What the heck happened to Steam?

The difference is I can go on Newegg/Amazon, select a product type, then select a manufacturer(s), without other stuff clogging up my results.

I actually do purchase indie games (Hotline, Terraria, FTL, etc), my issue is that I have to sift through pages of crap (mostly) before I get to "real" games in the RPG and RTS categories.

I am not saying hide indie/whatever games on the front page, I am saying refine the search filtering to be able to apply exclusion lists as well as inclusion lists (or a combination thereof). And, why is indie a inclusion/search keyword but cannot be used to exclude?

I believe you are referring to the user defined tags which can be used in the search function. There's no any way to exclude any tag, not just indie. But yes, I'd agree that perhaps it would be good to have an option to exclude tags in the search function.
And I swear that you basically spout this exact same line in every single thread where someone doesn't agree with you. Not every complaint is baseless, so stop trying to dismiss them.

Early Access affects every gamer when more than half the shit out there is just a money grab with no intention if being finished. For every success story there are half a dozen failures or flat-out scams.

Early Access definitely has its place, but it should be the exception and not the rule.

As technologies change the games will change with it ... for some companies EA has just become an alternate version of Preorder inducement (note that Preorders have existed since the dawn of gaming but they rarely offered the Beta access) ... I agree that for some titles and companies the EA process has become a way for them to release incomplete code and that some of the really poorly handled EA programs can actually damage the brand beyond repair

That said, the EA programs that are actually well done have given people access to games at a stage where their feedback could actually be meaningful for the game release ... the EA program has allowed some of the Indie developers to release higher quality products then they might have previously ... and the EA program has allowed some developers to break free of the publisher paradigm (and the restrictions that go with it)

New technologies like IAP, DLC, and EA will always be arriving ... sometimes they will be so badly implemented that they will be abandoned and other times they will offer new dimensions of game play and development that weren't available previously ... as harder core gamers we should encourage the good aspects of the new technologies and discourage the bad aspects ... but we shouldn't become the gaming equivalent of Luddites and resist every technical evolution of our hobby ;)
Personally, I like the less hand holding and more options approach. Sorry you don't like some types of games, but most people are capable of their own research. How do you manage to go to other stores without items being spoon fed to you? I worry about some people.

Some of the best games I've played in the past few years have been early access and/or indie games. It'd be a shame if they weren't on Steam just because some people are unable to navigate the search or tag function.
I would be more than happy with a little button that is labeled "Old Style Steam" that brings me to the time from before there were "curators" and all that other crap. I'd press that button in a heartbeat and never look back.

And you wouldn't see a single game released in the last year in your list of games to buy. This doesn't have anything to do with valve or steam, you don't see titles from valve going on early access, steam just sells what is available. It doesn't help that live streams peddle this stuff like crazy either. Games like h1z1 are bargain bin caliber but sell in droves because they have live streamers with 100s of thousands of people watching and wanting to join in. If people like lirik, sodapoppin, or summit didn't push the game, nobody would know what h1z1 was or care even slightly about it.
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Steam has turned into a mess. I could care less about stupid indie games, I don't have time for that crap.

I really don't understand why Valve has not given us HL3 or any games we actually care about over all these years..... wtf is Valve doing??
Yeah but i can't search through the crap anymore as it is WAY out of hand with early releases, shit-tons of indie titles etc. For example i, for one, do not ever wanna see another minecraft clone (yeah yeah they're all different - whatever) ever again. Too much really and where i was going through new releases almost daily on steam before, i rarely ever check them now. Same with upcoming releases actually. Matter of fact is that i probably have never looked that rarely on steam as i do since they changed it.
Checking Steam deals and releases on a daily basis used to be a thing for me, too. I would often make impulse buys while browsing. Now I don't give a fudge. I just do a search for the game I want and ignore everything else. In my opinion this redesign has done the opposite of what they were trying to accomplish (give indie and Greenlight games more exposure). I have not made a single impulse buy since they have made the change.
how can you NOT love games such as these?


Not as much as I love this browser game currently in the "Popular New Releases" top 10

I mean.. Look at those cutting edge graphics and interface. I also love the fact you can only play it once per day unless you pay a subscription for a browser game.. STEAM RULES!!

