Battlefield: Hardline

Why keep playing then? Seems a little odd.

seems like you like to always take a hostile tone with anyone who disagrees with your opinion...if someone dislikes a game or has a differing opinion then you then you need to preach how the internet community complains about love Hardline, great enjoy constantly like to preach to everyone about how great every game is, how you'll pay any price and think that everyone needs to follow your lead as a gaming martyr

as for your question...I will keep playing because the Dust Bowl Conquest mode map is entertaining...not fun enough for me to want to buy but good enough to play for free for 5 more days
Why keep playing then? Seems a little odd.

Because he finds it enjoyable enough to play for free but not enjoyable enough to spend his money on. I feel the same way. It's an alright game, I'll play it since it's available for a limited time at no cost to me. Hardly odd to take advantage of free.
Because he finds it enjoyable enough to play for free but not enjoyable enough to spend his money on. I feel the same way. It's an alright game, I'll play it since it's available for a limited time at no cost to me. Hardly odd to take advantage of free.

Agreed. I might give it another go if I get the time before it expires. But don't think I'll miss it when it does.
Ultra isn't ultra yet, I don't believe, as all the textures aren't yet there, that's part of why it's only a 9GB download.

They look bad and the low VRAM usage also kind of gives it away. I expect better at launch. If not.. Wow they suck :O
Played the beta on PS4.
-Gunplay is awful, but then again I played on a console. Explosive weapons feel good though.
-Levels are detailed in the "high tempo" areas, but bland and barren everywhere else
-The Chase-Mode Conquest is probably the most fun mode, but the maps are tiny. Chasing around cars in the same tiny circle got old very fast, I was constantly driving out of limits in the downtown map.

It looks, feels, and plays like a mod; but I'm confident the modding community could do better, imo.
seems like you like to always take a hostile tone with anyone who disagrees with your opinion...if someone dislikes a game or has a differing opinion then you then you need to preach how the internet community complains about love Hardline, great enjoy constantly like to preach to everyone about how great every game is, how you'll pay any price and think that everyone needs to follow your lead as a gaming martyr

as for your question...I will keep playing because the Dust Bowl Conquest mode map is entertaining...not fun enough for me to want to buy but good enough to play for free for 5 more days

Because he expects too much out of a game and is too cheap to support good developers.
Many people made the same claim in BF4, ended up being placebo. I suppose it could be different here, but I don't see why it would be. It's the same engine.

Assumptions aren't really helpful in this case. But thanks.
Assumptions aren't really helpful in this case. But thanks.

Neither are edits to config files that don't actually do anything. The engine is already designed to use 8 cores if you have 8 cores, you don't need to waste your time telling it to do what it already does.
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Game feels like it should have been a mod/xpack.. Maybe I'm spoiled by Dying light graphics but damn this game looks like total crap.. the model lighting terrible.. Played for an hour, and deleted.. this should NOT have the battlefield name either.
Well, uninstalled after about 6 rounds. Nothing good about the game except it shows the cooldown on the vehicle icons. That's all I could come up with.
I have officially gotten bored with it.

The good:
-No endlessly invincible little birds with engi's repairing or OP gunships. Plenty of stingers to pick up on the map as battle pickups that any class can use, and you can fire the second missile shortly after they launch flares usually grounding them or taking them out.
-Unlock system is interesting. A different take on BF3 and BF4's system. It's rewarding to have to earn money to spend on gear rather than them be given to you, but you have to earn the right to unlock them first before you can even buy them.
-Gunplay is fun, but only after you unlock different guns from the base. The base guns are horrid. The Battle Rifles for the support class with angled grip and muzzle brake are laser guns when burst fired, and face raping machines up close. The sub machine guns and shotguns are even more brutal up close, but terrible at anything further than 10-20 meters.
-New game modes other than conquest or deathmatch that mix things up a bit. Hotwire and Heist definitely have potential. I did have a fun time throwing a breaching charge (C4) out the window onto the dashboard of a chasing police cruiser, then watching him whip the wheel to avoid it, then watch the explosion cause the vehicle to do a couple flips. But those moments were rare.
-Hit detection was good. Did not have one instance where I was shot around a corner, but I saw one person complain in chat. A lot of the general weirdness that occurs in BF4 is not present.

The bad:
-Some glaring BF4 bugs remain, but aren't too game breaking. Examples include the old crouch slide all over the map, presenting an impossible hitbox for you to kill as it twitches all over your screen at ground level. Didn't see it occur too often though.
-The maps they chose for Hotwire are boring. Without enough people on the map, and small maps, things get boring quickly. People can go and spawn anywhere on the map, so it ends up as a Nascar race around the outer street loop as the redneck fans shoot eachother in the fairgrounds in the middle. If this is going to be such a ridiculous take on cops and robbers and car chases. They should have hired Michael Bay to come up with some scripted action sequences for these particular maps. I've seen previews of good stuff in promotional vids, why is it so lacking in the beta?
-Maps in the beta are pretty damn small.

