Steam Winter Sale is LIVE!

Red Faction 1 and 2
Beyond Good and Evil
Chaos Theory
Double Agent (yeah, I know, but it's only $5)
Titan's Quest Gold
World of Goo (how did I not own this already?)

Well, first round of games was less than $40. Now I have the rest of the day to decide if I should pick up a few of those packs.
All in all I think they had a great sale. I picked up some good games for cheap that I may have never have played otherwise. Thanks Steam! Looking forward to more of your sales!
Wish they could've ended the sale with a bang and had a big name release for like 75% off but that wasn't entirely up to them.

Excellent. Thanks. I'll check it out. Wow. If this is a fan-based creation, some people have too much time on their hands.

The Elder Scrolls series is the most modded game I have ever seen. Check out TESNexus for tons of mods for Morrowind and Oblivion. There are so many, it's impossible to fit them all on one install.
booo, i was hoping for some big grand finale, oh well. This deal was legendary.
All in all I think they had a great sale. I picked up some good games for cheap that I may have never have played otherwise. Thanks Steam! Looking forward to more of your sales!
Yeah, its been an excellent holiday sale. Steam's big sale last year rocked as well. I still haven't played all of the games I bought from then, LOL!

Defense Grid: The Awakening is a fantastic game if anyone is still on the fence about it. Snagged it myself for $5 this spring. Got a lot of mileage out of a spiffed-up tower defense game. At $2.49 you can't go wrong IMO.

Thanks again, Valve! (and don't forget about Ep.3, dammit!)
I'm pleased to say that's it for me. I've bought a ton of games during this great sale--I'm satisfied :D

These are the deals I passed on:

Far Cry 2: Fortune's Edition - $9.99

Aquaria - $9.99

Assassin's Creed - $9.99

TimeShift - $9.99

Twin Sector - $9.99

Dark Sector - $4.99

Titan Quest Gold - $9.99

Garry's Mod - $7.49

Dead Space - $10.19

Counter Strike: Condition Zero - $7.49

Ninja Blade - $14.99

World of Goo - $4.99

Indigo Prophecy - $3.99

Silen Hill Homecoming - $9.99

Street Fighter 4 - $9.99

Left 4 Dead - $7.49

(The prices listed are when these games were on sale at the lowest cost)

It's a shame F.E.A.R.2 and Oblivion never showed up on a daily deal, oh well :D
Alright, I'm definitely in for GTA4. 2 kids in the house and GTA4 for the Xbox goes missing. What do I hear? I dunnnnnnoooooooo where it is.

Had I not juuuust purchased LFD alittle over a month ago on sale I definitely would have jumped on LFD2. But, I need to get just alittle more mileage out of the first.

Nice sales this year though. I'm looking forward to next year already!
My final haul. Woulda had more if my wife hadn't decided to randomly check my gmail on my phone and see all the paypal emails. Seriously I think she woulda gone easier on me if I had cheated on her.

[H]ydra;1035136260 said:
It's a shame F.E.A.R.2 and Oblivion never showed up on a daily deal, oh well :D

I admit I was waiting for F2 to hit the daily sales... A bit surprised it didn't...

Was also hoping Section 8 would, too... Missed the D2D $12.50 deal hoping it would be a Steam deal, too...

Oh, well, I doubt I plan to play it before someone has it for $10 or $5 anyway...
Hah, you're also running it on a gaming rig powered by a 1600 watt PS. His PC visuals may be closer to those of PS3.

Haha, well even my pc makes the PS3's version looks like crap. I dont have an i7 with a 1600 watt PSU. :D

PC all the way. Steam rocks!
Hah, you're also running it on a gaming rig powered by a 1600 watt PS. His PC visuals may be closer to those of PS3.

The Jackyl has an AMD quad and a 5850...he'll be fine. The game looked and ran better than the console versions even on my old Q6600 with a 4870 512MB...just don't go too crazy and try to max out the draw/detail distances. Shadows aren't that vital either, as they look like ass in the game but I kept them on anyway. :rolleyes:
Picked up Torchlight, GTA4, Stalker:SOC and Bioshock. I was on the fence about them all when they came up the first time. Couldn't pass them up twice
Well, it says for the current deals... "These deals return. get them before the holiday's final curtain"

Do they mean the final curtain is another set of deals or what
Any opinions on THQ + Valve Pack? I have none of the games inside, I more or less need opinions on the THQ Pack. I was gunning for TQ + Stalker, and was not sure about CoH & Warhammer. Not to mention I don't know if I want to blow over 140$ in one shot =x
Eh.....just some regurgitated sale items. Good if you missed them though.
THQ pack was a better deal at $50, but even at $75 is a fantastic deal with a lot of great games if you are into those genres. Mostly RTS and some good FPS.

I'd say its worth it alone for RF:G and CoH, DoW is a great series as well.
Randomly looking at Clive Barker's Jericho, too. Again, it's a $5 shooter and I remember enjoying Undying all those years ago.

Any thoughts on Jericho?
I really like Jericho and in case you were waiting for it...yes it looks awesome on 3d vision lol
I was a big fan of the atmosphere of Undying and this one does have sort of that feel to it.
I know it does not have a lot of following but I feel it was underrated.
yay! L4D2 is back. Snagged it. Now I can accept some of those invites to play it.
About to make my last purchase.

Are Far Cry 2 or Assassin's Creed worth $10?

people have said bad things about far cry 2. i bought it when it was on the daily sales and i have loved it so far. except for the fact that it takes a ton of bullets to kill guys but i can look past it and it looks great to me. as for assassins creed, it just wasn't really my kind of game
Grabbed L4D2 since the sale is about over. I was hoping to get it for less--but $33 is a decent deal.

Pass I'm sure steam will put it up for sale for even less a few weeks from now and then laugh maniacally in our faces :(. Seriously, they totally do that to me constantly.

YOU HEARD ME STEAM! Haven't forgot about torchlight either!