Crysis ...


Jun 3, 2006
... is the best game ever made. For the first time in my life I have the feeling that a game is too cheap. It should cost $100, at least.

Oh my God, I can't breathe, it's so AWESOME ... it has flaws, but overall Crytek has done so much better than anything done ever before, that you forget the flaws instantly.

And, in conclusion, if you don't buy this game, I will hunt you down, every one of you, and kill you.

Crysis is that good! :D
EA\Cryteck has my money already so I'm not worried about it. I preordered in full, months ago.
EA\Cryteck has my money already so I'm not worried about it. I preordered in full, months ago.

me too, but the game is so good that I'm actually going to cancel my preorder and get the collector's edition, if there is such a thing.

and I'm going to write a letter to Crytek, to personally thank them for Crysis. and I'd like to meet them in person.
Really good to hear. Right now I'm having a great time playing The Witcher, and if Crysis matches or even beats... it's been long a time since I've been really into TWO PC games at once.
... is the best game ever made. For the first time in my life I have the feeling that a game is too cheap. It should cost $100, at least.

Oh my God, I can't breathe, it's so AWESOME ... it has flaws, but overall Crytek has done so much better than anything done ever before, that you forget the flaws instantly.

And, in conclusion, if you don't buy this game, I will hunt you down, every one of you, and kill you.

Crysis is that good! :D

i would gladly pay twice as much as it cost me if you are willing to pay it for me. jeez, bud lay off the coke will ya. 50 bucks is more than enough for a game and what did you do warez a copy or play the demo, the game looks ok on my system for the money call of duty 4 fuckign rocks in terms of 60+ frames a second and amazing graphics quality at 1680x1050. If crysis did that without me selling a piece of my soul or limb to buy some parts necessary then talk to me later about it being awesome.
... is the best game ever made. For the first time in my life I have the feeling that a game is too cheap. It should cost $100, at least.

Oh my God, I can't breathe, it's so AWESOME ... it has flaws, but overall Crytek has done so much better than anything done ever before, that you forget the flaws instantly.

And, in conclusion, if you don't buy this game, I will hunt you down, every one of you, and kill you.

Crysis is that good! :D

The irony being that its blindingly obvious that you pirated the game since you post this on the very day its released on the net and weeks after the demo, and yet you still say people should pay more for it and that you will murder anyone who doesnt pay for it. If thats the case then the first on your hit list should be yourself. Shame on you.
What about the people who want to play the game but don't have the cash right now to get a good computer? Will they be spared?
The irony being that its blindingly obvious that you pirated the game since you post this on the very day its released on the net and weeks after the demo, and yet you still say people should pay more for it and that you will murder anyone who doesnt pay for it. If thats the case then the first on your hit list should be yourself. Shame on you.

except I pre purchased the game.
My download right now is going at 70-80kbps, tomorrow around this time I'll have Crysis . Everyone is saying its a legit rip and it works. I pre-ordered the game, does that spare my life?
Performance is still crap. After seeing how good COD4 looks and runs, I don't even care about the disappointment called Crysis.
CircuitCity will have it this week with a $10 giftcard. Use that on their $40 CoD4 to make it cost $30 and basically you spend a total of $80 for the two, or $40 each ;)
Performance is still crap. After seeing how good COD4 looks and runs, I don't even care about the disappointment called Crysis.

It's only been a few weeks since the demo launched. I'm sure their will be video card optimizations and probably a patch before too long.

I'm going to wait until I get bored of my current games before I buy it though.
Anyone and everyone talking about dl'ing games via illegal torrent should get a perma ban.

I have debated downloading it as well,as its all over the net,but instead I will hold onto my reciept and go pick it up at EB this week as I already paid in full months ago for it.
CircuitCity will have it this week with a $10 giftcard. Use that on their $40 CoD4 to make it cost $30 and basically you spend a total of $80 for the two, or $40 each ;)

Thanks for the tip, Im gonna have to hit up CC before work for it this week and get myself a dvd or something.
People get for free what you paid hard cash for. Doesn't it feel like someone just punched you in the stomach? :eek:
People get for free what you paid hard cash for. Doesn't it feel like someone just punched you in the stomach? :eek:

No, It actually feels good to support the developers that work hard to bring us the games we enjoy so much.

Someone had to publish the game, I dont like EA that much; but what are you going to do??? Thats a moot point, it could have been 2K.

Anybody who's downloaded this game illegally should be treated just like the people the RIAA is after. You stole the copy, but didnt have the balls to walk into a store and do it.
It's Chickenshit, it's illegal and the reason all this bullshit security stuff is all over my computer now.

If somebody walked into your house and stole your computer how would you feel??? You'd be on the phone to the police as fast as you could. And please dont give me the shit of: "I'm so poor I cant afford the 50 dollars" eat? you have a cell phone? you have gas for your car? your smokes? then you can pass 50 bucks on to Crytek/EA.

Bottom line here.....people that steal from other people suk. I'd ban your ass for sure.
Downloading a pirated copy of the game isn't stealing, it's copyright infingement. Stealing is a totaly different thing, where you deprive others of something, you can't compare downloading Crysis to someone stealing your PC.
the semantics of what you want to call it are really irrelevant to the point he's making
If you've preordered it, why not, if not I hope you rot in hell :D As others have said this is what's killing PC gaming
Downloading a pirated copy of the game isn't stealing, it's copyright infingement. Stealing is a totaly different thing, where you deprive others of something, you can't compare downloading Crysis to someone stealing your PC.

Bullshit. Call it anything you want. You stole it from the guy who developed it for SALE for real money.
Chickenshit way of rationalizing stealing something. The download is a mirror of a physical object you stole. Exact same thing.

You deprive Crytek of their money,hard earned over years,if that aint stealing; enlighten me. (copyright infringement my ass.)

And yes.....I pre-ordered, paid in full with MY hard earned dollars......if these pirate assholes keep it up, it will just cost me more next time.
Everytime i count up how much i've paid for games over my life, i envy the pirates.

/this year especially
The irony being that its blindingly obvious that you pirated the game since you post this on the very day its released on the net and weeks after the demo, and yet you still say people should pay more for it and that you will murder anyone who doesnt pay for it. If thats the case then the first on your hit list should be yourself. Shame on you.

Find out his IP and send it to EA! :D