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  1. N

    building a new pc

    Just for the record, ATI cards will still work under Linux. However, I have heard horror stories of people having bad experiences with getting certain things to work on Linux with an ATI card. Nvidia has much better official drivers for Linux, found here. Hell, if you run Ubuntu you can choose...
  2. N

    building a new pc

    You mentioned in your original post that you may eventually dual boot Linux. If you do plan on doing this, I highly recommend going with an Nvidia card. They have much, much better Linux support.
  3. N

    Steam Winter Sale is LIVE!

    I have the money, I just don't want to go crazy and buy a bunch of games and then find out I made a calculating error somewhere and now I can't buy groceries or pay rent or something. These aren't my first purchases this sale. :D Though I'm probably just being overcautious.
  4. N

    Steam Winter Sale is LIVE!

    I meant the first one, I have Far Cry 2 already. I played the original back in the day but never beat it. I don't have that copy anymore.
  5. N

    Steam Winter Sale is LIVE!

    If you guys had to choose between Far Cry and Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena, which would you get? I'm thinking Far Cry.
  6. N

    Steam Winter Sale is LIVE!

    Double Agent wasn't THAT bad. I enjoyed it.
  7. N

    Steam Winter Sale is LIVE!

    I guess they never got more Prey keys.
  8. N

    Steam Winter Sale is LIVE!

    Has anyone played Beyond Good and Evil? It's on sale for 5 bucks for the duration of the winter sale. I've heard good things about it.
  9. N

    Steam Winter Sale is LIVE!

    Oh okay. Side scrolling too. Looks pretty cool actually, I read its wikipedia page. I think I may have to check it out.
  10. N

    Steam Winter Sale is LIVE!

    Is Trine any good? What kind of game is it exactly?
  11. N

    Steam Winter Sale is LIVE!

    Yeah, but you have to experience the original too. Just like I hope nobody would base their opinions on Star Wars by watching only the prequels and not the original trilogy. Not that I'm implying Black Mesa will be bad, I bet that it'll be good and I can't wait for it. ;)
  12. N

    Steam Winter Sale is LIVE!

    You haven't played the Half-Life series?! I ORDER you to get Half Life Source. I GUARANTEE that you will enjoy it. Then get Half-Life 2, which is the single greatest PC shooter that has ever been made, hands down.
  13. N

    Steam Winter Sale is LIVE!

    Holy crap, the Steam servers must be getting HAMMERED right about now.
  14. N

    Monday's Steam Deals

    I've heard good things about the Riddick game too, is it worth 10 bucks?
  15. N

    Monday's Steam Deals

    I'm planning on picking up Mirror's Edge and Monkey Island. I've heard good things about Mirror's Edge actually, probably worth 5 bucks.
  16. N

    Monday's Steam Deals

    New Steam deals are up for today: Mirror's Edge - $5 Evil Genius - $2.49 Quantz - $2 Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena - $9.99 Monkey Island Special Edition - $2.49 Dawn of Discovery - $34.99 Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood - $20.99 Section 8 - $24.99
  17. N

    Steam Holiday Sale

    Good, nothing I want today. My wallet is spared.
  18. N

    Steam Holiday Sale

    You can use that $20 to get tomorrow's deals!
  19. N

    Steam Holiday Sale

    True. xD That's why I got it, I knew if I didn't I'd be kicking myself too. I'm sorry for your loss =(
  20. N

    Steam Holiday Sale

    I've grabbed Far Cry 2, Dead Space, KOTOR, and now they have Left 4 Dead for 7 bucks?! My poor wallet! I've never finished L4D, and I've never owned a copy. Guess this is the time to get it. =P MY WALLET CAN'T REPEL SAVINGS OF THIS MAGNITUDE.
  21. N

    Steam Holiday Sale

    Hmmmm....was Far Cry 2 any good? I just recently finished Crysis, it seemed like a better spiritual successor to Far Cry than Far Cry 2. I only played Far Cry 2 for a minute or so, so I couldn't really make a judgment.
  22. N

