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  1. C

    Colour calibration tool?

    How does that work with dual monitors? I've got 2 monitors running off the same video card, how does the ICC profile differentiate between the 2?
  2. C

    Dell 20" & 24" Widescreens on Sale at ONE DAY only

    <quiet voice>It's okay little credit card, it won't hurt one bit. Just a small pinch that's all you'll feel, I promise.</voice> I won't tell it about the big pinch that'll come when the bill arrives. :) Now I just have to wait for it to arrive. *checks mailbox* *checks...
  3. C

    Need good lcd to push 7800gtx

    Damn you, Yankee scum. Damn you all!!!! *sob*
  4. C

    Infos about Samsung 242MP / 243T Successor thread

    Why would they need to? Dell is buying/selling all their stock of panels anyways, for Samsung to sell their own version they'd need to spend money developing and producing the stand and bezel not to mention marketing and distributing their monitor, handling returns..... why bother if someone's...
  5. C

    Unofficial 2405FPW Thread (Now that its been announced)

    Ouch. How'd ya get it for $1,150?
  6. C

    Dell 2405FPW 24" inch on the way?????

    A Dremel with a cut-off wheel is a remarkably efficient tool; combine that with some Playdoh, a $2 can of spray paint, and *boom* Bob's your uncle. ;) :D
  7. C

    Dell 2405FPW 24" inch on the way?????

    "Nice touches" usually == ++price. I'd rather have --price than a load of nice touches.
  8. C

    Good Deal?: open box Sony sdm-232w/b for $875 ???

    *uh* I'd go back and take a second look at that monitor, its response time is 40ms. To give you an idea, that's roughly equivalent to a 25 Hz refresh rate on a CRT. With the new Dell 24" panel announced yesterday priced at $1,200 you get an extra inch on the screen, a refresh rate that's more...
  9. C

    Reference photos for metals?

    I'm looking for good reference photos of various metals: aluminum, steel, copper,... and the various finishes one can put on said metals: polished, burnished, scuffed. Any idea where I might find these? Google's helped me find a few pics here and a few pics there but they're either too small...
  10. C

    Dell 2405FPW 24" inch on the way?????

    Fixed that for you. :rage: ;)
  11. C

    Pixel tester

    You *could* do that, but that requires work. :) Much easier to download and use that. It can also cycle through each of fullscreen { white, red, green, blue }.
  12. C

    Dell 2405FPW 24" inch on the way?????

    $2300!!? Try $1700: 243T for $1734 243T for $1699
  13. C

    DELL 2405FPW spec!

    *hmm* That link used to take you straight to a picture listing the specs on the monitor, now it takes you to some Chinese message board. I'm guessing the pic's been pulled...
  14. C

    DVI cable - is dual link bidirectional better?

    Nope, if it came with the monitor it'll be a digital cable. Here's what the various connectors look like: The analog connector is missing a whole lot more than the middle section. Again, if you look at...
  15. C

    RBG cable on a 21"

    *heh* If you're gonna put BNC connectors on a cable you can guarantee they're not gonna cheap-out on the cable itself. These things are typically meant for high-end machines, we had an SGI Onyx2 at my university that drove a Sony GDM-FW900 plus a bunch of projectors with those cables, the Onyx2...
  16. C

    DVI cable - is dual link bidirectional better?

    Depends on what you were after. TDMS is Terminal Display Management System, TMDS is Transmission Minimizing Differential Signaling. The first one refers to some archaic database software for OpenVMS VAX, the second one refers to how DVI cables transmit signals. I'll go out on a limb and say...
  17. C

    DVI cable - is dual link bidirectional better?

    First things first, there are 3 types of DVI connectors: DVI-A, DVI-D, and DVI-I. Both DVI-D and DVI-I are available in both single link and dual link flavours: The difference between the DVI-* connectors is that -A is analog-only, -D is digital...
  18. C

    Dell 2405FPW 24" inch on the way?????

    Damn this thread, every time it gets bumped up I keep hoping someone's posted saying this thing is out.... :mad: :mad: ;) For what it's worth I think this monitor'll come in under $1,400 prior to Dell's coupon-o-rama.
  19. C

    BNC vs VGA

    ?? Having a Mac has nothing to do with BNC connectors, there are plenty of PC video cards that have BNC outs on them. BNC connectors provide a much better signal than "regular" VGA - we had an SGI Onyx2 with a FW900 in our graphics lab with when I was in school once upon a time and the only way...
  20. C

    Horizontal "bars" on a large CRT?

