MSI - Metro 2033 - GTX 460 Giveaway!

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I was stationed in Japan once and on Halloween I dressed up like a Catholic school girl. When I was taking the Metro to a party, some guy karate chopped me out of nowhere and stole my underwear. When I got off the train I complained to the police, but they said there wasnt anything they could do about it, so I ditched the shirt and knee high boots and pretended my skirt was a kilt, and went to the party as William Wallace. Then when I left the party I was walking back to the metro stop and saw my underwear in a vending machine, so I started shaking it to try and get my underwear out but the cops I complained to earlier saw me and tazered me.
I don't ride the metro because it takes you to Ravenholm. And we don't go to Ravenholm.
Don't ride the metro because Chuck Norris might spawn! or it will glitch in somehow.
Chuck Norris approves this message.

Chuck Norris approves this message.

oh yheah i really want this card that's why He approved the message :)
The last time I rode the metro I was wedged between a homeless guy with no teeth and this humongous sweating man who would make the bus tilt when he stepped on. Never again.
You shouldn't ride the Metro because in Mother Russia, and also according to Henry David Thoreau, the Metro rides you!
Every ride in the Metro drunk, and then boot on the floor. Now imagine you are the next person to get in that car...
One time on the metro we saw a can of beer in a brown paper bag with a straw in it and the straw had lipstick on it! Either transvestite bums roam the metro or I dare not imagine what else it could be!
One should not ride metro because occasionally, Jesus' look-alike hops on board, and then it's just awkward. There's one in every city.
When in San Francisco next month, how to tell which Metros will be safe to ride?
Best to avoid confusion and never ride one...
I should not ride the metro because, sniff, sniff, I only weigh 155 pounds, I'm just an appetizer.
But the 460 would help make me not so, right?
use the subway instead of the metro, sandwiches are availabe there.
I say ride the Metro, that way Al Gore can fly his plane a little longer to make up for you going green
I rode the Metro in Mexico City once....once. Getting dragged out by the collar as you're squeezing in for that last spot, thankfully by someone in the group you were with(what? who? whew!) and standing alone, just the two of you waiting for the next train around midnight was quite the experience, especially at 17.
Why you should not ride the metro because you will never know what will happen when you come out from the metro. Better get a MSI GTX460 Cyclone to play Metro 2033, then you will know how scary it is inside the metro.
Don't go in the metro because there's a Spoiler! scary ghost child shadow waiting for you! Spoiler!
:[ Because I get more action from old ladies in the metro than I do with my GF. *sigh*
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