Tactical FPS, dead or just resting?


Limp Gawd
Sep 4, 2006
Its been awhile since a really good tactical FPS has been released. Now, some might say that GR:AW2 and GRAW are tactical and they may be right. I speak more of the days of R6 and the CQB TFPS. There hasnt been once since RVS, and even then it was broken from the get go and never really fixed. And before someone even mentions Vegas, please refrain as this was nothing more then UBI making another CS like FPS under the guise of a TFPS. I would loved to hear others thoughts on this topic.
and jet sims, they are dead too. I still play raven shield quite a bit. I think they are over, nobody seems to want to go that in depth anymore.

I would say vegas resembles cs at all. More like gears of war to me. In fact the only way it is similar to cs is that they have guns and terrorists, like every military shooter in 10 years almost
i think the closest game to a Tactical FPS game would be Metal Gear Solid 4, unfortunately, you can only go into FPS when you're about to shoot.
how many can you make, really? all you can do is change some textures, the engine, weapons , time period ...and then what,

i dont think there have been any, at least good ones, as of late because they have all be done and no one can think of something new and ground breaking.
how many can you make, really? all you can do is change some textures, the engine, weapons , time period ...and then what,

i dont think there have been any, at least good ones, as of late because they have all be done and no one can think of something new and ground breaking.

Like every other FPS in existence, you mean :rolleyes:. That's what they all do.

I really think that it's just the whole trend of games being dumbed down in general (heck, a lot of things in society... TV... movies... books... videogames :p ) that is causing this. Hopefully we see a resurgence eventually...
There's not many because most of the time these things are borderline simulators and no one really wants that, games and simulators are 2 differnet things IMO, and simulators aren't that fun to the average joe because they take too much learning/practice to be able to do anything.

I thought SWAT 4 and the expansion was very good, we play that at LAN's and it's pretty realistic, decent environments and true to life weapons. The tactics you use as a squad can be pretty complex as well.
Ever play "Tactical Ops"? Not tactical at all. You just round around shooting each other. It's sort of like CS except the hit boxes don't suck and the weapons actually do damage. It's sort of like playing a Quake type game under guise of a CS looking game. Don't tell any Tactical Ops players that I said it was anything like CS though. I fear for my children.
As far as Jet sims:
For the PC I'd agree they are dead. However, Ace Combat 6 is pretty good on the 360. I wish it was for the PC as well. Enh....
There are a couple PC jet games that are like WWII style..but they're kinda lame IMO.
Yeah, I liked Swat 4, but the gameplay needed tuning. Had the same instant die issue that Rainbow Six had all the way up to Vegas. In Vegas they got reaction time right, but also put in that wounds-wear-off mechanic and as mentioned earlier, lost the tactical part of the singleplayer.

Swat 4 room clearing, with Vegas timing and AI would be great.
Ever play "Tactical Ops"? Not tactical at all. You just round around shooting each other. It's sort of like CS except the hit boxes don't suck and the weapons actually do damage. It's sort of like playing a Quake type game under guise of a CS looking game. Don't tell any Tactical Ops players that I said it was anything like CS though. I fear for my children.
As far as Jet sims:
For the PC I'd agree they are dead. However, Ace Combat 6 is pretty good on the 360. I wish it was for the PC as well. Enh....
There are a couple PC jet games that are like WWII style..but they're kinda lame IMO.

Hahaha, yeah, I played "Tactical Ops" back when it came out for awhile :p.
Just resting for 2008

First you have ARMA 2 aka Game 2 by Bohemia Interactive.

Secondly you have Ground Branch by BlackFoot Studios. For those of you that don't know John Sonedecker was the lead level designer at Redstorm Entertainment when they were good (original Ghost Recon, Rainbow Six (1& 2)).

Finally you have Operation Flashpoint 2: Dragon Rising by Codemasters. This is the game that I have the least confidence in being a good game. This is mainly do to the fact that BI did the original Operation Flashpoint and its' two expansion packs.

Of these three games, Ground Branch is the one I am most looking forward to.
The genre isn't dead, just in hibernation. Ground Branch all the way, baby! Here's a bit from the link provided above:

Ground Branch is the premiere title from Blackfoot Studios. The term Ground Branch is a little known Military and Intelligence reference phrase for the paramilitary wing of the CIA. Ground Branch is composed of a Command that oversees operational teams which conduct military and intelligence actions in support of the goals specified by the National Command Authority.