3 days in, I'm bored. I'm not sure how to call this one.
even when I heard the concept of cops N robbers battlefield, it just felt bad in my mind.
Maps in the beta are pretty damn small

are some of the maps in the final release going to be bigger?...I'm not expecting BF4 size maps but they need more space, especially with vehicles being an important part of the gameplay...the hyped zipline gadget is kinda corny as well
This game is insanely fun, you people crack me up. I know every game can't be perfect, and this isn't the star citizen circle jerk, but so far this beta has been solid. Hotwire is a hoot, gunplay is fast and fun. Sound design is great. :D
...the hyped zipline gadget is kinda corny as well

in Heist game mode it's extremely useful. makes for some awesome moments when you have a squad carrying the bag as the clock is counting down. you're all rushing up the stairs to the roof, one guy fires the zipline to the extraction point across the street, squad ziplines down with the bag man protected in the middle, narrowly pulling out the win. this happens more often than you'd think. it's good fun :D. one of those few gaming moments that gets the adrenaline pumping.
Hotwire is a hoot

i tried this last night for the first time and it's pretty damn entertaining. it's hard to not crack a smile when you're hanging out of a car holding a grenade launcher, ZZ Top blaring, trying to destroy enemy vehicles with their own dumbasses hanging out of the windows. it's just mindless fun and i didn't expect to like it but i do.
I have officially gotten bored with it.

The bad:
-The maps they chose for Hotwire are boring. Without enough people on the map, and small maps, things get boring quickly. People can go and spawn anywhere on the map, so it ends up as a Nascar race around the outer street loop as the redneck fans shoot eachother in the fairgrounds in the middle. If this is going to be such a ridiculous take on cops and robbers and car chases. They should have hired Michael Bay to come up with some scripted action sequences for these particular maps. I've seen previews of good stuff in promotional vids, why is it so lacking in the beta?

3 days in, I'm bored. I'm not sure how to call this one.
In the downtown map you can take out one of the buildings and it collapses the elevated road underneath it, which changes the strategy up a bit. I got caught in the tanker up top when I first saw this happen. It actually makes it a bit more interesting having to use the lower roads, as it makes for more dangerous choke points and chances for ambush. But I agree that there needs to be more players allowed in Hotwire. The way it is now there is really no incentive to go on foot. With more players it would be more viable for people to set up in the garages to create ambushes than it is now.
I'm really trying to play this beta but I can't stand Normal mode. Why didn't they have Hardcore servers for the beta!? I'll play more this weekend but I really wish I could have gotten a taste for HC. I can't be the only one.
This game is insanely fun, you people crack me up. I know every game can't be perfect, and this isn't the star citizen circle jerk, but so far this beta has been solid. Hotwire is a hoot, gunplay is fast and fun. Sound design is great. :D

I have to admit, I've done a 180 on this game due to hotwire. Been playing with a few squadmates and it is massive fun. Can't stop laughing and the "OMG did you see that" over and over every round.
I also think the Hotwire mode is fun and generates the most cash. However, I see more and more people camping on the sky scraper or just running around rather than getting into the specific cars. I try to tell them, but usually get called some racial slur.../sigh
I tried it out last night for a couple of hours. My first time getting into the game I went to change some settings and it crashed on me. Fire it back up get back in game start to change settings and boom it crashes again. Did a quick reboot and switched from Chrome to IE as my server browser and finally I was able to play. My first thoughts were man this is pretty sweet runs smooth and sounds great but then the gameplay started to sink in. It just feels really bad... as someone else said it feels like a F2P shooter, I tried all three game modes and I just didn't like it. Maybe they will fix some things after the beta but I do not see myself ever buying this game.
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I have to admit, I've done a 180 on this game due to hotwire. Been playing with a few squadmates and it is massive fun. Can't stop laughing and the "OMG did you see that" over and over every round.

Same experience yesterday with some old BF3 buddies on TS - rolling with a medbox + ammobox on the hood, mechanic w/ repair torch + fast repair perk, and we stayed up for a long time. My favorite thing is when you're getting chased by another car and they're 75m-100m out, to throw a grenade in the middle of the road -- when they drive over it the car explodes and things go flying in the direction they were traveling. Its epic if you can time it right, always made for some laughs. Looks like something out of an action movie.

The roadside Breaching Charge campers are getting a little tiring though, as more trolls realize they can instantly resupply their own C4 with no cooldown, and so they just camp. I imagine Visceral is going to have to tone that down before the retail game so Hotwire doesn't end up a ghost town.
This game is insanely fun, you people crack me up. I know every game can't be perfect, and this isn't the star citizen circle jerk, but so far this beta has been solid. Hotwire is a hoot, gunplay is fast and fun. Sound design is great. :D
It definitely has its moments. Overall, the beta is solid, its remarkably stable, and they eliminated most bugs from BF4 which it shares so much with.

