Total War: Rome 2

This. The hardest mode in Shogun 2 wasnt hard because of good AI, it was hard because they had extreme economic advantages. I cant remember what all they had exactly, but i remember their small towns pumping out units like crazy. Its not normal to grow an army that big that quickly!!

The AI just starts getting all kinds of big bonuses when you turn the difficulty up. At Normal the player gets a small advantage in stats. There is not even an even fight setting, not that it would be any challenge to a person who knows how to play the game.
The AI just starts getting all kinds of big bonuses when you turn the difficulty up. At Normal the player gets a small advantage in stats. There is not even an even fight setting, not that it would be any challenge to a person who knows how to play the game.

Is there no difficulty where everything is even? I played on Normal because I thought no one got any advantages, that is how I prefer to play. Just like in TES games, I play on Normal because I want everyone to be on the same level, not the BS you do 200% damage they 50% or they do 200% damage and you do 50%.
This. The hardest mode in Shogun 2 wasnt hard because of good AI, it was hard because they had extreme economic advantages. I cant remember what all they had exactly, but i remember their small towns pumping out units like crazy. Its not normal to grow an army that big that quickly!!

or better yet late game where they have one town supporting two full stacked armies of sams :(
Gotta say I'm not a big fan of eyefinity, but for the TW series...oh man. That would be freaking amazing.
This thread makes me want to play through the original again. Cretan Archers ftw
Gotta say I'm not a big fan of eyefinity, but for the TW series...oh man. That would be freaking amazing.

Eyefinity really shines in iRacing, the sim has built in configuration tool and a specific three monitor mode. You set in your panels viewing width, bezel width, the angle of the screens, and your distance to the center screen. The game than calculates the mathematically correct real world FOV, and everything you see in the sim is then at the correct size, distance, and position.

You can try iRacing for free with Cadillac's CTSV promotion. It will give you three free months of membership, and two or three paid tracks in addition to the default tracks.
Eyefinity really shines in iRacing, the sim has built in configuration tool and a specific three monitor mode. You set in your panels viewing width, bezel width, the angle of the screens, and your distance to the center screen. The game than calculates the mathematically correct real world FOV, and everything you see in the sim is then at the correct size, distance, and position.

You can try iRacing for free with Cadillac's CTSV promotion. It will give you three free months of membership, and two or three paid tracks in addition to the default tracks.

heh i was just thinking about why games dont have those options for eyefinity last night while i was trying to fall asleep.

glad to see atleast someone did what i was thinking about, ive never tried iracing
I've been playing Medieval 2 with the Retrofit much fun, but fuck the Timurids :p
This thread made me go back and play Shogun 2 again. A lot of fun, but the BS army sizes of your enemies really detracts from the game overall. I usually inflict around 4:1 losses on anyone I fight, but I'm still constantly in an epic struggle just to survive. Fairly early on someone comes at me multiple armies consisting of 7,000 troops! Wtf! With only 800 troops and a level 1 castle, I still killed around 3,200...but that still left him with more troops there than I had total. And even that smaller amount of troops was nearly bankrupting me.

Also, naval combat and the constant pirating of trade routes is annoying as hell. Perhaps I need to read a tutorial on how to better manage my economy in Shogun 2, but it seems ridiculously difficult sometimes. Citizens are constantly on the edge of revolt with normal taxation, constantly being raided, allies turning against me early on in the game out of the blue...

But at the end of the day, smoting their generals and daimyos smoking onto the mountainside makes it all worth it. ;)

A huge need for Rome 2 is upgrading unit AI when you're selecting multiple groups. For example, something as simple as having 5 groups of archers selected, and telling them to attack a group of spearmen sends them all running in circles and never attackijng. Yet selecting them all individually and commanding them to attack seems to do the trick.
On the topic of eyefinity, it worked fairly well in Shogun 2. I don't think it was fully supported but it was functional and a hell of a lot of fun at 5760x1080. I remember the loading screens and the campaign map being a bit buggy.
Man I played the original to death used stainless steel mod and that was the best game of its time with that mod.
Im a total war fanatic, been waiting so long for this game!!!

Rome was the best of all the total war games, I have HIGH expectations for this game. Any news on a beta or demo we can play now?
I am pretty damn stoked for this. Been reading the faction pages on the wiki trying to decide what I wanna start as. Max difficulty is probably going to destroy me.
Can't wait. 3-way 780's for good measure and/or frame loss, lol.
Im a total war fanatic, been waiting so long for this game!!!

Rome was the best of all the total war games, I have HIGH expectations for this game. Any news on a beta or demo we can play now?

Sadly no Beta. But the game drops in 10 days.
will there be strategic multiplayer? Civ style?

I know they flirted with the idea back @ empire total war but nothing has advanced since then.

If there is its a day one buy for me
will there be strategic multiplayer? Civ style?

I know they flirted with the idea back @ empire total war but nothing has advanced since then.

If there is its a day one buy for me

They kinda had this in shogun 2 where you could play as a clan and other friends could play as a different clan then it was turn based and you could even do army sharing when the other player was in combat. It did crash often though.
They kinda had this in shogun 2 where you could play as a clan and other friends could play as a different clan then it was turn based and you could even do army sharing when the other player was in combat. It did crash often though.

Didn't crash very often for us, but it had a lot of syncing issues the longer the campaigns went. Luckily we learned we could just share the host's save file with the other player to re-sync the game. In a 1v1 campaign, one player can sit-in as the AI's armies during tactical battles. It was great fun. :D
Why can't this game be out now :/

I'm gonna run a high overclocked 780 for a 1440p, think I should be ok.
Looks like I will have my monitor stand by the time this game launches. I will probably run landscape for now so that I can use one monitor only for this game. Then comes the wait for new graphics cards to launch. Was tempted to take a day or two off to get a really solid Rome 2 fix at launch.
I have 3 monitors... 4320x2560 :D

2 Titans can probably handle it with no AA and some things turned down. If you want everything high then you will need 3 Titans.

Currently I am running 7680x1440 and 2xTitans. They do pretty well with most games on high settings and no AA, but still struggle if I start bumping up to Ultra or start adding more effects and AA.

As for the game, I am interested to see what it has. A little miffed about the lack of demos lately from companies.
2 Titans can probably handle it with no AA and some things turned down. If you want everything high then you will need 3 Titans.

Currently I am running 7680x1440 and 2xTitans. They do pretty well with most games on high settings and no AA, but still struggle if I start bumping up to Ultra or start adding more effects and AA.

As for the game, I am interested to see what it has. A little miffed about the lack of demos lately from companies.

I caught a pretty sweet deal on this one and got it for like 35 $ due to credit at greenmangaming. I'm hoping the new amd cards are a bit better suited for this kind of thing and hopefully won't run me $3k for 3 of them.
Can't wait. 3-way 780's for good measure and/or frame loss, lol.
Doubt you'll need more than 1 for this game with full stacks. You will definitely want to go into the user_script and double the unit size to make use of that money you burned.
Doubt you'll need more than 1 for this game with full stacks. You will definitely want to go into the user_script and double the unit size to make use of that money you burned.

lol OMG the chaos :p
Doubt you'll need more than 1 for this game with full stacks. You will definitely want to go into the user_script and double the unit size to make use of that money you burned.

on 1080p, sure