These teams are not constrained by the law of land warfare that applies to military units. They operate under the radar and outside public knowledge, often conducting operations in conjunction with Special Operations Forces. Their members are drawn from the best former SOF operators from around the world including US Army Special Forces, British SAS, Australian SAS, Navy SEALs, Delta Force, and GSG9 just to name a few.

Ground Branch often operates in an area where there is no official or allowed military presence and utilizes the most advanced weaponry, intelligence and support mechanisms.
I would say just resting,give the genre a break for a while,as devs should and move on.Eventually something 'fresh' will come along and give it a new spin.
I wish the R6 series would go back to it's roots. R6, R6:RS and R6:RVS were the shit. R6 was the first game I ever really played competitively. Lock Down and Vegas arcadized the series for console play and destroyed the series in my eyes.
I wish the R6 series would go back to it's roots. R6, R6:RS and R6:RVS were the shit. R6 was the first game I ever really played competitively. Lock Down and Vegas arcadized the series for console play and destroyed the series in my eyes.

I liked Rogue Spear the best..
i think the closest game to a Tactical FPS game would be Metal Gear Solid 4, unfortunately, you can only go into FPS when you're about to shoot.

nope, wrongo! They said you can play the entire game in First Person...watch some trailers
2007 will go down as the best ever year for FPS.

In fact :

STALKER, BioShock, Crysis (these 3 in the same year!!!!!!!!)
also, Orange Box (3 games), Quake Wars, UT3 (oh God!!!!!!)
Call of Duty 4, Timeshift, Jericho!!!

I'm not even gonna mention MOH Airborne, because it's no competition to the games I've mentionned

there's also been some pretty good shooters on consoles : Fall of Man, Halo 3, ...
2007 will go down as the best ever year for FPS.

In fact :

STALKER, BioShock, Crysis (these 3 in the same year!!!!!!!!)
also, Orange Box (3 games), Quake Wars, UT3 (oh God!!!!!!)
Call of Duty 4, Timeshift, Jericho!!!

I'm not even gonna mention MOH Airborne, because it's no competition to the games I've mentionned

there's also been some pretty good shooters on consoles : Fall of Man, Halo 3, ...

This is the kinda thinking, I am talking about. I talk strictly about TFPS and someone has to bring up the run n gun games of the year. I have been playing COD4 for the past few months, and I enjoy the hell out of it. Then again, its not a tactical game. Its, fir as many rounds as quickly as you can into the mob and hope you killed something.

I am really excited about 2008, there does seem to be alot of good TFPS coming out this year, lets hope they pan out.
I have been playing COD4 for the past few months, and I enjoy the hell out of it. Then again, its not a tactical game. Its, fir as many rounds as quickly as you can into the mob and hope you killed something.

While I agree that COD4 is not a TFPS at heart I don't think you're being entirely fair to the game. While regular game mode IMO encourages run'n'gun because it's very difficult to kill with a single bullet hardcore mode is an entirely different game. Once you loose your crosshair unless you aim and dying from a bullet in the chest is a real possibility you can adopt a much more tactical approach. Personally I try to stalk around the maps and try to take out my enemies with a mix of stealth and precision fire. (M14 / Desert Eagle / Smoke grenade / 3 Frags / UAV jammer). While this does not in itself change the game it gives me / you an option to approach the game in a more tactical manner.

As of the original question I too am looking forward in the hope that we will actually see tactical shooters again but I don't keep my hopes to high. I belive that the demand for tactical shooters as opposed to regular FPS isn't all that high (sadly) and as companies excist to make money the makes for a pretty low chance for a high productionvalue TFPS.
Just resting for 2008

First you have ARMA 2 aka Game 2 by Bohemia Interactive.

Secondly you have Ground Branch by BlackFoot Studios. For those of you that don't know John Sonedecker was the lead level designer at Redstorm Entertainment when they were good (original Ghost Recon, Rainbow Six (1& 2)).

Finally you have Operation Flashpoint 2: Dragon Rising by Codemasters. This is the game that I have the least confidence in being a good game. This is mainly do to the fact that BI did the original Operation Flashpoint and its' two expansion packs.

Of these three games, Ground Branch is the one I am most looking forward to.

I hope its just resting...

You mean back when Red Storm still existed? Mr. Clancy sold it off for a cool $40M shortly after GR1.
max of 5 players in a freeforall server on CoD4, speakers all the way up, crouching/walking around silently with an mp5 hard core mode

wide ranch of availible tactics...fun as hell
Did anyone mention America's Army ?

