Games are getting expensive, $70 for my pre-order,


[H]ipster Replacement
Sep 29, 2001
Decided to just get it now since EA has a pre-order price guarantee and I can still cancel before the game ships.
They are kinda getting out of hand. Call me old school but I love box copys. It gives me a feeling that I physically own the game.
I paid $150 for a collectors edition that turned out to be the same one I can get from a dozen stores right now for $80. Needless to say I sent it back and got the cheaper version.
PC games go down in price quicker then almost any other product so no game is worth $70 unless you plan on playing it for 700+ hours
PC games go down in price quicker then almost any other product so no game is worth $70 unless you plan on playing it for 700+ hours

I'm a sucker for the battlefield games. I don't know what it is, I'll buy it, play it for a dozen or so hours and not play it, then buy the expansions, play them for a dozen hours and then stop playing.
I've got close to 1000 hours in counter strike source and that game was free with my ati 9600xt.
Here's my Origin. The day BF4 becomes playable, I'll add BF4. There's absolutely no reason to be part of the collective interest free loan that people are giving EA and others in this new era of preorder stupidity.

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Here's my Origin. The day BF4 becomes playable, I'll add BF4. There's absolutely no reason to be part of the collective interest free loan that people are giving EA and others in this new era of preorder stupidity.


Best thing to do is preorder the day before release. Gets you all the bonuses without spending any money months in advance.
Best thing to do is preorder the day before release. Gets you all the bonuses without spending any money months in advance.

Yeah thats what I was driving at. I mean its digital download, not like they're going to run out of physical copies. Maybe its a generational thing - younger gamers get some kind of psychological contentment from pre-paying a digital download 9 months early?

$70 for BF4, really? Fuck you, EA.

Much as I hate to say it, BF4 is worth $60, $70, $100 or even $200. Hell if the game was a $30/month subscription I'd pay it. If you're more than a casual player its easy to lose yourself into hundreds of hours with these BF games, especially if you fall into a good clan or group on a teamspeak server, BF is crack and you can lose productivity and hours from your life playing every day with little to nothing to show for it except a full bucket and puddle of tears. That's right.
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It's $70 of you want some extras, like Early Beta access, unlock all the vehicle upgrades, etc..
$60 gives you a little less.
I can wait till BF4 goes on sale.

Exactly right. I have enough games to play to keep me busy until newer games I want hit below the $30 mark, or go on sale on Steam for even lower. The last game I paid full price for was Skyrim and that was only because I knew I'd get several hundred hours of play out of it.
well since I have the premium account on BF3 -- supposedly I get beta access?

Seems a little late in the game for a beta - seeing ask how in around 60 days they are supposed to launch. I'm pissed I missed a sweet ass BF4 deal - was something like 50 dollars to preorder, saw it on slickdeals a while ago. I'm sure another sale will come along.

No sense in giving EA an interest free loan -- just imagine sitting on a few million dollars for 6 months, even at 1% of 5 million, that's 50,000 dollars extra that just magically appears on your bottom line for doing nothing.
simcity was the last straw for me.
EA has ruined to many games
I cant justify supporting one game that I really enjoy to perpetuate there assembly line of train wrecks
Yet hundreds of people on here will still buy it, and claim it's a wonderful game. No one ever changes, no point in bitching about it.
Yet hundreds of people on here will still buy it, and claim it's a wonderful game. No one ever changes, no point in bitching about it.

pretty much.

Last CoD game I actually bought was......fuck......... Call of Duty 2
I'm buying it -- just going to get the best deal I can.

Yeah it's mindless shooting and blowing things up -- but it's fun.

I have around 500 hours in bf3 -- even if you add in the money I paid for premium - that's what 20 cents per hour of entertainment? You can't beat that.
The hacking in the first 6mo, then the map-pack whoring turned me off from BF3, but aside from that I did enjoy it.
The hacking in the first 6mo, then the map-pack whoring turned me off from BF3, but aside from that I did enjoy it.

I never made it that far, I got tired of the hacking before the first DLC hit. Couldn't bring myself to buy premium for what was going to practically fragment the community.
lol... hehe... screw EA.

I gave Path of Exile $150
and I've paid $290 into Star Citizen.

So yeah, fuck EA.
Battlefield 4 had better be a damn good game - single player and multi-player - for $70.
$70 seems a little steep, especially since the Premium with all DLC will cost an additional $50+. This reason alone is why i won't pre-order. I don't give a shit about getting the first DLC a month early. I pre-ordered BF3 just to get the perks of the first DLC "for free" (bullshit), and then they released Premium later on, which includes the DLC I pre-ordered BF3 to get. We all know the premium will be released for BF4, which will include all DLC. I'll just wait for that. I have gotten my moneys worth out of BF3 by far and I expect to get the same from BF4 and I don't mind waiting longer for it.
I never made it that far, I got tired of the hacking before the first DLC hit. Couldn't bring myself to buy premium for what was going to practically fragment the community.

I didn't actually buy the DLC, I left after the hacking, considered getting back into it, but then saw that I would have to get 3 packs at the time just to catch up with the server community.