inspiron E1705 processor speed question!


Jan 31, 2006
ive got an e1705 with a 2ghz core duo processor. I recently loaded up cpuz to look at some other specs and i noticed that it only reports my processor as running at 998mhz. it consistently reports it at about 998 mhz, but occasionally it jumps to 1998 for a split second. Its so fast i cant tell for sure, but i noticed that the multiplier jumps as well. is this just an issue with cpuz? or is my laptop slowing its processor speed for some reason. Oh, i would also like to mention that this happens while im running on ac power, not on the battery.

My e1705 jumps down to your levels when I unplug it from the wall because it has power saving features. When it's plugged in, however, the voltage is higher and the speed is where it should be. If your laptop is plugged in while you're getting those readings, maybe there's some BIOS setting that's keeping the processor's power saving features on while plugged in or maybe the laptop isn't recognizing the fact that it's plugged in.
Or, more likely, you just have it on a power setting that isn't "Always On" or whatever.

If you're using Quickset, try Maximum performance

Better yet, Notebook Hardware Control and you can set your own speeds.
i downloaded NHC and i changed it to max performance. Is it safe to run at max performance all the time? or should i be concerned about heat issues.
I have the same problem and I am at Max Performance, Plugged In. I tried NHC and had weird issues and the laptop sometimes crashed. Removed NHC.....issue went away.

Is there another program I can try or do something else to get max speed from the processors???

alkaline said:
i downloaded NHC and i changed it to max performance. Is it safe to run at max performance all the time? or should i be concerned about heat issues.

Did this fix your speed issue?