I have actually stopped buying from steam. The only way I manage to sift through all the nonsensical shit thrown at me is to wishlist the games. When there is a sale, I go to wishlist and see if anything from there is on sale so I can purchase. Last game I bought from Steam was GTA V pre-order about 2-3 months ago (whenever it was enabled) since I was OK paying full price for it. Everything else is purchased from Amazon, GMG, cdkey sites and so on.

The new store is so annoying, it is impossible for me to browse through it. In order to wishlist a game, I read first on forums what the game is about and then go ahead and wishlist it. My wishlist is only about 35-40 games right now and most of them are older games that didn't go on sale etc, with only a few that are actually new or upcoming releases.

The new store is really shit. I wish they fix it. The customization options are just not enough for me. Also hate the fact that recommended for me shows games I already own (or at least used to, maybe they fixed it now).
I have actually stopped buying from steam. The only way I manage to sift through all the nonsensical shit thrown at me is to wishlist the games. When there is a sale, I go to wishlist and see if anything from there is on sale so I can purchase. Last game I bought from Steam was GTA V pre-order about 2-3 months ago (whenever it was enabled) since I was OK paying full price for it. Everything else is purchased from Amazon, GMG, cdkey sites and so on.

The new store is so annoying, it is impossible for me to browse through it. In order to wishlist a game, I read first on forums what the game is about and then go ahead and wishlist it. My wishlist is only about 35-40 games right now and most of them are older games that didn't go on sale etc, with only a few that are actually new or upcoming releases.

The new store is really shit. I wish they fix it. The customization options are just not enough for me. Also hate the fact that recommended for me shows games I already own (or at least used to, maybe they fixed it now).
No to your last point. I would say at least half of the recommendations I see on the occasional time I do look at the store are for games I already own.
I am also in the same group of people who hate the new steam update. I have gone from spending around $200-400/year on Steam because of how easy it was to be exposed to new great titles and sales to only spending maybe $20 during the Christmas sale because 99% of the shit on sale was indie titles that I didn't feel like filtering through to find gems. Steam has literally become the walmart of online video game sales. Only reason I still launch steam is because 90% of my library is on it. I hope sometime in the future steam becomes DRM free and just lets us launch our games without it.
Steam is a reflection of the marketplace. Its not what it once was. I understand the sentiment. But nothing we can really do about it.

Simple motto : Don't pre order games , don't buy early access broken crap and be mindful of what you are interested in and don't expect previously acceptable norms (solid releases without day 1 patches).
because it hardly has any good games now, so why waste system resources loading it and running it in the background when i hardly ever actually use it anymore?

Oh, there are a huge number of good games on Steam. You just have to find them.

The whole thing where they recommend stuff has come up with a few that I actually like.

The sales scrolling has also led me to a few that I like.

If you do a search for certain things, you can find even more that you like.

Some of the indie games are quite good.

Oh, and one you should definitely check out is Loadout.. if you are into multiplayer shoot people in the face type of games.
Surprised Nobody Mention this yet:


Steam was the place to go for the best deals, even when they were not running a sale.

Now, not only gone are the days they offered 75% off AAA Titles. But the prices are often higher than places like Amazon or G2A.

Recent Examples:

Dead Rising 3 Apocalypse Edition
Steam 49.99 EUROS
G2A 38.99 (includes 20% European VAT). That's about a 20% difference.

Steam 29.99 EUROS
Amazon 25.99 EUROS (DVD Version). Go figure why the Digital is more expensive than the Hardcopy version. Can be found even cheaper in other countries. I bought mine in the UK for 14 Pounds (about 18 Euros) and NO VAT.

And does anyone remember the last Steam Sale? Few recent AAA titles, some AAA titles that were already on sale before (Skyrim, Payday 2, CIV 5), some recent but mediocre AAA games, and lots of Indie stuff (a few Gems) lots of turds, and lots of pre-release BS which I refuse to support.
It is true that the sales are not as good as they used to be. Less 75% off big titles/$5 games like Mass Effect. It tends to be clost to $6.80 or 7.50 now. Even Green Man Gaming's coupons are not as good. But for the most part, the pricing you're seeing is due to the country you live in. Because Steam is the same price as most other places here.
Steam works great for me. Got homeworld and besieged as my most recent purchases. Incredibly happy with both.
Everyone wants to be a game designer instead of a comic book artist today so too many damn games on Steam.
Steam has turned into a mess. I could care less about stupid indie games, I don't have time for that crap.

I really don't understand why Valve has not given us HL3 or any games we actually care about over all these years..... wtf is Valve doing??

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