Counter Strike: Global Offensive - Worth it?

The only flaw in CSGO with the netcode department is locking server FPS to the tickrate which 99% of the servers run a 64 tick. I had a 128 tick CSGO server running 1000FPS during the closed beta and it felt as good as source. Its been awful since they locked FPS to tickrate.
Then they need to take all the prediction shit out, it was far better that way. I don't see why any prediction would be needed with sub 50 ping.

The game would be literally unplayable without prediction. Go disable cl_predict, all your movement / gun fire being delayed is disgusting.

You probably meant lag compensation, and no - it's far too useful despite edge cases where weird shit happens.
pretty much everyone who was around those times when the changes started taking place hated it, many quit cs after beta .7 because of it. Nobody likes getting killed after you take cover around a corner. Your opinion is not shared by many.

Tough shit for them, it's a visual artifact, not an actual problem. They would have been dead anyway if the killer had lower latency. It just happened late.
Then they need to take all the prediction shit out, it was far better that way. I don't see why any prediction would be needed with sub 50 ping.
At 50ms, you're at three frames of latency. People complain incessantly about the tiniest things, like > 8ms gray-to-gray pixel response times and a handful of milliseconds in input latency. Three frames of latency is like trying to play while suspended in molasses, relatively speaking.

It's fine for LAN play, where you can achieve fairly consistent sub-15ms latency (you could feasibly always get the next update to the client prior to the next frame being ready to be stamped out), but would be a bad idea for internet play. There's a reason id released QuakeWorld :)
Game is still fun. Coming from someone who has poured about 700 hours back into source, they changed a lot of the mechanics. EG crouching vs standing recoil. Game is relatively easy to pick up and difficult to master.

People on [H] tend to get together and bitch about any and every game. Give it a shot.
quakeworld was fine I'm not saying it needs to be completely undone, like I said originally I don't know exactly what changed. Everyone was happy before prediction got crazy excessive though.
I'm by no means a netcode expert, but I don't think it's possible for client prediction to be "crazy excessive". As implemented in QuakeWorld and in Source, it's a binary thing. It's either on or it's off. The prediction interpolation appears to be tweakable in Source, but tweaking it won't resolve any of the issues you have with it.

Maybe what you don't actually like is latency compensation. There's apparently also a boolean cvar for this as well, which would presumably get you back to the Quake-esque "you have to lead your targets" world. Why someone might want that isn't clear to me. I think Valve only allows clients to disable it as a non-cheat because doing so only disadvantages those players.
I remember the 75000 kills I have in GO, it works pretty well
CSGO is fantastic. It is what I play now.
My friends and I play on ESEA league and I queue up for matchmaking games every night. Sometimes I queue solo and sometimes with a friend or two. As you would expect, some people are jerks, but they become more and more rare as you progress through the ranks.
Valve's development team listens to the community very well and patches bugs or adds features sometimes in the same week that they are requested.
Does anyone know if zombie maps from CS:S made it over to CS:GO? I used to play a bit of them in college, and I wouldn't mind jumping in a few such matches now if they're still up.
I dunno i cant get the hang of this version..

Beta -> 1.6 was fine, 1.6 -> Source, Took a tad bit of "re calibration"

But this shit.. Dunno if its all the "cartoonish" textures.. or what, i cant play it..

Ill leave it for the consoles..
I dunno i cant get the hang of this version..
Beta -> 1.6 was fine, 1.6 -> Source, Took a tad bit of "re calibration"
But this shit.. Dunno if its all the "cartoonish" textures.. or what, i cant play it..
Ill leave it for the consoles..

I ditched at 1.6, hated that one. Source was a slight adjustment but not too bad and GO... took a few hours to get the hang of it but its not too bad. Does take an adjustment. I dislike how portions are dumbed down and not thought out well but on the whole it is a net improvement.

If you liked the others give it a chance :)
I ditched at 1.6, hated that one. Source was a slight adjustment but not too bad and GO... took a few hours to get the hang of it but its not too bad. Does take an adjustment. I dislike how portions are dumbed down and not thought out well but on the whole it is a net improvement.

If you liked the others give it a chance :)

I loved source so CS: GO will probably be a breath of fresh air from what I'm reading.
I'm trying to decide if I want to invest in this.

