Dungeon Siege 2


Supreme [H]ardness
Jul 13, 2001
Anyone else playing this?

I played the beta and the demo, and I can say that I am very impressed by the progress they have made! The graphics engine runs GREAT. I'm running 1280x1024 with everything on high and getting 40-55FPS on my Radeon 9800 :D

The thing that impressed me the most was the attention to detail. The terrain, levels, models, special effects, etc are all very well done. Most games get lazy in one or more of these areas...but not DS2. I haven't found one thing that I don't like about it so far.

My two cents...
I love the game -- I'm having a great time playing it -- except for the framerate... I've got a sweet setup -- but I'm getting LOW framerates -- like low... 10fps-30fps flux...
wireplaycc, sounds like an issue with your system. Do you get good framerates with other games? (BF2, etc)

Did you defrag after installation?
Whats the release date of DS2? I've not been following this very much, but know that I loved the original. Trying not to spoil my surprise at the game by playing the demo lol.
fubak said:
wireplaycc, sounds like an issue with your system. Do you get good framerates with other games? (BF2, etc)

Did you defrag after installation?

BF2, HL2, D3, NFSU2, etc all run flawlessly -- smooth as glass max settings all day long. Defrag'd after install as usual. No such luck -- I've heard many other nvidia owners complaining about it as well...

*edit* -- not to thread hijack but I just posted a complete description of my issue a few mins ago -- http://hardforum.com/showthread.php?t=942682
Weird, must just be an nVidia issue b/c it runs smooth as butter on mine
Saloma Teale said:
Wha? Geez... I must not be paying attention.

/slaps self for stupidity.

I wish I could forget about games like that. I hate the wait. :(
I know many playing it. its crack, that's for sure. way better than the first and even advances from where diablo never went. big thumbs up!

some of the voices are truly sad but its great fun. mico management at its best and its quite challenging
G'ßöö said:
I know many playing it. its crack, that's for sure. way better than the first and even advances from where diablo never went. big thumbs up!

some of the voices are truly sad but its great fun. mico management at its best and its quite challenging

Hey! You've got an AMD and a 6800 -- what are you getting for framerates?
I'm totally loving this game @ 1680x1050 on a 7800 GTX on a 2005FPW. The readme file mentions to run the game in widescreen you have to add width=1680 height=1050 at the end of the shortcut line, ie:

"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Dungeon Siege 2\DungeonSiege2.exe" width=1680 height=1050

Of course edit the above to reflect your install path and the widescreen res you want to run the game at.
not sure....whatever it is its wicked. where/how do I read the frames? I'm using it on a medicore lcd at work so it only goes to 1280x.. but I have it on 4xAA/4xAS. 8xSAA/16xAS chugs it. will test at home on a better monitor

this crashing BS seems to be my usb diamond razerback mouse + SN95 combo ...tried another mouse and no crashes. I think the USB on this mobo is flakey anyway...go figger :eek:

the game continues to kick butt! .....what's diablo?!! :D
I was able to improve my framerate significantly (from 8fps to above 30fps -- at the lowest) by updating my video drivers to version 77.77 and creating a settings profile for Dungeon Siege (display properties advanced).

I turned off a bunch of crap and now i can max the settings in the game and never drop below 30fps -- even in major battles. Now I can actually get into the game and not worry about performance.
G'ßöö said:
not sure....whatever it is its wicked. where/how do I read the frames? I'm using it on a medicore lcd at work so it only goes to 1280x.. but I have it on 4xAA/4xAS. 8xSAA/16xAS chugs it. will test at home on a better monitor

this crashing BS seems to be my usb diamond razerback mouse + SN95 combo ...tried another mouse and no crashes. I think the USB on this mobo is flakey anyway...go figger :eek:

the game continues to kick butt! .....what's diablo?!! :D

There should be an option in the game menu that will display it in the upper left hand corner.
interesting...I'm averaging 30fps on this lcd monitor. I thought it would be a bit higher. it plays fine though :cool: ... typical of new games without patches and such though ..? 77.77 here too