Vista Uninstall Problems


May 28, 2007
I just recently installed Vista 64, and tried to install 3DMark05. Something happened during the install, and it ended prematurely. It wouldn't let me reinstall, telling me to uninstall the previous version. It wouldn't let me uninstall, so I deleted the 3DMark files. Still nothing. Downloaded the Windows Installer CleanUp utility. Nothing. Won't let me uninstall. Won't let me reinstall. It's like an endless cycle of stupidity. Anyone have any ideas?
I know it's not what you want to hear, and I'm sure that there are some here that are going to say I'm full of shit, but I recently had this same problem and the only fix I found was......a clean install

It seems to be a fairly well documented problem, which I assume you know based on the fact that you installed the clean up utility... I searched and looked and searched and looked, and then I searched some more and found nothing.

The good news is that since I reinstalled, I have had no problems at all....

Good luck, hope you find a fix...

Well, you might want to see if anyone else has some ideas.... I got fed up with looking and just gave up... I never get all that attached to my current installs anyhow. Clean installs aren't really a big deal in my opinion;)

But in all honesty, I did my research on this one and found nothing solid, and nothing that worked...

Give it a day and see what the others have to say before you give up..

Well I have yet to have this problem on my Vista box but it did happen more then once on XP with various pieces of software.

My solution was to delete everything and then search the registry for any entries related to the software and remove them. I always found a registry entry that once removed allowed me to attempt a reinstall.