Steam Winter Sale is LIVE!

Pass I'm sure steam will put it up for sale for even less a few weeks from now and then laugh maniacally in our faces :(. Seriously, they totally do that to me constantly.

YOU HEARD ME STEAM! Haven't forgot about torchlight either!

Torchlight is $5 again ....

And I thought Far Cry 2 was lots of fun. The graphics are really good and you have literally 55 square miles of rugged terrain to run around and cause trouble with. These are the good things about the game that make it worthwhile in my opinion:

1. Non-linearity (you are really free to roam around and blow things up, shoot people, do missions, whatever.
2. Graphics (the foliage, water, and landscapes are very good, and the characters are decently rendered, too)
3. Vehicles that are fun to drive and shoot
4. Current price :D

I got it for free with a video card, but I would definitely have paid $10 for it. I haven't beat it yet, but I've logged a lot of hours with it.
Torchlight is $5 again ....

And I thought Far Cry 2 was lots of fun. The graphics are really good and you have literally 55 square miles of rugged terrain to run around and cause trouble with. These are the good things about the game that make it worthwhile in my opinion:

1. Non-linearity (you are really free to roam around and blow things up, shoot people, do missions, whatever.
2. Graphics (the foliage, water, and landscapes are very good, and the characters are decently rendered, too)
3. Vehicles that are fun to drive and shoot
4. Current price :D

I got it for free with a video card, but I would definitely have paid $10 for it. I haven't beat it yet, but I've logged a lot of hours with it.

I grabbed it over the Thanksgiving sale and I've got to say I agree. It's fun, it's cool, and at $10 it's worth it.

If I paid 50 or 60 for it (or whatever they wanted at launch) I would've been disappointed, but I can't think of a recent single player game that sentence doesn't apply to. No games are worth that much to me anymore, not when I can just wait 6 months and catch up on my backlog, and then get the game for half price. Being the first in line just isn't that important to me, at least when it comes to games, anymore.
Torchlight is $5 again ....

And I thought Far Cry 2 was lots of fun. The graphics are really good and you have literally 55 square miles of rugged terrain to run around and cause trouble with. These are the good things about the game that make it worthwhile in my opinion:

1. Non-linearity (you are really free to roam around and blow things up, shoot people, do missions, whatever.

That's one big plus for me. The fact that on a second play-thru, you can approach each mission from a different angle, and it will look quite different...

I've played it all the way through three times, and none of the three were the same... The third was quite different as I (quite unintentionally) went into the final part of the game AT NIGHT...

NEVER do the final mission of FC2 at night!!! IF it's night when you're about to start it, go to a safehouse and rest first!!! (I got so lost that I just about re-loaded from a save point right before the final part so I could go rest and come back during daylight...)
Any opinions on THQ + Valve Pack? I have none of the games inside, I more or less need opinions on the THQ Pack. I was gunning for TQ + Stalker, and was not sure about CoH & Warhammer. Not to mention I don't know if I want to blow over 140$ in one shot =x

Yeah, I agree with's still a great deal for $75 but I hate that I missed it at $50 which would have been an insane buy. I've got way too many games to play, but I'm still thinking about picking it up before the sale ends because I want to play RF: G and I'm not sure when the pack will go on sale again. I'd like to say soon, since it went on sale in November, but with my luck it'll be next summer. :rolleyes:

The Valve pack is a must buy if you don't own any of the games in there IMO. L4D2 itself pays for 1/2 the pack, and then you get ALL of the HL games and their expansions. It's a buttload of content that just so happens to include some of the best FPS games of all time. I've been picking them up in spurts (first Orange Box (TF2/HL2/Portal), then HL1 + expansions and HL: Source). That got me to roughly $35...had I known that the Valve pack would be $75 with L4D2 I would have just snagged everything in one scoop and had the extra games like CS:S and DoD in my Steam list. :p

I also want the Codemasters collection, but it's such a mix of "Yay!" (great racing games, the Overlord series, Operation Flashpoint) and "Meh!" (Rise of the Argonauts, Hospital Tycoon, Damnation,

I really want to finally own the DiRT games and GRID, but what's up with Steam saying the first DiRT isn't supported in Windows 7? Can anyone who has it confirm or deny? If the game isn't even working, it's one more reason to hold off until the pack is $50...but with DiRT 2 being relatively new, who knows when that'll happen.
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Rise of the Argonauts (imo) was a fairly good action rpg. It got slammed in reviews because people either thought it was an action game and hated the dialogue (there's a lot of it) or rpg fans got annoying with the real time action oriented combat.
I ordered a L4D2 4-pack, it comes out to $25 per copy. I still have two copies available if anyone is interested. Send me a PM.
Today's deals suck. Most are repeats. I wanted a deal on MW2....
Well, its pretty obvious Activision doesn't give a pinch of owl shit about Steam sales with regards to the CoD franchise. The only 'sale' was for WaW, and it was a lame one at that.

