Confirmed - Modern Warfare 2 will have 3rd person gameplay

its confirmed as a playlist type (i hate saying playlist type...damn matchmaking)

There's a problem with being paired up with people at your own skill level? Have you tried Quake Live? Matchmaking may have started on consoles, but I welcome it as a worthy addition to PC gaming. The problem comes when you ditch dedicated servers entirely, damn you MW2.
Hopefully server hosts / admins will have the option of turning off the auto-aim crap.

Hopefully they add auto-aim to the PC version and keep it enabled in those highly skilled and competitive 5 v 5 matches.

Game is DBA as far as I'm concerned.
How about we bash the game for what it is when it actually comes out. I hate all the prerelease ranting and bashing of things that people have not even tried.

Still looks like a sweet game that will be fun to play with my friends, just like the other COD games have been. Fun times. Some of you get wayyyy too into these prerelease things.
I'm a big fan of Command and Conquer Renegade and it was a first and third person shooter. Though third person has the advantage of seeing more around you they're both good. So hopefully they pull it off well and having the option of restricting views on certain servers is cool.
Meh, instead of bitching about the game prior to playing it, I plan on enjoying it for what it is.
LOL at the PC elitism. It asinine to limit your gaming experience to one platform.
Meh, instead of bitching about the game prior to playing it, I plan on enjoying it for what it is.
LOL at the PC elitism. It asinine to limit your gaming experience to one platform.

Its even more asinine to waste money you know to be an inferior product. Have fun playing gimped MP for the first 2 weeks after release before everyone who has bought it realises it is just as shitty as every other P2P based shooter ever released on PC.
Its even more asinine to waste money you know to be an inferior product. Have fun playing gimped MP for the first 2 weeks after release before everyone who has bought it realises it is just as shitty as every other P2P based shooter ever released on PC.
You know to be an inferior product? are you clairvoyant?
I am simply going to purchased it for the 360 and not bitch.
You know to be an inferior product? are you clairvoyant?
I am simply going to purchased it for the 360 and not bitch.

p2p is inferior in everyway possible to a dedicated server. I was excited about mw2, and now im not. I will buy borderlands instead.

no dedicated servers is a slap in the face to PC gamers
You know to be an inferior product? are you clairvoyant?
I am simply going to purchased it for the 360 and not bitch.

The PC version is inferior to other online games in the market.

The 360 version...well, its the same as everything else offered on the platform so you are no worse off.
You know to be an inferior product? are you clairvoyant?
I am simply going to purchased it for the 360 and not bitch.

The controller has always been inferior to m+kb and so is p2p multiplayer. IW thanks you for buying a steaming pile of garbage
The controller has always been inferior to m+kb and so is p2p multiplayer. IW thanks you for buying a steaming pile of garbage

You can focus on the negative, or enjoy the game for its positives. If you always focus on the negative you are going to have a real hard time enjoying gaming.
what like p2p 8v8 lagfested shit with no modding available?

Yup, cause all the others on the 360 were so unplayable and nobody played them :rolleyes:

I happen to enjoy COD on the 360, and have had very few lag problems.

Yes it sucks on PC not to have dedicated, but common...lately every game gets bashed to hell before release for one nit pick or another and then people end up enjoying them after release. You all just like to bitch. Guess what, it is still going to be a success on consoles. Because it is just as good as the last ones from what it looks like...but hopefully even better with new gameplay and features.
There's a problem with being paired up with people at your own skill level? Have you tried Quake Live? Matchmaking may have started on consoles, but I welcome it as a worthy addition to PC gaming. The problem comes when you ditch dedicated servers entirely, damn you MW2.
Matchmaking started on PC.
Meh, instead of bitching about the game prior to playing it, I plan on enjoying it for what it is.
LOL at the PC elitism. It asinine to limit your gaming experience to one platform.

