Need a little help with setting up my WebServer


Jul 17, 2002
I am using Windows XP Pro with IIS. I have a registered domain name and now I need to tackle the name servers. What or how do I go about this? I cannot find anything on XP Pro for a DNS Server service. Is there another way around this? Could I just use my broadband ip address as a name server? Thanks in advance.

Some domain registors will do free DNS hosting for you. Otherwise, there are services that will do it for a low fee; if you know someone who works at an ISP, maybe they can hook you up.
Ok, I do know someone that could do that for me. But what if I wanted to do everything from my home? My SMC Router has DDNS options, and and is a couple of the things I could hook it to. Could I setup a Windows 2000 or 2003 server and use the DNS Server services to host everything from home? Oh, wait, I think I get it now....I still would need to direct to an ISP. Hmmm....THanks.

Do you mean the Custom DNS part? What is the cost? I am thinking about that, but I just registered my domain and have to wait at least 60 days before transfering to I am having a little issue, I am not fully understanding hosting of DNS. Could you help me? Like I said I have Windows XP Pro w/ built in IIS, I have a site built by Dreamweaver, in fact, it can be seen on the web right now, but I have to type in the IP Address to get it. My SMC Router has a section for support, but it asks for a host, that is where I become lost. Let's say for example, my domain is and the computer that is running IIS is named Bob, would I put the hostname: in that section of the router? If not then I am really lost, please help. It is probably simple, but I am getting frustrated. Thanks in advance.