I played CS in college (since the original release). This was pre-steam, so I can't check, but I probably have thousands and thousands of hours in it. Used to run one of the most popular public servers on the web in College. was fun.

Upon source's release, I upgraded my servers to source, and countinued hosting them and playing for a few years, but then I gradually dropped off for 5 years or so. In 2011 I picked it up again, and still enjoyed it, but dropped off again as well.

Trying to decide if I want to buy GO.

I heard they shrunk the maps, and remove some alternate paths, which kind of stinks. My favorite style was to try to sneak around unsuspected ways and surprise people.

Is there nothing between competitive and unlimited money modes?

I liked having some level of earning cash involved, but can rarely commit to competitive matches anymore as my time and schedule are unpredictable. (maybe can squeeze in a few minutes here or there, but never know when I am needed for family duty, and have to disconnect)

With unlimited cash, I bet everything just turns into an AWP fest...
Well, I went ahead and bought it, and played around with it for a couple of hours yesterday:

Here is my take, as a former CS addict not having played for a couple of years (since GO was launched).

It's still Counter-Strike, with all (both positive and negative) that this implies.

Graphics are improved over Source, but not significantly so. Let's say we have gone from 2003 era graphics to 2006 era graphics. While things generally render better, there is a very slight cartoonish look to everything, which some might find annoying, but you get over it.

Video card requirements are still very light. My two year old Titan is able to max everything with 8x CSAA AND FSAA turned on, and still consistently render well over 100fps at 2560x1600...

Would have been nice if they had taken the opportunity ti improve it some, but I guess not.

While most things are the same, there are minor map tweaks. I haven't encountered anything that has really bothered me thus far. As opposed to Source on launch, many of your favorite maps have been properly ported. There appears to be a decent selection.

Some things that do bother me a little are on the gun side:
- Why the hell did they change the gun names? (How can it me CS, if I can't do a TMP rush! :p )
- I tend to be a CS gun purist. If it wasn't there by beta 8, I'd prefer it not to be there, and I want the gun names to be the same too. None of this famas/galil and whatever else bs.
- Colt no longer seems to come with silencer (but there is a way to get it, haven't figured out how yet)
- Custom textures for guns: Really Valve? You had to go all Call of Duty on this one?

People have complained about hit box issues. I'm not sure it is actually the case (then again, people have complained about hitbox issues in CS since 1999). I'm certainly not hitting as well as I used to, but I'm also VERY out of practice.

The new Competitive mode is a nice touch for those who don't play competitively, but still want that experience.

I've always tended to prefer the pub experience though, but the "classic casual" game mode goes too easy, IMHO, and round times are very very short...

The new game modes (Arms race / demolition / deathmatch) are fun for a few minutes I guess, but they get old very quickly. While they are new to CS proper, stuff like this has existed for a long time as server plugins/mods.

In the grand scheme of things, it's still CS, and I enjoy it for some quick mindless fun, when I don't want to play a more serious FPS like Red Orchestra. It still plays to my 1999-2003 college nostalgia when I played way too much of this and ran a few servers, but some of the changes (notably guns and gun names) reduce the nostalgic pleasure a bit, which is unfortunate.
More serious FPS? CS:GO is about as serious as it gets atm.

CS:GO is great because it sticks with the CS formula, adding just enough to make it feel new. Things have to change some, otherwise it wouldn't be a different game, and everyone would still just be playing CS:S.

I told myself I wouldn't mess with any of the skin nonsense but I eventually fell prey, what can I say, I like em. The operations are all different and unique, they offer more than just additional maps for significantly less than other FPS's DLC's. They cost money but 99% of the time you can sell the new cases and/or the skins you get from missions and get your money back. If you don't want to use skins then just keep the money for the next operation.

edit: Also, you get the M4A1-S and USP dropped to you as you play.
More serious FPS? CS:GO is about as serious as it gets atm.

CS:GO is great because it sticks with the CS formula, adding just enough to make it feel new. Things have to change some, otherwise it wouldn't be a different game, and everyone would still just be playing CS:S.

I told myself I wouldn't mess with any of the skin nonsense but I eventually fell prey, what can I say, I like em. The operations are all different and unique, they offer more than just additional maps for significantly less than other FPS's DLC's. They cost money but 99% of the time you can sell the new cases and/or the skins you get from missions and get your money back. If you don't want to use skins then just keep the money for the next operation.

edit: Also, you get the M4A1-S and USP dropped to you as you play.

