of mods to make it fit your exact needs like QoS and stuff.

This man speaks the truth.
( p2 350 + 128MB Ram + 6GB HD + 3 NICs ) * [ IPCop | Smoothwall ] = Profits

Been running for months and loves it.
I've used both, and they both will do what you want... I personally think Smoothwall is easier to use.