    No, Trinitron (and Diamondtron) monitors have either one or two *dark* lines running horizontally. Each line is caused by a very thin wire running the width of the screen, the wire is there to support the aperture grill.
  21. C

    1 Dead Pixel on a brand new CRT = Defective???

    Doesn't matter who makes the monitor, it matters who makes the tube. Sony makes the Trinitron tube used by many manufacturers in their CRTs. The Mitsubishi Diamondtron tubes also suffer from this.
  22. C

    getting a game to stretch across 2 screens?

    The other problem you'll face is that on consumer cards that support 2 displays off a single card, only 1 display is hardware-accelerated. Dual-accelerated displays is supported on the workstation class cards, like the aforementioned QuadroFX line but they typically suck at games. SLI is also...
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    EM emissions of CRT's opposed to those who use LCDs and will never die? CRTs have been around for as long as computers have had keyboards and there's been no correlation between their usage and an increase in cancer rates, impotency, or 3-eyed fish. After making that post did you go and sit in front of your...
  24. C

    Sony GPD-FW900 Widescreen CRT

    There's also this one from HP, it's also a 24" widescreen CRT for cheaper still than Sony's version. Anyone know if it uses the same tube?
  25. C

    Picture of Dell 2405FPW

    Where did you find that pic? What other information was with it?
  26. C

    Dell 2405FPW 24" inch on the way?????

    You have to wonder why Samsung did that, because even at $5000 that multimedia panel is friggen expensive. I'll bet they're trying to work out manufacturing problems - by sticking the new panel in a product that few people will buy they can essentially hand-pick the best screens to put in it...
  27. C

    New Viewsonic 23" widescreen LCD

    Ahh, more competition. All that's left is to sit back and enjoy the falling prices... :)
  28. C

    CES: Samsung debuts two LCD monitors

    :eek: It's a good thing was the next sentence else shit woulda flown and people woulda died. I wouldn't mind paying a little more for an upgraded 243T but "little" != $x2
  29. C

    Quadro vs. 6800/FireGL vs. X800...?

    Perhaps I should've clarified that I was referring only to 3-D modeling and the like, and not to game playing. The only "rendering function" that's not on consumer cards is the addition of hardware overlay planes which simply allow you to render GUI elements into a separate buffer (or plane) so...
  30. C

    Quadro vs. 6800/FireGL vs. X800...?

    Everyone says that the workstation video cards (Quadro/FireGL series) are better than their consumer counterparts but has anyone ever quantified this? How much better? Last summer we lucked out and got 2 Quadro4s sent to us at work, after installing the MAXtreme drivers we were quite...
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    Olympus OM-1, OM-2,OM-*....

    My dad's got an Olympus OM-1 and an OM-2 along with a pile of Olympus lenses. One of the things he mentioned he'd like for Christmas is an OM-10 body, doing some Googling has turned up a whole sequence of OM-* bodies along with this site...
  32. C

    Need a large-ish PS2 controller

    I love the Internet... ;) Thanks for all the advice, I'll be checking these out.
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    Need a large-ish PS2 controller's larger than the PS2 controller but the same size as the "S" controller? I can't find any of these damn things in town so I have to order one online, I just want to make sure before buying one sight-unseen. EDIT: Are you talking about this one or this one ? The second one...
  34. C

    Need a large-ish PS2 controller

    I kinda figured that if it's only $10 - the last thing I want is another piece of crap. I appreciate the recommendation though. I'll take a look at the Logitech, wireless would be kinda nice... Thanks!
  35. C

    Good lighting design book?

    I work as a 3-D modeler at my company and we're looking to hire someone to light all of our scenes - I'd kinda like to be that someone. I've got a fair understanding of colour theory but I really don't have much experience setting up lights to establish mood and setting and the like. Are there...
  36. C

    Need a large-ish PS2 controller

    I need a new PS2 controller. I'm in the small minority who thinks the larger XBox controller was the best thing since sliced bread - those smaller controllers (including the regular PSX/PS2 controllers) make my hands cramp after about 15 minutes of playing. I've been using these...
  37. C

    IMPORTANT!! Serial monitor CAT5 cabling question

    This what you're looking for? I'm assuming you can log into it while sitting in front of it - you just can't log in from somewhere else....?
  38. C

    Need Simpsons pic/screengrab

    Nm, got one.
  39. C

    Need Simpsons pic/screengrab

    Does anyone have a picture or a screengrab of Milhouse tied to the hockey net from the "Lisa on Ice" episode? I need it for a presentation, and after 45 minutes of Googling I've come up empty. Thanks!
  40. C

    Which to get?!?!? FPW2005 (LCD) or FP2141 (CRT)?

    There's a difference between maximum resolution and recommended resolution: Just because it can do it doesn't mean you should, unless you're content with making your eyes bleed.