Website Critique - The Peoples Vehicle


Oct 23, 2004
I just finished up a new site of mine called "The Peoples Vehicle ". I was hoping to get some feedback design wise. It's one of those pixel pushing sites ala with a twist.

Colors? Layout? hmm? :)
Good colors, good layout. A couple of things, though:
  1. Fix the errors. Your markup is nice and clean; it shouldn't take much to fix those last few problems. Nice to see legible markup for a change!
  2. The site doesn't quite fit in my browser window at my preferred size, and when I maximize the window, it doesn't fill it. Sort of the worst of both worlds there. Your design is fairly simple, and it shouldn't be any trouble to get it to fit into the window properly.
  3. The dashed underlines on the links is excessive. The links already stand out plenty; the decoration just makes it distracting.
  4. Change all of those "--" to "—". ;)
  5. The copyright at the bottom is too unreadable. Just lighten up the text a little.
  6. You seem to establish that yellow-orange as your link color, but then you also use it for various other highlighting and heading purposes, confusingly. Either find another color or just stick with black.
Definitely one of the better sites I've seen posted here for a critique. Nice job! :cool:
  1. Fixed and will now validate to strict if you force it -- kept it transitional as the target attribute of the a tag has been depricated?
  2. I checked and you must be running in 800x600 or at least have your browser windows that small -- as 1024 works like a charm --
    Haven't decided if I'm going to change that -- Probably -- but not this evening ;P
  3. Agreed - Fixed.
  4. Done.
  5. Done.
  6. Done - Sorta. Menu still highlights black -- but made the linking more consistant throughout.

Thanks HorsePunchKid -- Your critique was most helpful. I appreciate the kind words!
wireplaycc said:
I checked and you must be running in 800x600 or at least have your browser windows that small -- as 1024 works like a charm
I'm running at 1600x1200, but I like to be able to have more than just my browser open on any given desktop, so I keep it at 800x900. I'm sure I'm in an ever-shrinking minority, though, so don't worry too much about it. ;)
Yeah -- But I'm thinking it's only a 10px difference or so -- shouldn't be too hard to shrink down.