e1705 videocard questions.


Jul 21, 2002
first off. is there a good thread here like there was for the emachine 680#'s that was nice lol..

I have a e1705 with a t2400 duo
1 gig ram
7800go 256 megs

I was wondering how much more I would get out of it by getting a 7900gs instead for it?

as it is now in some games my desktop with amd 64 3200, 2 gig ram and a 6800ultra beats it so I was wondering if I could make it be the "best" it could be.

thanks in advance.
The 7900 gs probably isn't going to be a whole lot faster than the 7800, but you should get a pretty big boost with the 7900 GTX go (http://www.pcper.com/article.php?type=expert&aid=293). Personally, I decided to not upgrade my graphics card, and next summer I'll see if dell comes out with a g80 video card upgrade that'll work with the e1705, if not i'll just buy a new laptop with it and one of the new core 2 duo's that's supposed to come out with a faster FSB.