I don't limit myself to one platform. I never have. However consoles just don't cut it for first person shooters or RTS games. Those are simply far better with a mouse and keyboard. PC's have a number of advantages aside from graphics and controls alone. With dedicated servers you can have a much higher population of players on a server than you can when running from a listen server. So far no one has been able to realistically dispute this. Look at the console MP model and try and tell me that's just as good as what can be done on the PC. We want an MP experience that is as good if not BETTER than what we got with Call of Duty 4 and 5. That's not what we are seeing here. So far it looks like we are getting consolized and very limited MP in CoDMW2 and that's rather disappointing. I like 32 and 48 player servers. Hell 64 players can be fun on the right map. We aren't likely to see the same experience running on listen servers using P2P protocols. Sorry but IW made a design decision that revolves around maximizing profits rather than putting out a good product that will keep people interested in the game and playing it two years or more down the line. I still like Call of Duty 4 and it looks like I'll be playing that for quite some time since Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 is likely to do nothing but disappoint me. Sorry I'm not a rabid Call of Duty fan. I liked the fourth game and that's it. I got bored with Call of Duty 1 very quickly. CoD4 has kept me coming back for two years now at least. Why? Because the MP experience is just awesome. It's been my favorite online game now for some time. I was hoping for Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 to give me the same thing only more/better. Sadly I doubt that will happen.
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I don't limit myself to one platform. I never have. However consoles just don't cut it for first person shooters or RTS games. Those are simply far better with a mouse and keyboard. PC's have a number of advantages aside from graphics and controls alone. With dedicated servers you can have a much higher population of players on a server than you can when running from a listen server. So far no one has been able to realistically dispute this. Look at the console MP model and try and tell me that's just as good as what can be done on the PC. We want an MP experience that is as good if not BETTER than what we got with Call of Duty 4 and 5. That's not what we are seeing here. So far it looks like we are getting consolized and very limited MP in CoDMW2 and that's rather disappointing. I like 32 and 48 player servers. Hell 64 players can be fun on the right map. We aren't likely to see the same experience running on listen servers using P2P protocols. Sorry but IW made a design decision that revolves around maximizing profits rather than putting out a good product that will keep people interested in the game and playing it two years or more down the line. I still like Call of Duty 4 and it looks like I'll be playing that for quite some time since Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 is likely to do nothing but disappoint me. Sorry I'm not a rabid Call of Duty fan. I liked the fourth game and that's it. I got bored with Call of Duty 1 very quickly. CoD4 has kept me coming back for two years now at least. Why? Because the MP experience is just awesome. It's been my favorite online game now for some time. I was hoping for Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 to give me the same thing only more/better. Sadly I doubt that will happen.

Well said, I'd have to agree with all of your major points here.
I don't limit myself to one platform. I never have. However consoles just don't cut it for first person shooters or RTS games. Those are simply far better with a mouse and keyboard. PC's have a number of advantages aside from graphics and controls alone. With dedicated servers you can have a much higher population of players on a server than you can when running from a listen server. So far no one has been able to realistically dispute this. Look at the console MP model and try and tell me that's just as good as what can be done on the PC. We want an MP experience that is as good if not BETTER than what we got with Call of Duty 4 and 5. That's not what we are seeing here. So far it looks like we are getting consolized and very limited MP in CoDMW2 and that's rather disappointing. I like 32 and 48 player servers. Hell 64 players can be fun on the right map. We aren't likely to see the same experience running on listen servers using P2P protocols. Sorry but IW made a design decision that revolves around maximizing profits rather than putting out a good product that will keep people interested in the game and playing it two years or more down the line. I still like Call of Duty 4 and it looks like I'll be playing that for quite some time since Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 is likely to do nothing but disappoint me. Sorry I'm not a rabid Call of Duty fan. I liked the fourth game and that's it. I got bored with Call of Duty 1 very quickly. CoD4 has kept me coming back for two years now at least. Why? Because the MP experience is just awesome. It's been my favorite online game now for some time. I was hoping for Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 to give me the same thing only more/better. Sadly I doubt that will happen.
Dan_D for President! :D
I don't limit myself to one platform. I never have. However consoles just don't cut it for first person shooters or RTS games. Those are simply far better with a mouse and keyboard. PC's have a number of advantages aside from graphics and controls alone. With dedicated servers you can have a much higher population of players on a server than you can when running from a listen server. So far no one has been able to realistically dispute this. Look at the console MP model and try and tell me that's just as good as what can be done on the PC. We want an MP experience that is as good if not BETTER than what we got with Call of Duty 4 and 5. That's not what we are seeing here. So far it looks like we are getting consolized and very limited MP in CoDMW2 and that's rather disappointing. I like 32 and 48 player servers. Hell 64 players can be fun on the right map. We aren't likely to see the same experience running on listen servers using P2P protocols. Sorry but IW made a design decision that revolves around maximizing profits rather than putting out a good product that will keep people interested in the game and playing it two years or more down the line. I still like Call of Duty 4 and it looks like I'll be playing that for quite some time since Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 is likely to do nothing but disappoint me. Sorry I'm not a rabid Call of Duty fan. I liked the fourth game and that's it. I got bored with Call of Duty 1 very quickly. CoD4 has kept me coming back for two years now at least. Why? Because the MP experience is just awesome. It's been my favorite online game now for some time. I was hoping for Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 to give me the same thing only more/better. Sadly I doubt that will happen.
Very well said sir:)
Dan_D for President! :D
That's right Dan_D 2012.:D
if the world dosen't end by then.:rolleyes:
Thanks guys. Sadly I could never be President. I don't lie well enough. :D
I'm hoping this turns out to be nothing but over the past few days with MW2 already being leaked I've seen alot of rumors popping up that MW2 will include 3rd person gameplay (with multiplayer lobbies that are 3rd person only). Buddy of mine sent this to me earlier.


