Company of Heroes 2

I thought they were going to fix the FoV

the zoom wheel doesn't even work anymore

I really do like the sound effects so far - the cannons and explosions have a very punchy impact and the MG sounds are spot on accurate. The incendiary rounds and aerial assaults are visually impressive, but I still think the overall units can get lost in the background way too often. I find at least a few times each game where I have this sniper just standing there, obscured by a tree or something. CoH 1 didn't offer a tall treeline to lose sight of units, but it happens often in CoH 2.

After knowing the units and weaponry of CoH 1 like the back of my hand, it now takes some time for one to acquaint oneself with the proper counter. The mortars still feel OP just a bit, but I understand they were even worse over the closed beta. I just don't use them that often, preferring snipers and bunkers as my means of locking down a sector.

I wish I had a count on the number of Skirmish matches I've played in CoH1 and Eastern Front. It literally has to number near 1,000. I figure whatever they want to charge me, I will pay it and eat up all of the DLC they want to feed me. I'm also a WWII nut since I was a kid - I collect 1/72 and 1/32 scale WWII armor as well, so this game appeals to me like no other. It pains me to say I am considering dropping $100 on the DCE, and TBH I had hoped for more from the game, but I will probably buy it.

@jojo69 - my mouse zooming works. Anyone else have it NOT work ??
Loved CoH 1. But no SLI support? Won't even consider getting this then. GG Relic.

The bad part is it really demands SLI because of the graphics. The game is a beast to run maxed out at 1440p, I think even a Titan would struggle to keep a constant 60 fps.
I finally played a match last night - was fun. I was playing as Germans: while the tanks are tough as hell, the sheer numbers of Russian infantry is tough to counter. I ended up teaming Panthers and Ostwinds to counter T34 and infantry spam. :eek:
Played a round where I quick built tanks. Apparently that's how you win.

Not really, it's =totally situational, and a lot depends on what side you're playing. As it stands now, Russian infantry is OP in early game, German tanks are superior in late game. You play accordingly. If you're playing RU it means using superior infy to keep germans off fuel to starve the monster before their tank plan gets off the ground.

Success against human opponents also depends on not simply playing one side exclusively, but playing both sides so you develop an intimate knowledge of each one's strengths and weaknesses. Being a good RU player means being a better German player because you know the counters. And vice versa.
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This was free on STeam this weekend. I played it maybe 10 minutes and was just turned of by it.
Not really, it's =totally situational, and a lot depends on what side you're playing. As it stands now, Russian infantry is OP in early game, German tanks are superior in late game. You play accordingly. If you're playing RU it means using superior infy to keep germans off fuel to starve the monster before their tank plan gets off the ground.

Success against human opponents also depends on not simply playing one side exclusively, but playing both sides so you develop an intimate knowledge of each one's strengths and weaknesses. Being a good RU player means being a better German player because you know the counters. And vice versa.

are there only two sides?
are there only two sides?

Yes. This game covers the eastern front during WWII, so germans and russians. Even in the original COH there was only the US and Germans. It wasn't until later expansions that the British and panzer elite were brought in. But even knowing that it wouldn't be historically accurate, I really miss the US and panzer elite. Those were my main factions in COH1. I would love to seem them brought back into COH2 at some point. Not in any single player campaign but just for skirmishes.

Also, I can't tell if I'm getting bored with COH2 or if I'm just tired of the same maps. I played some 3v3 games yesterday with friends and I got bored pretty quickly.
Also, I can't tell if I'm getting bored with COH2 or if I'm just tired of the same maps. I played some 3v3 games yesterday with friends and I got bored pretty quickly.

I think the problem is maybe youbve just spent too much time in the beta's (you play then closed beta too?l, with their 5 measily maps. I know that's my problem. I'm trying to ignore the game for now, release is right around the corner. If I play the open beta until then, get stat wiped for a third time with the reset, I'm gonna be pretty underwhelmed on release day.
@jojo69 - my mouse zooming works. Anyone else have it NOT work ??

when i tried it i could only zoom out so far - felt very claustrophobic to me... i'd pass on that alone (i am intrigued by wwii as well but not to that extent)
Love the game but two things hold me back from paying $60 for it...

#1 no SLI support and
#2 no zoom feels too close and claustrophobic and previously mentioned.
I have to admit to being underwhelmed by the beta, but .. it's CoH2, so I bought the DCE. I am a total sucker for WWII battles, and I spent a lot of my youth in a dirt pile with my green army men playing these same battles.

I have to give huge props to the Eastern Front devs for their mod - it's an amazing mod and the time and effort invested should be rewarded thusly. If you are a CoH1 fan, you need to try the Eastern Front mod and see how seamlessly they were able to integrate the Soviets into that game.

I've read countless complaints on the max zoom of this game, but I also read that it was set the same as CoH1, so what's the deal ? I have noticed it, but it doesn't annoy me so much as the friendly AI that fails to focus on the more lethal opponent when it engages multiple enemies.
Love the game but two things hold me back from paying $60 for it...

