Cities:Skylines Reveal trailer

well my 860M stuggles a bit with the game at 1080, not as smooth as i like, so trying to work around that. I got alot of work to do to really get into this game, been so long since i played SimCity 3 even.

Hmm, my desktop 6970 2GB does a good job pushing 2560*1600
I think those mobile cards are getting drops due to their relatively low memory bandwidth. My 770 4gb push 4K (downsampled to 1920x1200) with no issues. I dunno anymore though.
This game is fucking awesome. Bought two copies, this is how you do it EA.
Anyone with a 4K display tried downsampling from 8K yet? I'm playing at 4K natively just fine, but I don't think my 290 can handle 8K. Might give it a shot tonight if I can get my traffic problems sorted first...
Two biggest things I did to solve my traffic problems. On the original entrance/exit that is the default for the map, I deleted one of the entrances. Huge difference. The other really big change was relocating the bus deport further out on the edge of the city and lowering the budget to 50 percent. No traffic problems.
25,000 citizens. I know I will have to deal with it again but for now I'm traffic problem free.
Hmm, my desktop 6970 2GB does a good job pushing 2560*1600

Friend said on his laptop it was smooth as well...

Guess it will be tweaking time then, Wonder if it is activating my 860M or trying to run off the integrated intel..
Two biggest things I did to solve my traffic problems. On the original entrance/exit that is the default for the map, I deleted one of the entrances. Huge difference. The other really big change was relocating the bus deport further out on the edge of the city and lowering the budget to 50 percent. No traffic problems.
25,000 citizens. I know I will have to deal with it again but for now I'm traffic problem free.

If you're only at 25k, you shouldn't have to do anything nearly as drastic as altering the default highways. Also, lowering bus funding might help traffic slightly in the short term, it's going to have a terrible impact on your city later. People will move out if they have to wait too long for a bus, and cutting the funding (reducing the busses to half a fleet) and then making the journey from the depot farther is self-defeating.

What do your roads look like? Are you making good use of pedestrian pathing and maximizing multi-lane traffic patterns?
In the future the bus funding would certainly be changed. For right not there are plenty of buses on the streets. The depot is "in" the city just not in the center where it was. That location proved terrible because it was pumping out too many at a time with the default setting.
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Custom buildings are starting to show up. And the good news is they can be made very tall. In fact, both of these were were too tall, so I rescaled it to 0.8 size (as seen in the image below). The tower from Philly has broken LODs at the moment, but the author said he figured that out and was going to post an updated version soon.


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Man, education and public transportation have a huge effect in upgrading your zones. Industry really really likes to use the trains, had to make highways towards them to stop gumming up all the other roads. Forgot about making districts no heavy truck zone, so that helped a bit too. Up to 90k now, this game is gorgeous when you downscale. Only bug I've seen is cruise ships fighting for the dock and makes one of them spin like crazy, even going over land. It's pretty funny actually.
I think I'm gonna have to uninstall this game. I just got a 57% on my Finance mid term. I think I started studying a few hours before it. Like serious addiction to this game going on here.
ROBBAZ plays Cities: Skylines - Gaben Ville:

Pretty desolate state of the human condition when a guy like that has 1 M subscribers. Both the educational/instructional and the entertainment value of that video were approaching zero. It's like 22 seconds of my life scrolling through that video I will never get back. ;(
I think I'm gonna have to uninstall this game. I just got a 57% on my Finance mid term. I think I started studying a few hours before it. Like serious addiction to this game going on here.

I know the feeling, I'm working on my 4th 1am night in a row. Spent 3 hours just making a map, using this website: Which lets you download a terrain map from any part of the world. I chose one of the river/bay areas around Greenland/Queen Eliz islands, then added a variety of unique landscape features.
I think I'm gonna have to uninstall this game. I just got a 57% on my Finance mid term. I think I started studying a few hours before it. Like serious addiction to this game going on here.

I also lost like an entire week because of this game. But thank God that stuff (classes) is long behind me. But, I may be one week delayed for my PhD defense due in the month of May.

On the plus side, this game has me wanting to figure out to successfully import CAD building models into Blender (that part was easy), texture and uvwrap within blender (learning), and export to CS (failed models with no textures so far). Trying to go directly from CAD to CS failed, but going CAD to Blender to CS has worked so I guess I have to learn that! It's another one of those "good hobby skills" that could be of some use somewhere in the future. :)

Spend a few hours working on a map
Spend a few hours working on a model
Spend a few hours working on a single interchange
Spend a few hours working on traffic in general
Spend a few hours laying out the next part of your city
Spend a few hours looking for and testing out mods
Spend a few hours talking about how you're spending a few hours on the game


Fail your exam because you didn't spend a few hours studying for it
Fail your task at work because you didn't spend a few hours sleeping
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Pretty desolate state of the human condition when a guy like that has 1 M subscribers. Both the educational/instructional and the entertainment value of that video were approaching zero. It's like 22 seconds of my life scrolling through that video I will never get back. ;(

No offense, might be a generational thing. That one may not be his best but Robbaz videos are generally regarded as pretty funny.
No offense, might be a generational thing. That one may not be his best but Robbaz videos are generally regarded as pretty funny.

I'm in my 30's, and I usually find him funny. I watch him purely for the funnies, not for the educational/instructional.

I wonder, though, if you move him to the US and remove his accent, if he would still have so many subs?

On topic: this is a very fun game. On easy mode, it is waaaaay too easy to make money. Because there are no disasters, you can build a city where you get a $5k income, and just leave it running over night. When you come back in the morning, you're rich.
On topic: this is a very fun game. On easy mode, it is waaaaay too easy to make money. Because there are no disasters, you can build a city where you get a $5k income, and just leave it running over night. When you come back in the morning, you're rich.