I didn't mean more serious from a competition perspective.

I couldn't give a damn about clans and competitions.

I meant more serious from a first person realism war sim type perspective.

I love CS, and have been playing it since 1999 (with a few notable breaks) but I do have to admit, it really is kind of a silly run and gun game, and that's great sometimes, when I just want to jump in and have fun.
Zarathustra[H];1041372255 said:
I didn't mean more serious from a competition perspective.

I couldn't give a damn about clans and competitions.

I meant more serious from a first person realism war sim type perspective.

I love CS, and have been playing it since 1999 (with a few notable breaks) but I do have to admit, it really is kind of a silly run and gun game, and that's great sometimes, when I just want to jump in and have fun.

Naw if you want realism you may one to try that wwi trencher thats on steam right now "Verdun" or something like that. CSGO is an Esport game. It's a FPS sport game. More about speed timing and strategy in arena maps. It's become more competitive over time. even the non-competitive rotation maps are mostly geared towards competitive matches. They just Rebuilt "De_train" digging it so far.
Worth it? Nope.

I regret even spending $4.99 on it. It's boring as hell. I can play it for maybe 15 minutes before having to move on to something else.
I like the theme music of the game and the players talking to each other about how cool this game is.
It's worth buying even if you don't intend on playing it much. It's a game that can greatly improve your hand-eye coordination/reflexes for other games. I'll usually hop in and play some CS deathmatch if I haven't played any games in awhile, it will help me get back in the groove to perform well in every game.

The game also has some good team building aspects to it which can really help you and your friends improve your teamwork skills. If you have any gaming friends.

As a game, CS:GO isn't something I would invest a lot of time into, I did put around 100-200 hours into competitive and ranked to LE but fell down to MG1/2 a few times due to loss streaks. There is also overwatch if you don't feel like actually playing you can watch replays and decide if someone is cheating etc.

I probably won't play it much anymore because I strayed away from multiplayer games completely over the last 6 months. The only one I play these days is Chivalry and Insurgency on and off very occasionally.

But if you're concerned if CS:GO is a good/bad game, you have nothing to worry about especially at its price.
Its not serious at all.

The problem is the whole game is the kind of run and gun game you should be able to hop in and hop out of while you're inbetween the latest AAA title or dont have time to sit down for an hour+ for a more "serious" title.

Where that falls short is when you've been playing CS since beta, so you're decent at the game and all the modes besides competitive are too easy, over too quickly and overall a waste of time. So then you have the competitive mode where you're actually challenged as a FPS player, but then you've committed to a 90 minute match which goes against the less "serious" gameplay style in the first place. Add on top of that the terrible community that rivals leage of ledgends players and the whole experience is a lot less fun than it was in the glory days.
Its not serious at all.

The problem is the whole game is the kind of run and gun game you should be able to hop in and hop out of while you're inbetween the latest AAA title or dont have time to sit down for an hour+ for a more "serious" title.

Where that falls short is when you've been playing CS since beta, so you're decent at the game and all the modes besides competitive are too easy, over too quickly and overall a waste of time. So then you have the competitive mode where you're actually challenged as a FPS player, but then you've committed to a 90 minute match which goes against the less "serious" gameplay style in the first place. Add on top of that the terrible community that rivals leage of ledgends players and the whole experience is a lot less fun than it was in the glory days.

You can still get the same old good experience - I think - by finding a good server with like minded and similarly skilled people, and just play pub for fun.

It may take a little while to find one, and when you do, it may not be the server with the best ping, but it can be rewarding.
What I really like about the game is there is no leveling up. You don't have to play for hours to get the good weapons and perks. I hardly ever get a game when it first comes out, so I'm always behind in mp. There is nothing worse then getting owned by a person just because they have better weapons or perks, that's just lame.

I take a break from this game to play the aaa titles.
I started playing it a couple days ago and I suck so bad, but getting a little better each time.

The thing I hate about these type of games is that the community is so shit, which really kills the game for me, but I guess I need to find a decent group of people to play with.
If you're "running and gunning" you're either not doing it right or just playing in casual pubs.

Sky add me on steam. I don't have as much time lately, but I'll help ya out if you want.