Don't know if it's legit or not, guess we'll have to see. I'd find it odd that IW would suddenly add 3rd person 10 or so games into the CoD franchise...

go watch all the other MW2 video's they are the standard FPS..

i doubt its legit because MW2 is an expansion pack on COD4 with a little better graphics.. its built on the same engine.. to do a 3rd person view and make it look could would take a lot of work.. now its possible theres a hack to allow 3rd person view.. but i highly doubt it..

Thanks guys. Sadly I could never be President. I don't lie well enough. :D

you win the election and ill do the lying for you.. should be easy on my part.. just come up with some random bs and the public will eat it all up like its the truth.. been like that for 100's of years.. theres no reason it would change now.. pretty sad aint it?
I can't imagine that ANY would do this to a CoD game. Part the the success of this franchise is that face that it varies LITTLE from version to version. If this is a 3rd person game, count me out, and I've bought everyone for the PC.
Why is everyone upset about the option of playing in third person? It sounds like an interesting feature.

I understand that you guys are disappointed about the lack of dedicated servers (I'm not buying the game for this reason), but I don't see why you have to complain about this new feature.
Why is everyone upset about the option of playing in third person? It sounds like an interesting feature.

I understand that you guys are disappointed about the lack of dedicated servers (I'm not buying the game for this reason), but I don't see why you have to complain about this new feature.

It's not a FPS, then.

Gears of War is their person...
Why is everyone upset about the option of playing in third person? It sounds like an interesting feature.

I understand that you guys are disappointed about the lack of dedicated servers (I'm not buying the game for this reason), but I don't see why you have to complain about this new feature.

As long as the first person perspective is there and it PLAYS like all the other games I won't care.
I'm bashing it because they could have got the damn game out eariler instead of putting crap in majority don't care about.
You know to be an inferior product? are you clairvoyant?
I am simply going to purchased it for the 360 and not bitch.

The PC version is losing features the console never had. You're simply not going to bitch beucase you simply have no reason to. I call paying more for less BS. You can call it elitism if you want. I really don't care much about the 3rd person view as i can choose not to use it. The lack of dedicated server bothers me however.
Why is everyone upset about the option of playing in third person? It sounds like an interesting feature.

I understand that you guys are disappointed about the lack of dedicated servers (I'm not buying the game for this reason), but I don't see why you have to complain about this new feature.

because if third person view is allowed in multiplier.. ya might as well kiss the multiplayer goodbye completely since it removes any surprise in the game.. you will no longer be able to hide from the persons view point waiting for them to come around a corner.. or sitting just off to the edge of their view and catching them off guard... now if its force first person view in multiplayer then thats a different story..
You can already play COD4 and COD5 in third person on the computer, and by using a glitch on the 360/PS3.
I'm sure that their focus groups or whatever of console gamers convinced them to add third person because many console gamers aren't able to properly find their orientation or figure out how to move in first person with a controller and I don't blame them. I have nothing seriously against console games. The entire issue for me is the control scheme and the overbearing single focus on gamepads pisses me off.

It is a shame that gamer demand on consoles can convince a developer to add 3rd person to a classically 1st person franchise game...but you know that PC gamers would never be able to do likewise, to get a popular 3rd person game (Metal Gear Solid, Uncharted, Assasin's Creed etc.) to have a 1st person view available.

Personally I can barely stand 3rd person. It's good for platforming, exploring, jumping around, etc. like in Uncharted, but once action starts happening, it totally blows on consoles and with controllers trying to shoot people with an analog stick while your character is constantly in the way and the screen is locked to an awkward shoulder cam.
i hope it does have third person. While i do not play in third, my father does. Says he is unable to play in first person as it hurts his head. I hope to be able to play MW2 with my father.
I think this, the terroist level, no dedicated servers, "handling their own PR" and other things are all part of Infinity Ward's master plan to get away from Activision. I don't know how much more IW can do to sink this battleship into gigantic FLOP territory.
I think this, the terroist level, no dedicated servers, "handling their own PR" and other things are all part of Infinity Ward's master plan to get away from Activision. I don't know how much more IW can do to sink this battleship into gigantic FLOP territory.
Don't forget overcharging people. The Australians are expected to pay $90 for this game.