Old laptop for a kid


Apr 6, 2005
Hi all,
I want to give a new "life" to an old Toshiba 110cs ( that´s a pentium 100) and put more 16M memory and the win98, for my 5 years nephew start joking with computers.
The problem is that is has an 810M disk without no operating sistem - I had to format the disk to erase a virus - and, since it has no native CD-rom, I have a great problem to install win 98. How? I though to buy an 2,5-3,5 adapter and pick up the disk and use the desktop to install win98, and then reinstall the disk: will it work?

I think this hard question is only able to be answered with high qualified people , like the moderators of this great forum, but I may be wrong.
Depends what your desktop uses. If your desktop hard drive uses the same connector as the old laptop hard drive that you can just hook up the hdd and install the OS. If desktop and the old hdd don't have the same type of connector then you'll have to search for a hdd enclosure that supports the connector type of your old hdd or find some form of adapter. I know you can find some cheap enlosures on newegg.com, not sure about adapters though.
Every laptop hard drive I have ever seen has been of the 2.5" variety, even in computers nearly as old as that one... (Armada 7770, A Pentium MMX 233)

My suggestion would be to get an adapter, availible at newegg, http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16812203012
Not sure what the power requirements of an older drive would be so the first option is preferable.

Connect the hard drive, (However it's connected) to the working computer, format it, and then copy the win98 directory from your install CD to the hard drive. (Create a \win98 directory first) If your 98 disk is an upgrade, and you don't have the floppy installer for windows 95 then copy the win95 directory to the hard disk in the same fashion.

As long as you still have enough space to install the OS after that you're golden.
Ok, thanks both you you, for the tips, I´ll try to do that. However an adittional problem apperaed now: the rtc battery is low ( message of this is on the post screen), I´ll have to search for an Toshiba 110cs Rtc one, if not , all the work can be smashed because of this Rtc battery problem.