Blizzard's Heroes of the Storm beta.

You can rebind keys in options->hotkeys->advanced

but not the camera movement, right? cause i didnt see that when i tried a couple of weeks ago.
also: learning a new moba after playing thousands of hours in dota seems like such a chore, however good it might be
is it just me or does melee seem pretty gimp? i dont feel that most of the melee characters i have played are very OP even up close compared to others, and considering this game is lacking some of the things that make melee worthwhile in DOTA, i just don't get it. am i wrong?
but not the camera movement, right? cause i didnt see that when i tried a couple of weeks ago.
also: learning a new moba after playing thousands of hours in dota seems like such a chore, however good it might be

options->hotkeys->advanced->camera(expand)->scroll up/down/left/right

unless its a recent additions? I don't know. Just opened it to check lol...

I don't know about other Blizzard games but its like Starcraft 2, the key binding system seems really robust especially compared to the DOTA 2 and LoL from what I remember.
is it just me or does melee seem pretty gimp? i dont feel that most of the melee characters i have played are very OP even up close compared to others, and considering this game is lacking some of the things that make melee worthwhile in DOTA, i just don't get it. am i wrong?

Melee characters are not gimp, they are pretty good where they are at. Generally melee are pretty much warrior class. Johanna and Muradin is probably top of the heap in terms of tank/damage output.

Illidan is a VERY good hero if you know how to use him, alas not very many people do. He's an absolute beast in the right hands.
Zeratul was my favorite melee class but he got hit with the nerf stick rather early on in beta :( RIP my space rogue
Melee characters are not gimp, they are pretty good where they are at. Generally melee are pretty much warrior class. Johanna and Muradin is probably top of the heap in terms of tank/damage output.

Illidan is a VERY good hero if you know how to use him, alas not very many people do. He's an absolute beast in the right hands.

Care to elaborate on Illidan? I'm just curious as to what I'm missing. I spent some time playing as Tyrael this week and I have just found him pretty lackluster I guess?
Care to elaborate on Illidan? I'm just curious as to what I'm missing. I spent some time playing as Tyrael this week and I have just found him pretty lackluster I guess?

He's an assassin which means high damage but low survivability. He can ambush and deal a lot of damage as well as great chase ability. His transformation also helps recover health and deal out more damage or escape. I believe he's a tier 1 character currently.
im rank 48... and i've been playing this game since closed beta.... my only gripe and complain is if a disconnect occurs, you will need to spend time fast forwarding through a replay to connect to the game and play....... if the game finishes before you load back in... it counts as a leave... how the hell can they release a game when they haven't even finished the reconnecting method.....?
Yeah I don't understand the fast forward part; why doesn't it just stick you back in control of the character at whatever point the AI had it in?

Illidan is very great because of his closing ability/speed. You can't get away from him that easily. That being said, I have a hard time playing him because of the discipline you need to do all of that at the right time. To easy to chase someone back into more teammates, or just get that one more kill...
Yeah I don't understand the fast forward part; why doesn't it just stick you back in control of the character at whatever point the AI had it in?

Illidan is very great because of his closing ability/speed. You can't get away from him that easily. That being said, I have a hard time playing him because of the discipline you need to do all of that at the right time. To easy to chase someone back into more teammates, or just get that one more kill...

Thats not that much different than any other assassin. Nova for example you have to be extremely careful as to when you reveal yourself in a fight. Shes extremely key in positioning and knowing the talent choices. A lot of times shes more focused on popping into a fight and hitting her snipe combo and then getting back out to stealth out of vision then popping back in. If you stay revealed an entire fight your most certainly going to die. Same with illidan, If you stay in melee range an entire fight your gonna die. Assassins are meant to be squishy and position/play style dependent.
Yeah, learning the strategy of the slow health grind, when to go for a kill, etc. Still completely new to moba, a lot going on even in the simpler HotS.
Thats not that much different than any other assassin. Nova for example you have to be extremely careful as to when you reveal yourself in a fight. Shes extremely key in positioning and knowing the talent choices. A lot of times shes more focused on popping into a fight and hitting her snipe combo and then getting back out to stealth out of vision then popping back in. If you stay revealed an entire fight your most certainly going to die. Same with illidan, If you stay in melee range an entire fight your gonna die. Assassins are meant to be squishy and position/play style dependent.

