Infos about Samsung 242MP / 243T Successor thread


Feb 8, 2005
Hi guys!

I opened this thread to collect some information about the next 24" displays Samsung is about to release. Since I read that apple's 23" ACD has some issues with white and grey I'm looking for something else thats stylish and good quality. (I know that the last Samsung Displays weren't stylish at all ;D )
And looking back to my old 700p+ CRT which lasted for about 5 years (until I decided to buy a Laptop) I'm quite interested in the new Samsung displays.

So lets start with the 242MP.

I already found this URL regarding to it in another post:

are there any more offical facts?

google says it costs about 1700$( ), but I read aswell that Samsungs RRP shall be 4999$...
are there any prices for europe yet?

and what is about that stand? is it adjustable or is it fixed?

And are there any facts out yet for a 243T successor? (name, etc...)

Please help me collecting some information.
jengel said:
...And are there any facts out yet for a 243T successor? (name, etc...).

Yes, and it's called [drumroll] Ultrasharp 2405fpw, courtesy of BenQ and [whisper] Dell :D
knew someone would come up with that ;)

so lets look for something with samsung on AND under the hood!
I'm interested in a widescreen LCD and aiming for a 23" or 24". Today I sent an email to Samsung in Sweden asking about possible plans for a 243T successor. This was the (translated) reply:

At the moment there are no plans for this on the nordic market. If there will be you'll find out first at

Out of all the widescreen LCDs capable of 1920x1200 resolution available here in Sweden, the Samsung 243T definitely is on the slow side if you look at response time. However, despite being more than 1 year old it's the most popular one? At least according to Pricerunner Sweden.

It makes you wonder... Samsung should release something fresh to meet the competition but maybe they don't think they need to?
Why would they need to? Dell is buying/selling all their stock of panels anyways, for Samsung to sell their own version they'd need to spend money developing and producing the stand and bezel not to mention marketing and distributing their monitor, handling returns..... why bother if someone's already buying every panel you make?
Clank said:
Why would they need to? Dell is buying/selling all their stock of panels anyways, for Samsung to sell their own version they'd need to spend money developing and producing the stand and bezel not to mention marketing and distributing their monitor, handling returns..... why bother if someone's already buying every panel you make?

In other words, you mean Samsung will stop making displays of their own. Yeah, right. The question is WHEN Samsung will release a follow-up to 243T, not if.
holmstrom said:
In other words, you mean Samsung will stop making displays of their own. Yeah, right. The question is WHEN Samsung will release a follow-up to 243T, not if.

U assume that Samsung will continue to make it's own displays ;) It does not NECESSARILY have to be so :D
Apparently the successor to the 243T is.... the 243T! It seems Samsung will switch to the new panel without changing the name or appearance of the monitor. Strange move if you ask me.. It will also have LED backlighting.
TehQuick said:
Dude u r not making any sense :D
then you arent very quick... :p

shall i spell it out for you?

the name will remain the 243T. the new panel will look the same as it does now. the new addition is that it will be using LEDs for backlighting.

are you really that stupid?
wow, the pics look quite nice, does the dell 2405 have the led technology aswell when its the same panel? haven't seen any user pics of the dell yet, neither reviews with in use pics...
led backlight technology is fairly new and so far no one has anything on the market. i have been waiting for this moment for along time. because while lcd's get a lower and lower response time a CCFL backlight still runs at 60 Hz. and it doesn't cover 100% of the adobe RGB spectrum.

with led backlighting tho we are going to be ushered into a new era of lcd's that should hold us feeling quite satisfied until OLED fixes there shit or SED comes to computer monitors.

i absolutly refuse to buy an lcd unless it can compete in specs wise to a crt. led backlighting allows this happen

this is all the news on it so far, pissing me off because i want more info. and honestly i really really would love a nice big 24+ inch 1920x1080 screen. that's just geek porn right there
think SED displays will be made to be the size of monitors?

heck, maybe well be able to get a SED monitor at +22" for less than 300$. that would be freakin awesome....
Weiman said:
Apparently the successor to the 243T is.... the 243T! It seems Samsung will switch to the new panel without changing the name or appearance of the monitor. Strange move if you ask me.. It will also have LED backlighting.

Interesting. Too bad the case design looks the same as the current one. :(
TSS Modder said:
think SED displays will be made to be the size of monitors?
I was wondering the same thing myself. Appearently there are no plans for SED computer monitors yet as SED displays will enter the market with very large screen TVs. I don't think we will see SED monitors any time soon. Hopefully I'm wrong.
thats the whole thing Toshiba and other makers are completely missing. theres a MASSIVE market for smaller scale SED displays.

think about it: CRT type displays at the size of LCDs, for a price thats inbetween both CRT and LCD. the market for small SEDs is totally there. its exactly what we need! CRT performance in the package of a LCD.

i wonder if the thought of this just completely passed over their heads? are the japanese really that retarded??

theres most likely a bigger market for 150-400$ TVs and monitors than for +50" TVs running at costs about the same, if not more than, current large screen projection TVs, LCDs, and plasmas. either the japanese are pulling our leg, or theyre really big morons....
This is really what I've been waiting for. Good to hear that Samsung has plans for a new 24". The question is of course when it will be released. What are your thoughts? Will it make it to the summer?

In case you've missed it, Tom's Hardware wrote an article about the stuff at Cebit. The 243T wasn't mentioned but the new LED technology was, and among the images you can spot the 243T: