1 Dead Pixel on a brand new CRT = Defective???


Jan 24, 2005
Just got a new samsung 997df flat crt, and I just noticed it has one dead pixel.

Would a reasonable person consider that "defective" and exchange it?

I still have a week before my 15 days is up at Circuit City ( was on sale for the same as newegg but of course no shipping charges ). I also threw away the box (before i noticed) so they might jack me w/ a 30 dollar restocking fee.

Or should I just get over it...
sry for my ignorance but how could there be a dead pixel on a CRT(I thought that was an LCD thing)? Aren't pixels on CRT's supposed to be nothing more than electormagnetic projections (that's why they can can change size and warp).

Is it black or does it glow pink like dead LCD pixels do?

That's odd, I bought the very same monitor as you today, and I have had no problems so far. I would recomend that you exchange it.
Depends entirely on the manufacturer. I got a 60" Sony Grand Wega (LCD projection TV) with one dead pixel and that wasn't enough, but luckily the place I bought it from had a good return policy.
You may want to go that route if Samsung won't take it back. Worse comes to worst just find a way to fry it without visibly voiding the warranty. (No, don't. That would be immoral wrong. The fact that other people might have better luck and get one that works perfectly for the same price has nothing to do with it.)
crt's dont have dead pixles... you sure there isnt something stuck on the screen? some dirt or something?
It is black. It is possible that it may be a dark piece of dust. But if that is the case, it is below the outer glass, trust me, I tried cleaning it at first, no good.

So either way, it looks like a dead pixel and isn't going away. So the problem is still there.
i would take it back then, CRT's should not have dead anything... only the sony's have those two horizontal degaussing lines or whatever they are
I'd be scared to take it back to CC. They'll say, "what the hell is a pixel?, and "how can it be dead? did YOU kill it? "
5 years ago when I was looking for a new crt I tried out a few different 19" trinitron tube ones. I wasn't happy with any of them and 2 of them had dead pixels, one of them had 2 and the other 1. And yes they were definitely dead pixels, so it may be extremely rare with crts but it can happen. I eventually went with a 21" sony that never had any dead pixels but just looks like a faded piece of crap now after years of use. So yes I would take it back because you were extremely unlucky and it's just not acceptable for a crt. I don't even find it acceptable for an lcd.
FLECOM said:
i would take it back then, CRT's should not have dead anything... only the sony's have those two horizontal degaussing lines or whatever they are

Are you talking about the aperture grille? Viewsonic flat screen CRTs have the two horizontal lines.
robberbaron said:
Are you talking about the aperture grille? Viewsonic flat screen CRTs have the two horizontal lines.
Doesn't matter who makes the monitor, it matters who makes the tube. Sony makes the Trinitron tube used by many manufacturers in their CRTs. The Mitsubishi Diamondtron tubes also suffer from this.
Clank said:
Doesn't matter who makes the monitor, it matters who makes the tube. Sony makes the Trinitron tube used by many manufacturers in their CRTs. The Mitsubishi Diamondtron tubes also suffer from this.

I'm not quite sure what lines you are talking about. I am though having another minor annoyance. The text at the edges of the screen seems a little "fuzzy," just the edge, the center text looks great. It sort of looks like lots of rows of small vertical lines. Like....

| | | | | | | | | | | |

...except quite unnoticeable except up close, or when reading text under/through it.

But...any reccomendations for the best CRT. I was thinking about taking this back and getting a Viewsonic G90FB, or something else...
My Sony E400 I had (remember that?) had a few dead pixels. It happens in CRT's, just not as much as LCD's. If your text is blurry on the edges, chances are, you got a monitor with a .25 in the center and .27 or whatever on the edges. It makes for blurry text. Aperture Grille wires are the two lines horizontal across the top and bottom of your screen. Damper wires.
If you've got black spots with a CRT, chances are that during production they missed a few spots while adding the phospor layer :p

Phosphor dots don't die, they fade (after a long time).

Either way, you've got a flawed product. Return it.

Going to return it for sure then...

I have a feeling though they will try to stick me with the 30 dollar "bs" fee for an exchange, and especially for my money back.

So in that case I will simply get my money back and order a different, better monitor.

Someone around here posted this website and monitor...

Oh that brings back memories... I had a Nice KDS 17" flat screen back in the day, when it started to show color changed I said.. " Hell with it" and grabbed my .308 rifle and shot it. When I went down to see the wreaked piece of shit, I saw that on the tube it said, " Life time warrenty" and in small print it also said "If nephron shoots this moniter in any way shape or form because hes a dumbass, the warrenty is invalid" lol..... ...........
sulestis said:

Going to return it for sure then...

I have a feeling though they will try to stick me with the 30 dollar "bs" fee for an exchange, and especially for my money back.
If you want another one, just have them remove the new one from the box, and put the old one in the box. Circuit City will have a box to send back the bad unit and they shouldn't charge the $30 restocking fee.

Brian Elfert
Isn't that monitor a shadow mask monitor, not an aperature grille...
belfert said:
If you want another one, just have them remove the new one from the box, and put the old one in the box. Circuit City will have a box to send back the bad unit and they shouldn't charge the $30 restocking fee.

Brian Elfert

would have done that, except that i decided i hate that monitor

just got back from CC, i'm out 28 bucks, but at least i'm not stuck w/ a monitor that is not only defective, but a piece of junk