Illidan is far from squishy though, he can take just as much as he dishes out. He's basically zero risk if played right. You just have to know when to pick your battles.
Illidan is far from squishy though, he can take just as much as he dishes out. He's basically zero risk if played right. You just have to know when to pick your battles.

Most of the early game as Illidan you have to kinda just jump in and dive out, by the time you have improved your E and gotten first aid and stoneskin you can last longer though, he's a wrecking ball if he has the right team behind him
Having one of those weeks, not sure I will keep playing this week, I've been expecting this streak since the amazing week I had when i started playing nova

Having one of those weeks, not sure I will keep playing this week, I've been expecting this streak since the amazing week I had when i started playing nova

Youch, ive had a few pages look like that, matchmaking in games like this is such an imperfect science. The most even games ive had last around 30 mins, i had one last night last 30 mins where both teams were level 25. I enjoy the fact i still have energy to player after a "long" HOTS match where a long dota match of 90+ mins...screw that
that one win was actually a pretty even match, most of the others were stompings, a lot of those quick matches had fairly new people so you gotta do what you can to teach them the ropes, the last loss I had 2 people with less than 10 games on them, I asked politely if anyone was new and tried to give advice, they actually did pretty good but we had a bot in the team so that put us at 4v5 in all teamfights and we couldn't win any objective, still with the disadvantage we managed to wipe the enemy team a couple of times but it wasn't enough with our tank just screwing around by himself on lanes (the bot)
This game is seriously addicting. Just got to 30 and tried hero league, 2-2. People seem to play much better, for the most part, but also lost a really close match to what seemed like a premade, their coordination was just too good even for what was a decent pug.
ive continued to enjoy HOTS. although still playing mostly the vs AI.. every time I solo queue QM.. I get absolutely steam rolled, which isnt fun.
I have a few "friends".. but no one I have yet to play with regularly. any suggestions? how to get out of playing vs AI..

can I solo queue Hero league? hope to make some friends and eventually get to a team?

been playing Diablo quite a bit lately. got thtta hero to level 10 now, my account is maxxed. have a lvl 10 jaina, and a few 8's.. rhegar, nazeebo, etc.
I would say, try to go for objectives while chatting with the team to cajole them into it. But if they're not, as one poster said above (and I learned from), better to be dumb together than smart alone.

It's about 50/50 for me in QM and hero league, maybe slightly better in the win category. One hero league team I was on, steamrolled the first match. Afterwards one of them pulled us all back in to a match we got steamrolled in turn.
ya, I decided to click that random "join" at log in the other day.. got into a group.. we went like 70%! it was awesome

friedned them.. but never reconnected.

been playing nazeebo (sp?) lately.. enjoying the dps!
I'd be up for joining a "team" just to get that mechano mount if someone wants to get a group of 5 signed up.
You mean the spider? If so, just look it up on facebook. The team is off your friends list but at the end you have the choice of notifying anyone or just getting the mount and not putting anything on your wall...
Yeah at the end it asks you if you want to post the results, just opt out of it and nobody will even notice you used them
Definitely seems like the game could use a bit of balancing, IMO.

Anub as a tank is just ridiculous. The health regen and the damage he can put out, played right I've seen him leading the DPS charts.

Lili as well just seems head and shoulders above the other heals as well, although Uther's stuns are pretty damn valuable. But just clicking Q to have heals automatically routed to those who need them most, and to be able to cast so many vs, say, Malf...
I consider lili the worst of the healers and easily shut down. Once you counter pick her with stuns and slows she has zero utility. Reghar is infinitely more flexible, brightwing can outheal her passively let alone active heals, and tyrande is over the top with both utility and heals after her buff. I've never paid malf but my buddy mains him and regularly tops heals at 100k+.

Also, unless they've reworked her since the beta when I played her extensively, her heals go to the closest not the lowest heroes, which is a liability of her mechanics.

If you're mainly playing ai or quick match you can't counter pick and don't know the map coming up so the game will seem unbalanced since those modes are fundamentally broken.
I feel like the only thing lili does decent is heal but has nothing else to offer. She aint the best for competitive as you cant direct the heal. but her output is comparable from when I played her.

Overall I love this game for rethinking how MOBAs should be. 20 minutes of NPC juggling is a bore for me.

Blizzard made a bold move and I think it'll pay off.
I feel like the only thing lili does decent is heal but has nothing else to offer. She aint the best for competitive as you cant direct the heal. but her output is comparable from when I played her.