    Win7 .edu version clarification

    So the people who said they got the retail version had to have called MS to get it? The least they could have done is said so. =P
  23. N

    Win7 .edu version clarification

    Just randomly? That doesn't make much sense. I want the full retail version to avoid any hassles down the road. Why Microsoft didn't make an ISO download available for this is beyond me, when they provided one for the non-student digital download. If the student version randomly chooses whether...
  24. N

    Win7 .edu version clarification

    I asked this in the other Win7 .edu thread, but I doubt anyone will go back in there so I'll go ahead and ask it here. People have said that the version you get from the .edu download is a full retail version, albeit you have to convert to an ISO and burn it yourself. However, in the cart, it...
  25. N

    Windows 7 downloads (for .edu) are up

    I noticed that when you are about to purchase, the item is listed as "Microsoft Windows 7 Professional Upgrade". Yet, people are saying that it is the full retail version. So, is the listing wrong? Is it actually the retail, not the upgrade?
  26. N

    Steam weekend deal: Mass Effect $9.99

    Ah....TF2 for $2.50. That made some of my friends very happy.
  27. N

    Confirmed - Modern Warfare 2 will have 3rd person gameplay

    There's a problem with being paired up with people at your own skill level? Have you tried Quake Live? Matchmaking may have started on consoles, but I welcome it as a worthy addition to PC gaming. The problem comes when you ditch dedicated servers entirely, damn you MW2.
  28. N

    Windows 7 downloads (for .edu) are up

    Also, I'm assuming that Pro would be the better choice? I'm not too knowledgeable on the differences between 7's versions.
  29. N

    Windows 7 downloads (for .edu) are up

    So let me get this straight: There are two student versions, the .edu version and the MSDNAA version. The .edu version is a download that does not directly lead to a .iso, while the MSDNAA version does lead to an .iso. These are both full retail copies. To make a bootable install disc that...
  30. N

    Vista 64 BSOD IRQL not less or equal

    Just recently installed Vista 64 on a brand new computer. It runs great, except for once, maybe twice, a day, it gives me a "IRQL_not_less_or_equal" BSOD. From looking around, there are many causes for this BSOD. However, I can't seem to pinpoint my problem. My CPU temp is fine, I ran memtest...
  31. N

    Vista Uninstall Problems

    Sigh. I was afraid of that. Oh well, something to keep me occupied tomorrow.
  32. N

    Vista Uninstall Problems

    I just recently installed Vista 64, and tried to install 3DMark05. Something happened during the install, and it ended prematurely. It wouldn't let me reinstall, telling me to uninstall the previous version. It wouldn't let me uninstall, so I deleted the 3DMark files. Still nothing. Downloaded...
  33. N

    Best ATX Full Tower for under $150

    I see in the pictures on Newegg that there is a slot for another fan on the side of the Antec. I can't really tell by eyeballing it what size fan would go there. Can anyone else tell what size that is?
  34. N

    Best ATX Full Tower for under $150

    Haha, that's actually the case I was thinking of getting. Good to see another recommendation.
  35. N

    Best ATX Full Tower for under $150

    Simple as it sounds, what case would you guys recommend? Something that isn't too loud, plenty of room, and has good airflow. Lower than 150 bucks is ideal.
  36. N

    Building a new system. XP or Vista?

    If I need to reformat my hard drive for some reason, will it let me reinstall again?
  37. N

    Building a new system. XP or Vista?

    For future reference, how do I turn that off? :)
  38. N

    Building a new system. XP or Vista?

    I actually am a CSCI student at a university, and we run Fedora 9 in our labs instead of Windows. We do have several copies of XP, which is what I used to use. I haven't checked our bookstore, I'll have to try there.
  39. N

    Building a new system. XP or Vista?

    Thanks guys, Vista Home Premium it is. Will Newegg have the best price?
  40. N

    Building a new system. XP or Vista?

    I shouldn't get Vista Ultimate? I heard that Ultimate was the only one worth getting.