When I say I'm bored with it, I mean I felt like I can't do anything else with the Beta, that I've experienced it all. As I said, I'm on the fence.

In the downtown map you can take out one of the buildings and it collapses the elevated road underneath it, which changes the strategy up a bit. I got caught in the tanker up top when I first saw this happen. It actually makes it a bit more interesting having to use the lower roads, as it makes for more dangerous choke points and chances for ambush. But I agree that there needs to be more players allowed in Hotwire. The way it is now there is really no incentive to go on foot. With more players it would be more viable for people to set up in the garages to create ambushes than it is now.
Hotwire with 64 players would be amazing. They could add 2-3 more cars to steal also. People would setup road blocks, huge car chases, ambushes on the overpasses, etc. I just didn't see that happen too often. Dust Bowl is a terrible Hotwire map because it turns into a NASCAR race around the oval and people are spread too thin with 32 players. Downtown was much better. I didn't know there was levolution on that map that drops the bridge.

Alright you guys, I will give it a couple more nights. Maybe I will find some more stuff to do.
I can't launch the game with a 64 bit browser?
What kind of joke is this? Battlelog is still complete shit.
I can't launch the game with a 64 bit browser?
What kind of joke is this? Battlelog is still complete shit.

I have been using BattleLog with Google Chrome since it was released with BF3 almost 4 years ago. It works perfectly fine. The plugin isn't 64bit though, but it works just fine with IE, FF and Chrome as long as you aren't using the 64 bit versions.

To be fair, there are a bunch of other programs, plugins, and sometimes even websites that don't work with 64 bit web browsers. 64bit web browsers have not hit mainstream, wide adoption yet. The strongest indicator of this is even Microsoft still splits the versions out and the default browser in Win 7 and Win 8 is still, you guessed it, Internet Explorer 32bit.

So calling Battlelog complete shit because of that issue is a bit naive. You could have come up with any other reason to call it complete shit and it would be more justifiable than this one. But good luck with that, Battlelog itself is very stable and easy to use, even if the EA servers and the games that use it are not.
It doesn't work perfectly fine if people are still having problems with it and considering the alternative that always works it is a giant POS. A in game browser works for everyone all the time no matter how they decide to use or configure their own personal internet browser.
Wow OK, sorry to hurt you guys feelings.
Server browser should be in game, not external browser. Game sucks anyway.
I think the game is fine as is. There is enough fun and content to hold me over for a long time. I just have a hunch that GTA V on the PC is going to overshadow it for 6 months or so. The really good thing is that Battlefield games have such longevity that I can grab this later on and still have fun.
It doesn't work perfectly fine if people are still having problems with it and considering the alternative that always works it is a giant POS. A in game browser works for everyone all the time no matter how they decide to use or configure their own personal internet browser.
Lol. This argument again? I thought we hashed this out back in 2010-2011. Where have you guys been? The Battlefield Bad Company 2 in-game browser was so horrendous, when BF3 was finally released with Battlelog it was a great change of pace.

1. They can update the game and battlelog separately.
2. Battlelog plugin is easier for them to create and diverts less resources for the dev team when they are dealing with a website rather than a special in-game browser. As bad as DICE Sweden did things with initial BF3 and BF4 releases, they need all the help they can get. Visceral also has a lot of work to do on Hardline. Hopefully
3. It allows you to queue up a game, then browse the forums or other websites while your waiting to get in game. Especially handy when your favorite configured server has several people waiting to connect.
4. It connects to all the Battlelog games at once so its a one stop to see friends playing BF3, BF4, MOH, or BFH and join on them.
5. Battlelog doesn't use much resources, but even if it did, no one gives a fuck in the days of quad-core processors, SSD's, and gigabytes of RAM. If your computer can't handle that small bit of multi-tasking then it likely can't handle the game itself.
6. You may need Battlelog to launch multiplayer, but once in game Battlelog is accessible from inside the game. Been that way since BF3.

Also, what problems are you having with it? I have had none recently. The only problem I have had, had to do with Chrome itself and allowing plugins. There is a flaw with your argument. When there is a problem with Battlelog, it doesn't necessarily affect everyone. When there is a problem with an in-game browser (e.g. BFBC2), then it affects everyone.

Wow OK, sorry to hurt you guys feelings.
Server browser should be in game, not external browser. Game sucks anyway.
Hurt our feelings? LMAO. Your post reads like you are the one who is butthurt by trying to get the last word with that short "Game sucks anyways". Sounds like you want to take your ball with you when you leave.

Right now I'm open to all sorts of opinions on the game itself. You people bitching about battlelog need to simply avoid Battlefield games altogether since EA has made it clear with 3 Battlefield titles and 2 MOH titles that it isn't going anywhere.
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