Overall I love this game for rethinking how MOBAs should be. 20 minutes of NPC juggling is a bore for me.

Blizzard made a bold move and I think it'll pay off.

You can direct a heal with LiLi, she relies a lot on more on positioning, you have to move around to sorta choose your target, the little leaf on top of the character tells you who the heal will land on
Also, unless they've reworked her since the beta when I played her extensively, her heals go to the closest not the lowest heroes, which is a liability of her mechanics.

If you're mainly playing ai or quick match you can't counter pick and don't know the map coming up so the game will seem unbalanced since those modes are fundamentally broken.

Playing in hero league with random pugs. Only at level 19 at the moment.

LiLi's heals currently go to the player with the lowest health in range. The majority of games I play with LiLi with any halfway competent group, I will substantially outheal the other side. LiLi I wouldn't say is as unbalanced, perhaps, just substantially easier to play which I guess is the point.

Anub, on the other hand...
Decided to climb the HL ladder but it's getting impossible, feel like I will never get past rank 24, for every game I win I end up losing 3 or 4 which brings me back to the previous rank, it's frustrating to the point of making me want to quit the game, when the enemy picks Anub'arak I'm about 90% sure we're gonna lose, it's ridiculous how strong he is, almost impossible to kill if he has a team with half a brain
You mean the spider? If so, just look it up on facebook. The team is off your friends list but at the end you have the choice of notifying anyone or just getting the mount and not putting anything on your wall...

Yeah at the end it asks you if you want to post the results, just opt out of it and nobody will even notice you used them

seem to be getting this message when i try it:

This URL Is Blocked: The URL "" has been blocked from Facebook.
seem to be getting this message when i try it:

This URL Is Blocked: The URL "" has been blocked from Facebook.

Well, add me as a friend (tag : for HotS) and I'll agree to being on your team (if that's the sticking point)...
Anyone tried the butcher yet?
Got him and played 1 game and god is he amazing 1v1, I could even melt Johanna relatively fast, his sustain in a 1v1 is incredible if you build for his fresh meat buff, at 35 stacks at level 20 i was hitting for 600ish and really really fast.
He feels incredibly squishy though, without a decent team to support you you can die pretty fast in teamfights even though the butcher's brand helps a little
He's pretty awesome but we have too many assassins already in my opinion.
My team tends to mix it up. The first 2 or so god spawns we bum rush the god and attack or send 1 or 2 high DPS/CCs to slow down the other team if they have a better comp. Once our heroes become self sustained at higher levels we tend to split push the lanes, 3 on boss attack or defend and 1 in top and bottom lane to create either a distraction or take out towers. Once we get boss we phalanx up and push hard.

It's a really fun map though and makes for some interesting plays.
My team tends to mix it up. The first 2 or so god spawns we bum rush the god and attack or send 1 or 2 high DPS/CCs to slow down the other team if they have a better comp. Once our heroes become self sustained at higher levels we tend to split push the lanes, 3 on boss attack or defend and 1 in top and bottom lane to create either a distraction or take out towers. Once we get boss we phalanx up and push hard.

It's a really fun map though and makes for some interesting plays.

Ive played 4 games on it and won them all but never really with the same strategy it really depends on the state of your guys and theres,

If both teams are even levels and all have relatively high health levels ive seen them be content to just hit the boss for the first phase, then when the second fight starts theres a teamfight.

Otherwise if you have enemy heroes on the ropes and you can kill them/force them back to base during the first phase it can give you a major advantage as well.

Aba actually is really useful on the map because he can switch between helping the team and soaking a lane in a matter of a 3 second CD. I played aba my last time on that map and had 5x the siege damage and 2x the exp contributed as any other player on either team. The boss fight really opens things up for aba to push down a fort by himself with his ult because people are tied up elsewhere
It all really depends on who you're fighting, I also play with 4 other cousins of mine so we do have a standard comp of 2 DPS, 1 warrior, 1 or 2 specialist/supports. We mix our strat up a lot and I tend to main Kaelthas, his group dps at later levels is just insane so team fights go in our favor roughly 80% of the time. If the enemy team is out DPSing we'll send our entire team in for a fight or skip boss and just push lanes hard and fast then transition to defense once they summon the god for aid or if we feel confident we'll base race.
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