Sure, but it's not really about that. The money only really matters at the start (you need a High School and a Fire House RIGHT NOW but can only afford one, what do you do?) after that, you'll be dealing with traffic problems and your virtually unlimited funds will come into play when you end up bulldozing the same section of road 15 times while simultaneously ripping your hair out.

My biggest problem right now is rail traffic. The trains are backed up all the way out to the edge of the map. It seems that for every train that pulls into my station, two have spawned on the map edge and are queueing. The map only has two rail trunks. How am I supposed to solve the train traffic besides just making a bunch of useless track snaking around the map for hundreds of trains to queue in?
Sure, but it's not really about that. The money only really matters at the start (you need a High School and a Fire House RIGHT NOW but can only afford one, what do you do?) after that, you'll be dealing with traffic problems and your virtually unlimited funds will come into play when you end up bulldozing the same section of road 15 times while simultaneously ripping your hair out.

My biggest problem right now is rail traffic. The trains are backed up all the way out to the edge of the map. It seems that for every train that pulls into my station, two have spawned on the map edge and are queueing. The map only has two rail trunks. How am I supposed to solve the train traffic besides just making a bunch of useless track snaking around the map for hundreds of trains to queue in?

Do they expect us to make an exclusive rail for passenger trains and one for cargo? Cargo is completely screwing up the flow of my train traffic, and I have no crossings anywhere in the city either. It's just one giant loop, but cargo constantly causes delays for my passenger trains. I thought it was a bug, cause there is a patch note about trains screwing up on the forums for 1.05, but that was released before the game came out.. Issue is still there if you ask me.
I know the feeling, I'm working on my 4th 1am night in a row. Spent 3 hours just making a map, using this website: Which lets you download a terrain map from any part of the world. I chose one of the river/bay areas around Greenland/Queen Eliz islands, then added a variety of unique landscape features.

I tried following his instructions but I cant find a folder on my rig called "heightmaps"
My biggest problem right now is rail traffic. The trains are backed up all the way out to the edge of the map. It seems that for every train that pulls into my station, two have spawned on the map edge and are queueing. The map only has two rail trunks. How am I supposed to solve the train traffic besides just making a bunch of useless track snaking around the map for hundreds of trains to queue in?

Just when you thought you had it all figured out... mine are doing the same. :(

Now I'll have to spend the next two days bulldozing and laying down parallel sections of track.
I have a similar scenario with cruise ships. got 5 docking all at once its weird.

Have you seen the ships fight over the dock and start spinning around like crazy, clipping through everything, including land? It's pretty funny.
how do you guys deal with the garbage?


Garbage trucks go everywhere. Gave them their own area close to a highway so they can get in and out easily and quickly.
These are all incinerators. They cost more, but you never have to empty them and they also provide electricity. Landfills are good for new towns, but once you have money get rid of them.


Complete access. I made 2 more zones as I expanded the city, so garbage truck caravan doesn't create any traffic issues.

Garbage trucks go everywhere. Gave them their own area close to a highway so they can get in and out easily and quickly.
These are all incinerators. They cost more, but you never have to empty them and they also provide electricity. Landfills are good for new towns, but once you have money get rid of them.


Complete access. I made 2 more zones as I expanded the city, so garbage truck caravan doesn't create any traffic issues.

This is why I use a 1/4 garbage mod.
I wish I could make overpasses like that, I still cannot get a good grip of how to lay curved roads that well.
Wow, that road design is pretty awesome.

Thanks! Curvy roads are fun!
There is only 2 areas that are grided roads and those have one way roads so the traffic doesn't stop. Its good for industry with their billions of trucks, and putting it close to a highway will save you traffic madness later on.

I wish I could make overpasses like that, I still cannot get a good grip of how to lay curved roads that well.

The 'S' tool is awesome. I use it for all my roads, even straight ones. Sometimes though, it makes it hard to connect other roads to a curvy one (too steep, area is occupied), so you gotta bulldoze everything and lay down a perfectly straight road. One detail to remember, highways are actually easier to put down than one-way 6 lane roads because they are more narrow than the 6 lane ones. (6 lane roads add a sidewalk taking up more width than a highway road.)
Can you take a screen cap of that central interchange from directly above?

You mean my spaghetti? lol, here you go.


I spent soooo many hours working on that. It was a traffic nightmare because everyone wants to exit into town(south), but I cannot upgrade those roads to 6 lanes without bulldozing the expo center and parks in the area. It backs up a bit still, but it is actually flowing now. I may fix it completely later. What really made this so hard is that its basically 2, 4 way highway interchanges right next to each other, but I really had no choice at the time, cause I had to give the southern industry a way north and west(that highway coming from the east).
You can also see a few on ramps that I could not upgrade. They simply refused to connect to the main highways if I tried to upgrade them to a highway road. Gonna have to bulldoze a bit to fix that...
Oh geez, that makes me head hurt just looking at it. Haha.

I've been using these huge roundabouts with good success for traffic, but they don't allow a lot of zoning sadly.

You definitely don't need roundabouts that large. As you say, they eliminate zoning possibilities. You can make some custom ones in the Asset Editor that are smaller or use different road types and then use them as repeatable elements in the game. It's a good idea if you're going to use a lot of roundabouts, since the default ones aren't very flexible.
Anyone else having game stability issues after the update? Had 2 game crashes-to-desktop yesterday. Fortunately I had a 5-minute autosave mod on otherwise I would have lost a ton.