Battleborn (New game from Gearbox)

mobas, uggh...
too many to the party now TBH. Everyone is already behind the curve. LOL and DOTA2 have the market, and lets be honest, whats remotely going to dent that?
I wish companies would stop using this graphical style. Just seems lazy unless your game really relies on it thematically.
That looks like the new Unreal Engine that I seen in Game Informer...
I don't think you want to get any more cartoony then what the Everquest Next guys are doing with Landmark ect.... other wise you have Looney Toons which isn't a bad thing if it's hand drawn like Dragons Lair or something.
Oh shit, ANOTHER FPMOBA. I hope it dies in a fire. Fuck this moba shit, and fuck Gearbox. The makers of Boredomlands and Aliens: Colonial Failines
They should be concentrating on the homeworld remastering. Not another silly MOBA. I'm super pumped excited pants for that