New laptop help.


Jun 2, 2006
OK so im going to start school again and im looking for a laptop around £350-£400 thats aout $660-$760 i think.

Im going to need to do photoshop, ive seen the dell 630m on ebay for aeround the price im looking for, but they aren't returnable when the go wrong. :( Ive seen the 640m and 6400 but they are a bit above my price and i might have to hassle money out of my parents :s

Any ideas guys? Cheers
not to worry bought a Dell 640m going on holiday though so won't get it until end of sugust/september
I recommend going to or whatever the equivalent is for canada and getting something from there. I've been looking for a new laptop for school too and I just got a really great deal on an e1705 that I can upgrade later for better gaming performance for about $800. It was one that was previously ordered new, which basically means it hasn't even been powered on, brand new someone just cancelled the order.