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    Netflix - 1 Month Free Trial (Streaming)

    Grabbed #2. Thanks!
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    MSI N560GTX Ti Twin Frozr II OC Give-away!

    Looks flimsy. I'd rather have something that IS flimsy but looks solid in my case than something that looks flimsy.
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    MSI - Metro 2033 - GTX 460 Giveaway!

    don't ride the metro because ortem eht edir t'nod
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    For the [H]orde Give Away 2nd Edition!

    Anyone know how to eliminate the capacitor/inductor whine on graphics cards? I tried using nail polish, but I still get the noise whenever I do GPU folding, so I need some better suggestions.
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    Intel & iBuyPower - Gulftown Giveaway Contest

    >>> Winning Post <<<
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    Newegg / [H]ardOCP AMD Athlon X2 5000+ Black Edition Drawing

    1. Lick it 2. Phenom
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    inspiron E1705 processor speed question!

    My e1705 jumps down to your levels when I unplug it from the wall because it has power saving features. When it's plugged in, however, the voltage is higher and the speed is where it should be. If your laptop is plugged in while you're getting those readings, maybe there's some BIOS setting...
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    e1705 videocard questions.

    The 7900 gs probably isn't going to be a whole lot faster than the 7800, but you should get a pretty big boost with the 7900 GTX go ( Personally, I decided to not upgrade my graphics card, and next summer I'll see if dell comes out with a g80...
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    e1705 audio stuttering

    Well actually, it isn't a resource problem, it's something else (atleast I think). I've monitored my CPU usage and because I have a dual core T2400 usage never goes above like 25% on both cpu things while I'm listening to music. My peak memory usage is way below my total physical memory. The...
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    e1705 audio stuttering

    Hi, I got my e1705 a while ago and recently when I play back audio it stutters every 10 seconds or so for like a quarter of a second. My mouse freezes when the audio stutters. One thing that I thought might be causing this issue is the fact that my hard drive is pretty full, I've only got like...
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    Getting a gaming Laptop

    I recently got a Targus 17" notebook carrying case for my e1705 and it's great. I find it really easy to move around with the laptop, especially when I'm riding my bike. It's nice to have a really power gaming notebook that you can move around easily and the e1705 is exactly that.
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    Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne $5.23 shipped is where I saw the news, the individual links are below. PS2: XBOX: As you can see they're from gamestop not some unknown seller. It's funny because...
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    Inspiron e1705 thoughts

    I know the audio crackles when the volume is turned up all the way, atleast it's more obvious that way. It's especially noticable when you hook up the laptop to high-quality external speakers. On a side note, you can get a "hacked" inf for the dell sigmatel audio drivers that opens up lots of...
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    The circle of Dell...

    when I ordered my laptop I got an email saying that the estimated ship date was 1/03/2007, no joke I still have the email. But then the laptop shipped out later that day, so dell can be messed up sometimes.
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    Laptop Upgradability

    You can't upgrade the graphics when you buy the integrated intel chip.
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    1200 for a good gaming laptop?

    I bought an $800 e1705 from with a X1400 ATI graphics card that I can eventually upgrade to a 7900GTX if need be, a 17 Ultra sharp screen, 512MB memory and a T2400 core duo processor previously ordered new. A couple days after I made my order I checked back for other e1705 deals...
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    Old laptop for a kid

    Depends what your desktop uses. If your desktop hard drive uses the same connector as the old laptop hard drive that you can just hook up the hdd and install the OS. If desktop and the old hdd don't have the same type of connector then you'll have to search for a hdd enclosure that supports the...
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    $850 laptop suggestions? incase you didn't know
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    New laptop help.

    I recommend going to or whatever the equivalent is for canada and getting something from there. I've been looking for a new laptop for school too and I just got a really great deal on an e1705 that I can upgrade later for better gaming performance for about $800. It was one that...
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    FEAR Combat

    You can use an NTFS boot disk to boot to Dos and then use rmdir or del to delete folders or files. I like to use NTFS4DOS
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    Mobile processor comparison. Need help choosing a new laptop!

    First of all, I wouldn't upgrade the ram to 2gb through HP. You'll get a generic brand and it costs nearly twice what it would cost you if you bought OCZ from newegg ( The 7200 RPM hdd provides a huge improvement over the 5400 RPM...
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    e1705 or m5750

    Anyone know if the lights for the alienware symbols and stuff can be changed to different colors?
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    e1705 or m5750

    That's why I asked if there were alienware rebates. I mean.. they do have that little box for entering coupon codes just like most other websites. I'm also trying to figure out how the x1800 overclocks, maybe that'll make it better than the 7900GS. Do ATI cards typically overclock well?
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    e1705 or m5750

    There's no question in my mind that the X1600 mobility is better than the 7600 Go, I've heard so many ppl say that and have seen 3dmark scores that show that too. But I just found a chart that seems to put the X1800 mobility below the 7900GS, however the specs it shows for the X1800 seems to be...
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    e1705 or m5750

    I've got about a $1500 dollar budget and I want a decent performing laptop for college. I can get the e1705 with a slightly better CPU for the money, but I really REALLY like the design of the alienware laptop. Not to mention the alienware has a full keyboard w/numpad and probably is designed...
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    FEAR Combat

    in my opinion FEAR combat is seriously lacking. on the server i played on the gameplay is hectic, every other turn you end up shooting someone or getting shot. reminds me of something i might've played like 5 years ago.
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    took battery out, NOW its hot!

    I didn't know your could remove the battery and still be able to run the laptop. But anyways, I don't see how the battery could be involved in making the laptop cooler as the battery only produces heat it doesn't really absorb any. You're prolly just touching areas that were normally guarded by...
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    Official Moola Invites Thread

    I've got 3 invites, PM me w/your email if you want one.
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    Dell Back-to-school Notebook Giveaway

    What makes you think that? If they eliminated duplicate street names then only one person per household would be able to enter, and I don't think there's anything that prevents a whole family from entering.
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    Dell Back-to-school Notebook Giveaway

    Any updates from the people who won? Did you get your laptop? Did you get to configure the laptop or do you just get the base model? Did you have to sign anything or if you used multiple email addresses did you still get the laptop?
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    Free 35% off Dell Coupon for Inspiron and Dimension

    Anyone know when these are going to be released again? Or does anyone have one I could use? I'm trying to buy an e1705 for college.
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    Dell coupons

    I purchased an hp laptop a while back for college but it had a bad keyboard issue so I returned it. Anyways, I'm now thinking about buying a dell e1705 for college but I'm only going to buy it if I can get one of those $750 off or 35% off coupons and I was wondering if anyone knew when Dell...
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    The Increasing Interest in Laptops, your thoughts?

    I recently purchased a dv8000t and decided to return it mainly because of the keyboard issue it has. However, I also got to thinking about mobility in college. Aren't you guys scared of having the laptop stolen if you take it out to some random place? From what I hear, most people with nice...