Which to get?!?!? FPW2005 (LCD) or FP2141 (CRT)?


Sep 1, 2004
My Birthday is right around the corner and I would like to get a better monitor. I have a tough decision between two monitors (Dell 2005FPW or NEC FP2141).

I'm very torn between these two monitors. They're roughly the same price after deals and shipping. I like the idea of widescreen, but I'm also a resolution hog and would love to run the 2141at 2048x1536.

What are your thoughts? I'd be especially interested in anyone who has had experience with both screens. I've read lots of threads about each monitor separately, but not much comparison.

hmm... got the FPW in the wrong spot in the title... .stupid edit feature doesn't fix the title that shows up in the forum.
I <3 my NEC CRT. I wouldn't trade it for ANY LCD I've laid my eyes on yet. Its bright, uniform, has perfect geometry, and no issues switching resolutions when gaming.

Widescreen would be nice for watching movies and gaming (where supported), but it would bug me to have to scroll down to see webpages on such a big monitor. I rarely have to scroll at 1920 x 1440 and never have to worry about "stretching" images because of nonstandard resolutions.
People still buy CRT's? I had a 22" CRT back in the day when they where elite. I could not imagine having this huge 80lb box sitting on my desk anymore. CRT's are getting phased out and won't even be produced by the end of this decade.
I was thinking the exact same thing as you and at the end, i went for 2005FPW.
and it sweeeeet~~
My desk looks lot cleaner after removing my old viewsonic 17' CRT monitor :)
And when i flip 90degree, i can see almost the whole main page of gamespot.com!!!
Infact, im thinking about getting another one for my university dorm room.
2048x1536 on a crt? rofl...can you say eye strain? get the dell. im going to when they drop the price
I wish I could say everything was good with my 2141, but it's dark at times, and the geometry takes a LOT of fucking with to get right.

But it's gorgeous once you get it right.