I saw run and gun and stopped reading.


Really? Lol. Not serious? Its basically the only competitive FPS out there. Please don't even consider mentioning the COD or BF series.
The main thing that I don't like about the CS series in general is that it becomes the same old same old after a while. The maps are very closed off and offer very little possibility in ingenuity when it comes to strategy at the competitive level due to there only being around a total of 4 different entrances into the A/B sites on each map.
If you're saying this game is a "run and gun" game, you are bad at CS.

This is THE competitive FPS.

This game at full price is 15 bucks. I have over 350 hours into this game alone not counting the other 2. It's still fun and still hilarious
If you're saying this game is a "run and gun" game, you are bad at CS.

This is THE competitive FPS.

This game at full price is 15 bucks. I have over 350 hours into this game alone not counting the other 2. It's still fun and still hilarious

If you are interested in why I consider it a "run and gun" game, you should try playing a single game of "Red Orchestra 2" in the realism game mode.

There is no doubt CS is a competitive game, and has been for 15 years, but it is still a game where players can run at comically fast speeds, instantly stop and steady their weapons and fire, where cover is of limited value compared to games who take the realism factor more seriously.

It's a fast paced, twitchy FPS, in other words, run and gun. :p

I love it for what it is (otherwise I wouldn't be playing it again 16 years after first trying it, and 10 years after shutting down my servers). I think it is great for a quick relaxing fun game, when I don't want to dedicate time or effort.
I saw run and gun and stopped reading.


Really? Lol. Not serious? Its basically the only competitive FPS out there. Please don't even consider mentioning the COD or BF series.

Serious and competitive are not the same thing. :p

I have to admit, I always found esports, clanmatches and such rather silly. (in other words, the opposite of serious) :p

To me serious is a game that takes the simulation and realism to higher levels and is less about fast action. Maybe you crawl for 10 minutes in tall grass before squeezing off your first shot, looking down the iron sights of your rifle, followed by manually rebolting. Not using iron sights means no croashairs.

By comparison, CS is nice, light, entertaining gaming, that Ic an just hop into and out of whenever, without any time committment.
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I've found cover to be more important in CSGO than any other FPS I've played. Good placement and angles are crucial.
Well, I've been playing GO for about a week now, after not having played since Source.

Many things are much improved, but I feel like it has ruined the aspect of CS I really loved.

The auto server joining matchmaking thing sure makes it easy to join a server, but it has downsides too. Because it is so easy, noone is forced to go to community servers anymore, leaving many of them empty a lot of the time.

The part of CS I loved was just having a regular pub server (sort of like a regular bar) where you could always log in and the people you know would be playing. Because everyone just auto joins valves servers these days, there aren't enough people to keep these servers alive when the regulars aren't on, so they just stay empty, because if one or two regulars join there aren't enough people to play.

This is too bad.

It feels kind of hollow and lacking in community to just play with randoms every time I play...
its more than worth it for the money. IF you enjoy FPS's with out gimmicks.

casual and competitive are fun. Hit detection is leagues better than when I played CSS, the recoil makes the guns feel less like toys. Still an arcadey shooter. If you want real go for ARMA.

but a fun cheap good FPS it is. What I enjoy about it most is that they are still tweaking maps to make them more balanced. The development of it is still active and thats a big plus.
Coming from that crappy game AW I decided to try CSGO because I noticed it had 320,000 players at times when AW only had 4,000. So what's the big deal? I went to find out.

The typical game type is like the COD version of search and destroy but I know CS was first in the day.

CSGO casual play is very social and there is usually lots of mic activity and the quality is good. Now there are some people you would rather not hear speak but for the most part players seem to be having fun.

Guns are smoking hot when fired and the sounds are good.

Lots of neat little things to get used to that make you feel like you are a world above the noobs.

I like to play because I get to surf the web after I die and wait for the next round. It gives me a rest and lets me think about what I need to do that day or buy or research, then I can play another round real fast.

It's a good game and the total player count proves it. Just be sure to learn how to mute someone because you will need to use it on occasion.

The only problem I see is there is a map vote at the end of each match.. best out of 15? Something like that then a vote. The regulars always seem to only play certain maps and it tends to feal like rinse and repeat. I would like to play some of the maps they never vote for but it never seems to happen. I guess I have to take their word for it they suck.
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