Trouble steering in NFSMW


Jan 28, 2001
I've tried using KB and a Saitek Evo Joystick to steer cars in NFSMW but both are unsatifactory.

The main problem with steering with KB is that keys are digital - on or off and nothing in between. The problem with the joystick is that the steering is too sensitive. It might even be a digital in nature (full left/right or neutral) - not sure. Either way the controls suck big time with this game.
I agree with you completely. It is way to jumpy...hit left wall, hit right, hit left...
I play with the keyboard with no problems. About the only time I hit a wall is if I come to a sharp curve/turn and I'm going 160mph. Kepp practicing you'll get it, sooner or later :p
Im using a Nyko airflow gamepad. At first I was running into all kinds of stuff. Now, after a couple of days, my coordination between steering, shifting, and taking turns has gotten way better. I dont see a problem with the steering. You could try messing with the handling and steering tuning menu in the options if you havent already.
I have trouble playing racing games on PC with analog input. At least with digital it always does what I want, with analog the turns keep going too hard or too shallow. Digital all I have to worry about is speed of pressing and how long, rather than amount of pressure. Played quite a few with no problem using keyboard. I keep my joystick/gamepad for other games.
I only got NFSMW yesterday and when I first played it, I had trouble steering too.

After about 10 minutes of playing it, I got used to the steering and the problem has gone away. I guess the steering has changed a little since Underground 2 so you just have to get use to it.
I use a logitech wingman(one of the worst controllers ever) and it plays fine. Have you played GT4 by any chance? Controlling a car without being in it is difficult without feeling the effects of your actions. The more realistic the physics get, the less games are going to be like outrun etc. That being said, NFS is very unrealistic and you should be able to take turns at up to 140 especially with speedbreaker and nitrous. It just takes a little finesse.
^^^ yep, what he said. I use the speedbreaker every friggin chance I get lol it's a very nice feature, even if it feels a little like a cheat button to me sometimes (except when they bust out those rhino's then you HAVE to use speedbreaker). And you guys up above that are hitting all the walls, don' t be afraid to use your brakes before you go into a turn and then accelerate when coming out of it just like a real life racing car.
I use and xbox controller on my computer and it works GREAT. Analog triggers for brakes and acceleration -- nice! If you get the XBCD drivers you can even change the size of the dead zone on both analog sticks. Very cool and works very well.
I've been using my Logitech Driving Force Pro and it's been working fantastic. I have no major problems with the steering, though it did take some getting used to.