CoD 4 on sale? forgettaboutit ....... MW2? you must be smoking something :eek:
so is Call of Juarez Bound in Blood worth $14.99 or should I wait until its cheaper some other time. also dont laugh but I think I want Quantum of Solace while its on sale for $9.99.
so is Call of Juarez Bound in Blood worth $14.99 or should I wait until its cheaper some other time. also dont laugh but I think I want Quantum of Solace while its on sale for $9.99.

I've finished the game COJ and i probably won't ever touch it again. Is fun but not much replay value.
I probably spent $300-400 on games this sale, but i got like 40 games, where in Australia that would = 5 games max... so I am happy.
Decided to add Jericho and Dark Sector.

After considering the Aspyr collection, I decided that I was only really interested in Necrovision and Cryostasis. Not a huge RTS fan and I have CoH + expansions to play through still, so Men of War, 1701, and XIII century are irrelevant for me. Really? The Stubbs demo was kinda cool and amusing, Dreamkiller appears laughably bad, and Death Track doesn't seem that interesting.

So I looked at Amazon and can get Necrovision and Cryostasis for ~$20. Extra winner.

Altogether that makes today's cost about $70.

And I might add the Prince of Persia pack, still. Any word on how that plays with the keyboard?
Great sales (strategy) from steam. Picked up a few games (braid, trine, shattered horizon, GTA IV, Killing Floor) and even gifted another copy of Killing Floor to a friend.
Approx $175 and, oh, 37 games later (thanks Eidos), I'd like to believe I'm good for a very long time. Next year I'll hope Dawn of Discovery is $10 :D I should probably also concentrate on games I ALREADY owned, as well as games I bought elsewhere this holiday season. It's terribly frustrating to have such varied interests in gaming - shooters, RPG, puzzles, and adventure.
And I might add the Prince of Persia pack, still. Any word on how that plays with the keyboard?

i played through 2 of the PoP games an PC, and while its infinitely frustrating, you mostly get used to it after a while and dont mess up so much. you can tell for sure that it was made for a dual-stick controller and not keyboard+mouse though. i loved the two i played, but im not interested in playing the other two because they are kinda repetitive.
And I might add the Prince of Persia pack, still. Any word on how that plays with the keyboard?
The camera for the Sands of Time trilogy kind of sucks, but the latest game (Prince of Persia) works well with the keyboard. I played through the entire game with it and I found the controls worked very well.
I saved up for and spent about $210 and I held out on a few games that need to get cheaper (Dawn of Discovery) or go on sale (ARMA II). All in all a very good sale as I expected.
If you guys had to choose between Far Cry and Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena, which would you get? I'm thinking Far Cry.
If you guys had to choose between Far Cry and Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena, which would you get? I'm thinking Far Cry.
I assume you mean Far Cry 2. I think Riddick is the better game especially if you never played the first since its also included. Far Cry 2 still has a lot of content and can be fun at times. really for the prices that they are at you should really try and get both.
I assume you mean Far Cry 2. I think Riddick is the better game especially if you never played the first since its also included. Far Cry 2 still has a lot of content and can be fun at times. really for the prices that they are at you should really try and get both.

I meant the first one, I have Far Cry 2 already. I played the original back in the day but never beat it. I don't have that copy anymore.
I meant the first one, I have Far Cry 2 already. I played the original back in the day but never beat it. I don't have that copy anymore.
oh okay. so you dont have $4.99 to get it too if you get Riddick for $6.79? if money is that tight then you may want to skip on buying any games.
For me it's not an issue of money, I just don't want to buy a bunch of games I guilt trip myself to beat. I still have a back catalog of games I need to finish I already own. :p
For me it's not an issue of money, I just don't want to buy a bunch of games I guilt trip myself to beat. I still have a back catalog of games I need to finish I already own. :p
yeah but if its less than 10 bucks and you were going to buy it anyway then why not? even if you dont get to it for weeks or months its still there and is cheaper than it would be when you get ready to play it. now I hate paying 30-40 bucks for a game and not getting to it until its been reduced anyway.

I have a crap load of games my self and I will be busy for many months since I rarely play games for more than a few hours a week. I have now decided that I will no longer pay anywhere near retail for games though so its probably going to be Steam sales only for me.
oh okay. so you dont have $4.99 to get it too if you get Riddick for $6.79? if money is that tight then you may want to skip on buying any games.

I have the money, I just don't want to go crazy and buy a bunch of games and then find out I made a calculating error somewhere and now I can't buy groceries or pay rent or something. These aren't my first purchases this sale. :D

Though I'm probably just being overcautious.
Yeah, you have a good point. At $5, who cares if you don't get to it for a year. It's not like you're going to kick yourself when it drops to $2.50. :)
I'll pay retail, but only for games that I would've paid full retail for before steam's existence. Which was always a short list of games. L4D2 was one, I preordered it and dont regret that, I enjoy it too much to wait. These other games though, I never would have bought without a sale (GTA4 ect).
Alright, day of reckoning. To bite or not to bite on Eidos?
Not terribly interested in Batman, but at $50 with a bunch of other vaguely interesting games, I'm somewhat tempted...