Steam Winter Sale is LIVE!

today's are up


I tried refreshing a few times since there are only 5 deals instead of 7


Still hasn't loaded for me yet. To bad though, I would have bought Dead Space, but I just started playing it for PS3 2 weeks ago.
in for DoD:S, sigh I'm only missing condition zero from having a valve complete pack. I should have held out from buying l4d / l4d2 and just put my money toward complete pack. Oh well, hindsight is 20/20.
I think I'm gunna get Dead Space, might as well, but I dont want to waste my money... Oh well, I'm sure I'll get to playing it eventually.

Too many games already that I havnt played though.
lol, well you can think what you want. MW2 sales exceeded 5 million and are closing in on 6 million and accounted for over 22% of the entire gaming industry's sales in November.

A member of the Runic team stated that while they're pleased with the sales, it's no where near "hundreds of thousands"

What you are saying is only true for total sales. Which include consoles. And hard copies. The idea that a $60 dollar game is outselling all these discounted games, which are great in their own right, seems at least debatable.
Me: Hello Dead space welcome to your new home muhahahaha
*creaking gate opens to hundreds of screaming games*
Dead Space: AAAAHH..whats that white stu....AAAHHH

Yeah so I imagine my steam account as a dungeon, deal with it!
It feels almost impossible to say no to some of these sales. When am I going to find the time to play all these good 5 or 10 dollar games??
I freakin' love these Steam sales. Bought a few games over Thanksgiving for a screaming deal. Grabbed Dead Space today. Maybe another tomorrow. So many to choose from!! Credit card is shaking!!! Must RESIST!!!! :D
Oh hell yeah, been thinking of getting HoI 3 but sat out because I had the feeling that they'd make it a daily deal later on. Looks like my prediction was right. :)

Gotta grab DOD:S too. I had been meaning to get the boxed copy of CS:S for the longest time now because they bundled both that and DOD in there...but I bit into that $5 CS:S deal, so this completes that copy more or less for me. :D

Edit: Just bought them. :)
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In for Dead Space & Zed Driver. Been wanting to play dead space for a long time now & didn't want to experience the inferior consoled down version. wewt!
I hope they run a deal on CS:S so I can gift it to all my friends who don't have it :D
another day, another deal, and my wallet is getting lighter. Damn you STEAM!
DoD:S for 2.50... Damn

Steam, leave my wallet alone!

I would be interested in Dead SPace if it was not such a buggy POS on the PC ><
would get dead space but my parents got it for me for 360 for christmas...great game so far that i have played though
The Steam Days of Christmas are going strong!

I picked up so far:

The Witcher: Enhanced Edition
Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood
Hitman: Blood Money
Zeno Clash

I am sure there will be more...
Come on Total War Mega Pack deal! Otherwise I'm just going to have to buy the core games now and the expansions later, if at all.
EDIT: Also bought "Alpha Prime" it was only 99 cents and i figure why not, atleast im supporting the Developer and maybe help them make better games in the future.

yep im sure that 99 cents will go a long way toward making the revolutionary games of the future. :D
I already have bought Dead Space for the same price off someone from CL. Let's see i'll just pick up Zombie Driver and gift DOD:S to my cousin.
Dam it I am going to need a bigger hard drive. Here I thought that my 120gb Agility would be good enough for a while. I am going to need a second one as soon as the prices come down. lol

I am in the process of backing up a bunch of steam games to delete them and install new ones. Dam you Steam!
Lumines, Trine, Universe At War, Torchlight earlier last week, and now I'm debating Hearts of Iron III. Not a costly sale, but my backlog really doesn't need adding to...
Anyone actually play Hearts of Iron III? The video clip shows almost no game play.
It seems to at least be decent, going off Metacritic. Probably not for everybody, though, which is the rub...
Anyone actually play Hearts of Iron III? The video clip shows almost no game play.

Imagine Risk for Post Graduate History Students. Not really a comment on its difficulty but rather its depth and style.
in for DoD:S, sigh I'm only missing condition zero from having a valve complete pack. I should have held out from buying l4d / l4d2 and just put my money toward complete pack. Oh well, hindsight is 20/20.

I need CS: CZ too, I tried to activate the copy I got from when I bought an ati gfx card long ago but server that is supposed to email you the key doesn't do that anymore :( I have my eye on it, hopefully it will come down to $2.49 one of these days. (Still haven't purchased l4d or l4d2 :D)

I think I'm gunna get Dead Space, might as well, but I dont want to waste my money... Oh well, I'm sure I'll get to playing it eventually.

You still using 8600gt 512?

Yeah so I imagine my steam account as a dungeon, deal with it!


It feels almost impossible to say no to some of these sales. When am I going to find the time to play all these good 5 or 10 dollar games??

Here is my list of games for under $10 that I am too afraid to buy just yet as they might show up on a daily deal:

Far Cry 2: Fortune's Edition - $9.99

Aquaria - $9.99

Trine - $7.99

Assassin's Creed - $9.99

TimeShift - $9.99

Twin Sector - $9.99

Dark Sector - $4.99

Titan Quest Gold - $9.99

Killing Floor - $9.99

Garry's Mod - $7.49

Damn, spent $15 on dead space not too long ago :(

Lol... I have a feeling I'm going to be saying things like "Damn, I spent $10 on SS:HD not long ago" and "Damn, I spent $10.19 on Dead Space not long ago" in the near future :p

The Steam Days of Christmas are going strong!

I picked up so far:

The Witcher: Enhanced Edition
Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood
Hitman: Blood Money
Zeno Clash

I am sure there will be more...

Zeno Clash <--- nice, I really enjoyed this game. I basically elbow-thrusted my way through most of it :p

That game looks about as awesome and engrossing as Microsoft Excel.

What are you talking about, Microsoft Excel IS awesome and engrossing! :p I pretty much use it all the time.
That game looks about as awesome and engrossing as Microsoft Excel.

It looks as if it is, but if you start playing it you WILL get hooked. Paradox is the king of the gaming industry when it comes to that particular sector. Also, get Europa Universalis. I hope it too comes on a daily deal.
Dang, these sales are going to break my bank. It seems like I buy something every day.

Picked up Torchlight last night for $5.
Dam it I am going to need a bigger hard drive. Here I thought that my 120gb Agility would be good enough for a while. I am going to need a second one as soon as the prices come down. lol

I am in the process of backing up a bunch of steam games to delete them and install new ones. Dam you Steam!

I thought the same thing with my corsair p128... my ssd is way too full and I only have 4 steam games installed :(
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ok... biting on Dead Space... never played it but heard a lot of good things about it. woot!
Zombie Driver looks like it could be fun, but I'm not sold on it quite yet.
i was watching my brother play it. reminds me of gta2, top down style driving just with zombies... you collect survivors and bring them back to base. Wasn't too interesting but for 2.50 not too bad.