Halo 2 vs. UT2004


Feb 20, 2007
Hi, I recently had a discussion with my friend about the graphical qualities of Halo 2 vs. those of Unreal Tournament. I can't seem to find any definitive answer, so I'm curious - is there a general consensus on which one looks better graphically and aesthetically? Thanks.
Depends on what you think looks "good". On a technical level UT2k4 has larger texture, more polygons and higher resolutions. Halo 2 is much more intensive as far as bump mapping, but also lags in drawing large scenes. My personal pick is ut2k4 simply because of the lack of bump mapping.
Voting for UT2k4 here... I played plenty of both and I think UT2k4 takes the cake.

Might've been a personal opinion though.
UT2K4 of course. Halo 2 is no competition to UT2K4 in my eyes. And my eyes don't lie! :D
imho, UT2004 is both better looking and has better multi player game play.. Halo2, imho, has better single player game play....

I think the single player aspect of UT2004 is really just training for the multi player side of the game..
Single player for UT2004, 2003, and UT99 were just botmatches. However epic is apparently changing that up for UT3.
Mabye if Halo2 was running at 1680x1050 instead of 480i, had more art content to be more varied, and better textures...

Nahh, you can't really compare a game running at 480i to a decent resolution.
Unreal Tournament 2004. It's better out of the box, and after a seeing many of the mods it can beat Halo 2 a 100 times over.
Not to poke fun or make anyone mad but how could a conversation like that even start up. Halo 2 cant hold a candle to UT2k4. It might look better since they are bringing it to Vista but I havent seen that yet so I cant really say either way with the Vista version, or is that what you are referring too?
Even as dated as UT2004 looks, the XBox version of Halo 2 can't compete graphically or in gameplay IMO.
UT2004 is a graphically superior game. Whether vista changes this or not we'll find out.
They will most likely retexture Halo2 like they did with Halo1. Unfortunately that won't likely be enough to make it look as good as modern games today. But for those of us who can't stand to play FPS games at all on consoles it will be really nice to get Halo 2 finally. I really enjoyed the first one on PC. Too bad it ran like crap, but I enjoyed it none the less.
UT2K4 of course. Halo 2 is no competition to UT2K4 in my eyes. And my eyes don't lie! :D

That's why I wanted to respond. I saw the vs. and Halo 2, and I raised an eyebrow. Anyway, you said it best, so I agree. UT2K4 ftw.
Hi, I recently had a discussion with my friend about the graphical qualities of Halo 2 vs. those of Unreal Tournament. I can't seem to find any definitive answer, so I'm curious - is there a general consensus on which one looks better graphically and aesthetically? Thanks.

are you joking?

the graphic level of Halo 2 equals PC games that came out in 2001/2002

UT2004 blows Halo 2 away
UT2004 by a very very very long way

and that is even before mentioning all the mods you can get (alien swarm is my fav)
I had to read your entire post before posting. You're asking which one LOOKS better. Well as alot have said already. UT2k4 definitely. I play it at LANs all the time. Still a very popular game. Lots of mods 'n whatnot. Good stuff.
Which is more FUN online? I'm going to have to go with Halo 2. Sorry everyone. That is...played on the XBOX or 360 (Like I play it). Not the windows version which I haven't tried. I think it's alot more competitive. I mean in UT2k4 I either destroy everyone or there are 1 or 2 other people that destroy me and there's nothing I can do about it. I'm pretty much even with most people in Halo 2 whether they suck alot or rock. Makes for better games IMO.
UT2K4, simply because one needs some skills to be good at it. The dodging definitely adds a level of playability that Halo/2 lacks.

The number of vehicles, and their playability, is also superior to Halo/2.
UT2K4, simply because one needs some skills to be good at it. The dodging definitely adds a level of playability that Halo/2 lacks.

The number of vehicles, and their playability, is also superior to Halo/2.

UT2004 just rocks. That's all there is to it. It's a great game and hopefully Unreal Tournament III will be just as good.
Forget about the graphics. The gameplay mechanics of UT2K4 are 100x better than Halo 2. Halo 2 is slow, the weapons are unbalanced, the radar is stupid. I feel like I am crawling when I play Halo 2 vs when I am playing UT2K4. The fanbois are going to unite, but in my personal opinion, Halo 2 multiplayer is just awful.
Forget about the graphics. The gameplay mechanics of UT2K4 are 100x better than Halo 2. Halo 2 is slow, the weapons are unbalanced, the radar is stupid. I feel like I am crawling when I play Halo 2 vs when I am playing UT2K4. The fanbois are going to unite, but in my personal opinion, Halo 2 multiplayer is just awful.

I'm in complete agreement.
UT 2004 looks far better than Halo 2 and Halo 3 for that matter. Quake 3 (1999) would be a more balanced comparison for the Halo series in the graphics department. Both it and UT 2004 are infinitely better in gameplay though.
Graphically? UT2k4 by far.

Aesthetically? I lean toward Halo.

Really? I'd say UT2004's nicer "aethetically," too. Much more variation, selection for starters, but the maps are beautiful. DM-Anubis, for instance? And some of those fire-lava levels (haven't played in a while) are stunning.