Need good lcd to push 7800gtx


Limp Gawd
Jun 4, 2005
So im lovin my 7800.... only problem is, my old nec 17" lcd is killin me by only runnin 1280X1024. So i need somethin new, something that can handel high resolutions. I mainly game on my system so low pixel responce is a must (however mine now is 16ms and its fine)

I was looking at the dell 2005fpw... it doesnt seem that much bigger than my current monitor, just longer.... but does this monitor do high resolutions? also... do many games support its widescreen formats?... bf2?

After seein all the widesreens i really want one, but not if games are not going to run on the full widescreen.

The 2005fpw is 500$ on, thats about how much i want to spend.

SoniCraze said:
So im lovin my 7800.... only problem is, my old nec 17" lcd is killin me by only runnin 1280X1024. So i need somethin new, something that can handel high resolutions. I mainly game on my system so low pixel responce is a must (however mine now is 16ms and its fine)

I was looking at the dell 2005fpw... it doesnt seem that much bigger than my current monitor, just longer.... but does this monitor do high resolutions? also... do many games support its widescreen formats?... bf2?

After seein all the widesreens i really want one, but not if games are not going to run on the full widescreen.

The 2005fpw is 500$ on, thats about how much i want to spend.


Go over to hotdeals. You can usually snag the 2005 for about $400 shipped if you wait a bit. If you got the cash...get a that is why the 7800GTX was made

nVidia #1 : Boys...we have a problem. There is a LCD out there we can't drive properly
nVidia #2 : What is it?
nVidia #1: It is a 24" Widescreen LCD with ~1900x1200 resolution
nVidia #2: That is so hot..we need to get to work on it ASAP.

The native resolution for the 2005fpw is 1680 x 1050. Most newer games all support widescreen as well and older games such as WC3, a simple registry tweak is possile. However, BF2 does not support widescreen resolution but I'm sure there's a workaround for it somewhere on the net.

I have heard some bad things about the 2005fpw, bad backlight bleeding etc... mostly in the corners...
dammit dell credit..... so im aproved for 3k... shit shit shit shit..... so yea looks like ill get the 2405.... crap........ just diggin this debt hole.... shit shit... o well, might as wel....... going to call dell and get it now....
SoniCraze said:
the 24" is 959.20 .... any better price?

Check out the hot deal forum on and bookmark for your coupon needs. Then send me a check for the money I saved you. :p
well.. i just relized if im going to do it with dell finance... i kinda gotta go thru dell....bah.

.24% intrest sucks donkey ballz tho... hrmmmm.
Like the man said , the 7800gtx shines at high res

I run the cs stress text 4x/16x at 97fps and 138fps with opitimazations on. All at 1920 x1200 lol :D