QFT. This really is a great tactical shooter game, but for whatever retarded reason everyone thinks that it's government propaganda and you're a numb-minded brainwashed fool if you play it.

Not the case, and possibly the most realistic feeling shooter I've played. ("feeling" not looking.) None of the BS of pumping a half dozen rounds into someone without them collapsing to the ground in an oozing mess, flahsbang effects that don't wear off before you've finished throwing the damn thing, a health/damage system that works extremely well, weapon weights that affect run speeds, etc. Did I mention sniping? No CS kiddings bunny hopping around one shotting with the AWP. Sniping now requires patience and tactical know-how.

I personally loved this game, and AA 3.0 (based on UT3 engine) was announced for September 2008. Maybe we'll see it before the end of the year?

Best of all, it's 100% free.
Did anyone mention America's Army ?

The problem with America's Army is the online only component. I did play AA for a while. I really liked they actually had guns that would jam (a bit more than I have seen in real life), and that guns picked up off the ground were much less reliable.

LOMAC is still pretty sweet.

Sweet but its not a first person shooter.
Chombo, when I see your posts, I find myself agreeing every time so far.

AA is mostly online. However one can fire up a dedicated LAN server with one of the maps that has AI opponents (yes, they added those) and while last time I checked, they're incredibly stupid as far as AI goes, there is a ton of them and it takes some decent teamwork to be successful in the time alloted. If you're looking for the SP experience, this game isn't for you. But what usually gives a game it's longevity is the multiplayer aspect, and that's where AA shines.

Either way, SP/MP wasn't specified, and as far as the challenge provided from AI opponents vs. real opponents, I prefer the unpredictability and dynamic behavior shown by human opponents in my tactical shooters. :)
Chombo, when I see your posts, I find myself agreeing every time so far.

AA is mostly online. However one can fire up a dedicated LAN server with one of the maps that has AI opponents (yes, they added those) and while last time I checked, they're incredibly stupid as far as AI goes, there is a ton of them and it takes some decent teamwork to be successful in the time alloted. If you're looking for the SP experience, this game isn't for you. But what usually gives a game it's longevity is the multiplayer aspect, and that's where AA shines.

Either way, SP/MP wasn't specified, and as far as the challenge provided from AI opponents vs. real opponents, I prefer the unpredictability and dynamic behavior shown by human opponents in my tactical shooters. :)

Glad to hear we jive most of the time.

I like the unpredictability of human behavior which makes MP fun. However what I do hate about playing with other people is that they are in fact people. Eventually people will find ruin a game through exploits or something of that nature and the game essentially loses its meaning.
Glad to hear we jive most of the time.

I like the unpredictability of human behavior which makes MP fun. However what I do hate about playing with other people is that they are in fact people. Eventually people will find ruin a game through exploits or something of that nature and the game essentially loses its meaning.

I understand your frustrations with playing aginst people, but that is the reason why I normally find a well admin'd server. It helps keep out some of the rif raf. But its still frustrating, knowing that there are alot of cheaters out there and thats what ruins it for me most of the time.
Right now the closest thing to tactical shooter is Americas Army, shy of that, its Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter....but that wasnt much good.

ARMA and Flashpoint 2 I cant say are true tactical shooters, since the gunfighting gameplay is nothing like Ghost Recon or the R6 games. ARMA and Flashpoint2 were always better vehicle simulations then they were shooters.

2007 will go down as the best ever year for FPS.

In fact :

STALKER, BioShock, Crysis (these 3 in the same year!!!!!!!!)
also, Orange Box (3 games), Quake Wars, UT3 (oh God!!!!!!)
Call of Duty 4, Timeshift, Jericho!!!

I'm not even gonna mention MOH Airborne, because it's no competition to the games I've mentionned

there's also been some pretty good shooters on consoles : Fall of Man, Halo 3, ...

Arcade shooters. Run & Gun games.
Out of all those games, Crysis is the closest to tactical, and its not very close at that.
As fun as all those games mentioned above are, they are dissapointing for us tactical fans.
Thats like giving us mario cart and saying its a racing simulator.

Year of the FPS or not, those of us who have been playing 'tactical shooters' since the original Rainbow Six demo, have not had much tactical in some time now.

And the new MGS game is about as tactical as Mario Galaxy.
You guys need to join a CoD4 server that runs TRM (tactical realism mod). For instance, here. They run Search and Destroy missions that are very realistic (no running and gunning, etc...) and is all around pretty fun.