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  1. M

    Blizzard's Heroes of the Storm beta.

    I feel like the only thing lili does decent is heal but has nothing else to offer. She aint the best for competitive as you cant direct the heal. but her output is comparable from when I played her. Overall I love this game for rethinking how MOBAs should be. 20 minutes of NPC juggling...
  2. M

    Halo Online PC Announced - F2P FPS

    PC gamers play halo?
  3. M

    Insurgency (2) - Steam Release

    Your memory is WAYYY off.
  4. M

    Why do you dislike Battlefield Hardline?

    Waiiiiiiit there is a GFWL 2?!?! I thought they learned from the first one that it was a terribad idea and gave up
  5. M

    Why do you dislike Battlefield Hardline?

    It is clearly DLC and doesn't deserve that price. For 20 dollars I'd consider it. I own BF3 and dont see much improvement from that. The beta was unimpressive. Felt like CSGO still has better gun play/maps. Rather not endorse EA and the yearly release program too.
  6. M

    Oceanhorn is coming to Steam. Zelda Windwaker inspired game. Cornerstone song of tyrium has my interest. I like the idea of it but we'll see how it progresses. Think I'll wait for it... maybe.... if the will is strong....
  7. M

    Cities:Skylines Reveal trailer

    I have a similar scenario with cruise ships. got 5 docking all at once its weird.
  8. M

    Cities:Skylines Reveal trailer

    incinerator. once a dump is getting full you can tell it to empty. Click on your dump and click the ... "move to other facility" button. or something like that
  9. M

    Game to end all for the PC Master Race

    will it be vive compatible ?
  10. M

    Cities:Skylines Reveal trailer

    but at least traffic is actually functional. I recall simcity had way more traffic issues. I recall watching firetrucks getting stuck as 2 departments responded to a fire and they permanently cut each other off as the city burned. I'm about 20 hours into this game and all my traffic...
  11. M

    Battlefield Hardline won't repeat BF4's Mistakes

    in all fairness its annoying to have to update the plugin every other day then restart your browser. much rather it all be handled in the application.
  12. M

    HTC RE Vive - SteamVR headset

    VR has a chance, now that graphics have caught up and gaming is a more lucrative business I foresee it doing well but slowly
  13. M

    What the heck happened to Steam?

    Steam works great for me. Got homeworld and besieged as my most recent purchases. Incredibly happy with both.
  14. M

    Gearbox to release Homeworld 1 & 2 HD

    I'll be taking off work to enjoy this beautiful space opera. It amazes me that in 16 years no one has come out with a halfway decent 3D space RTS.... at least not to my knowledge. I recall ORB trying to ride the HW band wagon but failed miserably. I'm excited! but my CE mothership...
  15. M

    Gearbox to release Homeworld 1 & 2 HD

    haha that's the entire point sir. The game is great as it was, they just made the audio/visuals better and re released it so we can enjoy the mesmerizing story/maps in 4K glory. They did improve upon HW1's UI and added a few things to multiplayer.
  16. M

    Battlefield hardline worth it?

    20$ no more than thus. its a watered down Battlefield with a not well carried out premise.
  17. M

    Are written game reviews relevant?

    Metacritic user ratings give me a good understanding of a games worthiness. I never use professional reviews to determine if I might buy a game.
  18. M

    Blizzard's Heroes of the Storm beta.

    Well that's awesome, my biggest gripe with MOBA's is last hitting creeps. COOL you put tedious busy work in a game.... that and ever game seems like it is 30 minutes longer than it needs to be. last hit creeps for 30 mins while doing minor skirmishes with other hoeroes in the lane. I...
  19. M

    Battlefield: Hardline

    even when I heard the concept of cops N robbers battlefield, it just felt bad in my mind.
  20. M

    Battlefield: Hardline

    Agreed X 100 not sure why they are trying to sell this for 50 dollars. Its a weak BF3 mod to me.
  21. M

    Counter Strike: Global Offensive - Worth it?

    its more than worth it for the money. IF you enjoy FPS's with out gimmicks. casual and competitive are fun. Hit detection is leagues better than when I played CSS, the recoil makes the guns feel less like toys. Still an arcadey shooter. If you want real go for ARMA. but a fun...
  22. M

    Gearbox to release Homeworld 1 & 2 HD

    ya think they'll F up a remaster? They're giving it a graphical/audio face lift, Considering how BL1&2 releases have been for me I trust them with enhanced modding. Their biggest problems would bewith NetCode but multiplayer was never the selling point for my homeworld experience.
  23. M

    Counter Strike: Global Offensive

    THIS so much this. I hadn't played for 4-6 months was @ nova 3 I come back and fall to nova 1 and its nothing but smurf accounts and people that quit out halfway through a match. 4 games in a row where I was on a botted team. This is with in the first 3 rounds too. so its not like we are...
  24. M

    Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare

    so this game is still needlessly popular?
  25. M

    Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare

    oh look a cutscene screen shot that is way better than the actual graphics. I want this franchise to die already.
  26. M

    What is everyone playing now?

    Heroes & generals Divinity: orignal sin
  27. M

    UPlay problem

    From a personal history with Uplay good luck with their customer service.
  28. M

    Battleborn (New game from Gearbox)

    They should be concentrating on the homeworld remastering. Not another silly MOBA. I'm super pumped excited pants for that
  29. M

    Battlefield: Hardline

    if its similar to APB but with depth and working mechanics it could be fun. BUT this is EA so it wont be that. Watched the twitch and APB did it better
  30. M

    Anyody remember blade of darkness?

    DO I EVER! I STILL have dreams about that game. god damn I love it. Now I must play it again. The combat/graphics/gore & dismemberment made it legendary. Still nothing quite like it that I've encountered today. It was a pretty serious game that wasn't super forgiving. so immediately I...
  31. M

    Good FPS PC Games?

    CS:GO.... has been my GO TO. hardy har har anyway I enjoy the recoil of the weapons/hit detection and its relativley easy to get into some competitive action. and I can make like a buck 50 a week off of selling the items that drop
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    The Elder Scrolls Online

    played beta weekend for about an hour. combat was loose and emotionless, events lacked thrill. Felt like any other basic RPG re-skinned.
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    Uplay is the WORST POS I've ever encountered. If i know a game is ubisoft I bypass it no matter the appeal. rather play origin or windows live over uplay.
  34. M

    Total War: Rome 2

    will there be strategic multiplayer? Civ style? I know they flirted with the idea back @ empire total war but nothing has advanced since then. If there is its a day one buy for me
  35. M

    Games are getting expensive, $70 for my pre-order,

    simcity was the last straw for me. EA has ruined to many games I cant justify supporting one game that I really enjoy to perpetuate there assembly line of train wrecks
  36. M

    Origin: Roadblock to Gaming or Service to Gamers?

    Games for windows live BRICK WALL origin clumsy detours where every turn tries to take your money. steam highway of manliness
  37. M

    4K Gaming benchmarks at Anandtech :o

    I'm still @ 1680 X 1050 would i even be able to tell the difference between 1080 and 4K on a 25 inch monitor?
  38. M

    Company of Heroes 2

    still doesn't ruin the game. Just something to get used to. Cant play supcom forever ;). I struggle to think of many better modern RTS's.
  39. M

    Company of Heroes 2

    minor amounts less of camera view seem like a no biggie booboo to me. if you like COH1 you dont have any reason not to get it IMO. RTS's are few and far between and for a good ones like this.... I think you're doing more harm by boycotting a great game genre and an otherwise solid game...