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  1. W

    Question regarding Vista's "GAMES" menu

    see my screenshot above. I have Vista Home 32 bit full licence
  2. W

    Question regarding Vista's "GAMES" menu

    Remove from List or Delete are not in the righ click menu
  3. W

    Question regarding Vista's "GAMES" menu

    Hi. In Vista's Start Menu, there's a specific "Games" menu. Games that received the "Games for Windows" label automatically appear in that menu, and it's pretty easy to add other games with "drag and drop". But I don't understand how to remove those links??? Uninstalling a classic PC...
  4. W

    Crysis, the best FPS to date

    in my world, Crysis is the best FPS ever. on par with HL2.
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    Crysis too easy?

    even if you're perfect at it, it's almost impossible to get past a camp of 20 Korean soldiers. these bastards cover the ground very well. Crysis made me think of something : if in the future video games get even more realistic, they'll make no sense. I mean, it's pretty obvious one person...
  6. W

    Call of Duty 4 - best game ever

    I can't take a game that lasts 4 to 5 hours seriously. it's good, but one of the shortest games ever. what if someone releases a SP map that has the best gameplay ever, are you gonna call it the best game ever?
  7. W

    Crysis too easy?

    that kind of stuff is impossible after the first level
  8. W

    Crysis too easy?

    the demo part is very easy compared to the rest you'll come accross enemy camps of around 20 or 30 soldiers, and it's pretty hard to get past them on Delta, especially if you engage one of them.
  9. W

    Crysis ...

    I've just applied for a job at EA, lol
  10. W

    Call of Duty 4 - best game ever

    first of all, on the technical level, COD4 gets blown by Crysis. Crysis, with only High graphics and without AA of AF looks like COD8 will look like on a GeForce 11. but you need the right hardware to enjoy it, of course. the gameplay : COD4 is intense, but there's absolutely zero realism...
  11. W

    Call of Duty 4 - best game ever

    you haven't played Crysis yet. it's way better.
  12. W

    Crysis ...

    except I pre purchased the game.
  13. W

    Full Crysis Retail, leaked onto the Internet

    Crysis is way too cheap compared to what it's really worth.
  14. W

    Crysis ...

    me too, but the game is so good that I'm actually going to cancel my preorder and get the collector's edition, if there is such a thing. and I'm going to write a letter to Crytek, to personally thank them for Crysis. and I'd like to meet them in person.
  15. W

    Crysis ...

    ... is the best game ever made. For the first time in my life I have the feeling that a game is too cheap. It should cost $100, at least. Oh my God, I can't breathe, it's so AWESOME ... it has flaws, but overall Crytek has done so much better than anything done ever before, that you forget...
  16. W

    Full Crysis Retail, leaked onto the Internet

    Some will pay $8 and play in 2 hours. I didn't say I did (hehe)
  17. W

    Full Crysis Retail, leaked onto the Internet

    Well, at least Razor asks people to buy the game if they liked it. I've already preordered it, so I won't mind leeching it now. I just can't wait.
  18. W

    Full Crysis Retail, leaked onto the Internet

    yeah well the full game is online now ... means I'll be able to play it before I get the box from :D woohoo
  19. W

    Full Crysis Retail, leaked onto the Internet

    omg lmaool & rofl
  20. W

    Not a big UT fan..... but

    I'm a big UT fan ... but I just hate UT3. It sucks big time.
  21. W

    Questionable Games Quality' Threatening EA's Stock

    I wanted to apply for a job at EA ... I think I'm still going to.
  22. W

    Full Crysis Retail, leaked onto the Internet

    I've already bought the game, but I wouldn't mind playing it before I actually receive my box with the game disk.
  23. W

    Tactical FPS, dead or just resting?

    2007 will go down as the best ever year for FPS. In fact : STALKER, BioShock, Crysis (these 3 in the same year!!!!!!!!) also, Orange Box (3 games), Quake Wars, UT3 (oh God!!!!!!) Call of Duty 4, Timeshift, Jericho!!! I'm not even gonna mention MOH Airborne, because it's no competition...
  24. W

    Clive Barker's Jericho DEMO

    I've ust tried the new JERICHO demo on the PC, and I gotta say it's awesome. It's so cool to be able to control any character of a squad!!!!!!!!! Especially when you consider each one of them has different powers and combat techniques. It allows you to experience the same game in several...
  25. W

    What games have you regretted buying?

    same here :(
  26. W

    Halo 2 vs. UT2004

    are you joking? the graphic level of Halo 2 equals PC games that came out in 2001/2002 UT2004 blows Halo 2 away
  27. W

    PC Versus Console Gaming: Personal Realization

    I can't hold a gamepad in my hands, so consoles suck.
  28. W

    What have you learned through video games?

    I learned that grenades don't destroy walls and also that killing humans is fun!
  29. W

    Favorite video game ending?

    all endings are bad ... because they usually mean the game is OVER, and I cry :(
  30. W

    Games your cant wait for!

    STALKER HL Ep 2 Portal UT3 Crysis
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    Pentium D vs Core 2 Duo

    The Pentium D is way faster. :p It just came out and it's already been replaced by the much superior Core 2 Duo. :D
  32. W

    WoW for Noobs

    I also want a 10-day trial what to do?
  33. W

    What are going to be the new 'professional' games?

    Monopoly and Poker on PC :D
  34. W

    NFS Carbon : How to activate Audi Le Mans in career mode?

    actually when you beat your last opponent in the career mode, he gives you the keys of the Audi Le Mans, but you still can't drive it or buy it. the only thing you can do is use it in the quick race mode, but that sucks. I wanna drive around freely.
  35. W

    WOW didnt think this would happen

    I can't try this POS because that goddamn punkbuster will kick me from any server.
  36. W

    NFS Carbon : How to activate Audi Le Mans in career mode?

    Hey! I finished NFS Carbon, but there is no way to get an Audi Le Mans in the career mode ... and I'm pretty pissed about this because this game actually sucks so much that the only reason I see for not uninstalling it is to drive around with the Audi a bit. So, how do I get that Audi in...
  37. W

    NFS Carbon. Cant beat Kenji!!!!

    I thought that Kenji is pretty easy to beat. at least, I beat him every time.