#1 no SLI support and
#2 no zoom feels too close and claustrophobic and previously mentioned.


even worse than the original which needed the "camera.lua" mod to increase the FOV

totally unplayable for me, stupid and frustrating
I downloaded and played for about an hour this weekend. Like others have stated, I hate the fact that you can't zoom out more. You constantly have to pan around to get a full view of the battlefield. If they don't fix that, they won't be getting my money. Was going to preorder, but not now.
When I play rts I like to get right in there with the camera to see all the particulate and blood flying around and what not, But yeah I would have to agree, a zoom option is necessary for a strategy game. I bet if they get enough constructive criticism from the community they'll include it in.
minor amounts less of camera view seem like a no biggie booboo to me.

if you like COH1 you dont have any reason not to get it IMO. RTS's are few and far between and for a good ones like this.... I think you're doing more harm by boycotting a great game genre and an otherwise solid game.

you dont find this level of complexity in most games these days I support it all the way.

simcity and diablo 3 sell millions of copies and give you WAY less game experience. I just dont get it.
^ What he said. the camera view has been that way since COH1, its just part of the design of the game, this isn't supreme commander.

the campaign also looks like it's going to be a blast, as is the new theater of war mode. been waiting for the final release for a long time.
I agree that the camera thing isn't a big deal. Though at the same time it does bug me a little. In some maps (mainly the 8 player one) the higher altitude areas seem too close to the camera for my taste. You see to end up in odd position of being able to see very little of what is in the center of your screen but a lot of what is at the edges.

Either way, that wasn't enough to stop me from pre ordering it months ago.
i just watched 5 seconds of a youtube video to see what all the fuss is about... and yea, that camera is pretty fucked up. The viewing angle is more severe and it's more zoomed in too (not by a lot, but enough to feel claustrophobic):



COH 1 zoom was much better. Don't know why people are saying they are the same zoom level. You could zoom out much farther on part 1. In those videos, pause both at capture points for scale.

Speaking of COH 1, installing now for a replay.
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still doesn't ruin the game. Just something to get used to.

Cant play supcom forever ;). I struggle to think of many better modern RTS's.
still doesn't ruin the game. Just something to get used to.

Cant play supcom forever ;). I struggle to think of many better modern RTS's.

All I can remember about that game was that it was hard. I need to reinstall and play it again.
Automatch currently broken for anyone else?

Worked fine yesterday, but now it's getting stuck at "Please wait... Match found, connecting to other players". Sometimes it'll reset and go back to searching but it almost immediately goes right back to that.
FWIW.. Due to "strong demand" they extended the open beta to June 23, added the beginning of the campaign to the open beta so you can play that, and added some maps to the MP. Obviously its more of a "marketing beta" at this point a.k.a. demo but they also said any MP progression will be carried over to the retail release if you order within 60 days of the beta ending. And here I was intentionally avoiding MP because I didn't want to get stat wiped for a third time (I played closed beta too).

I'm playing the campaign now. I also see they laid in all the tutorial missions so new players can go through them before the game launches. Not you dont have to buy the game to do all this, should already be in your steam library as free title for a few more days.
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It is my considered opinion that supcom has yet to be surpassed, certainly not by this

Was a joke. But they're certainly different games, I'm not sure CoH is necessarily trying to "surpass" SupCom
I'm not asking for SupCom levels of zoom, just let me zoom out a little more please? Heck even Command & Conquer wasn't this bad.

Also, until they add SLI support this is definitely a no-buy for me. I could learn to deal with the claustrophobic feeling but no SLI in 2013 are you kidding me?
I'm not asking for SupCom levels of zoom, just let me zoom out a little more please? Heck even Command & Conquer wasn't this bad.

Also, until they add SLI support this is definitely a no-buy for me. I could learn to deal with the claustrophobic feeling but no SLI in 2013 are you kidding me?

I'd be extremely surprised if there wasn't a camera mod 2 days after release if it's really that big a deal to people.
I'm not asking for SupCom levels of zoom, just let me zoom out a little more please? Heck even Command & Conquer wasn't this bad.

Also, until they add SLI support this is definitely a no-buy for me. I could learn to deal with the claustrophobic feeling but no SLI in 2013 are you kidding me?

agreed. i dont have my 2nd 670 yet but considering what im hearing from people i wont touch this until they add sli and i get a 2nd cause the performance @ 1440p is supposed to be god awful
I didn't have a problem with the camera. I did however with the graphics. I'm surprised it doesn't look better than this. A PC exclusive with apparently DX11 features and it looks like a game from 5-10 years ago.
I didn't have a problem with the camera. I did however with the graphics. I'm surprised it doesn't look better than this. A PC exclusive with apparently DX11 features and it looks like a game from 5-10 years ago.

Show me an RTS with better graphics.
Show me an RTS with better graphics.

I think StarCraft 2 looks better.

