Not a big UT fan..... but


Sep 29, 2004
UT3 is real good... I must admit... I actually enjoy it.. and damn it looks good and runs GREAT at completely pegged settings.
Maybe I'm just getting older...but compared to games like CoD4 (MP) and Counter Strike Source UT 3 seems to be too "twitchy".

I find that I can't keep up and get killed an awful lot.
Maybe I'm just getting older...but compared to games like CoD4 (MP) and Counter Strike Source UT 3 seems to be too "twitchy".

I find that I can't keep up and get killed an awful lot.

It's certainly not for everyone - I love them all and generally do pretty well. Conversely, I get mugged playing CS:S :p
yeah its great , reminds me alot of the first one which 2003 and 4 did not.
i wish it had the refinement of 04, though.

things that bother me:

the hoverboard

super maneuverable mantas

no dodge+jump!

the rocket launcher feels like the quake 4 rocket's just strange. very different from 04
Funny, I am a huge UT fan and so far I can't stand UT3.

I felt the same way - initially. After a few hours of 'adjustment' I was hooked :D I loved UT99 & 2K3/4 - no denying that UT3 is quite different. Still, I hope you change your mind - the more the merrier :)
it feels like a fast paced (and better balanced) halo... at least the DM, CTF modes. (maybe I haven't played enough)
Maybe I'm just getting older...but compared to games like CoD4 (MP) and Counter Strike Source UT 3 seems to be too "twitchy".

I find that I can't keep up and get killed an awful lot.

(I'm not implying anything about you in this post; just addressing the differences between these games in general since you brought it up:p)

It's always been like that.. and a damn good thing it still is. CS type games are much more newbie friendly because they are slower, and weapons don't fire where you aim most of the time, allowing for completely random kills and headshots, thus giving the noob some free kills now and then to keep em playing.

Twitch shooters like UT and Quake are competitive FPS in the truest form; fast and furious. It's in this type of shooter where a player can really exert and exercise skill; namely reaction, prediction, and accuracy. And I can't get enough of that.... Quake and UT are the only video games in which I've actually been able to enter "the zone" that some professional athletes refer to. It is indeed real.

Sadly, this is in no way newbie friendly, as the vets of these types of games will look like superman to them. Unstoppable. A newbie in say a quake 3 ffa will be lucky to get one kill, let alone NOT be in the negative, in a room full of vets.

Quake (1,2,3) was the end all be all in terms of online shooters not to long ago.. that is until CS was born. Then it practically killed off 99% of the quake community, because the CS community was growing so large due to it's ease of access for all players, and the popularity of it drew in MORE players, including Quake players, because games abnd servers were abundant.

All in all, I hate cs (and everquest which came out at about the same time, sucking up a lot of players from Quake including my clan leader...) with a passion =( BRING ON UT3.
I think UT3 is a decent game, but I seem to like the game play of UT2K4 a lot more. It's just more fun.
(I'm not implying anything about you in this post; just addressing the differences between these games in general since you brought it up:p)

It's always been like that.. and a damn good thing it still is. CS type games are much more newbie friendly because they are slower, and weapons don't fire where you aim most of the time, allowing for completely random kills and headshots, thus giving the noob some free kills now and then to keep em playing.

Twitch shooters like UT and Quake are competitive FPS in the truest form; fast and furious. It's in this type of shooter where a player can really exert and exercise skill; namely reaction, prediction, and accuracy. And I can't get enough of that.... Quake and UT are the only video games in which I've actually been able to enter "the zone" that some professional athletes refer to. It is indeed real.

Sadly, this is in no way newbie friendly, as the vets of these types of games will look like superman to them. Unstoppable. A newbie in say a quake 3 ffa will be lucky to get one kill, let alone NOT be in the negative, in a room full of vets.

Quake (1,2,3) was the end all be all in terms of online shooters not to long ago.. that is until CS was born. Then it practically killed off 99% of the quake community, because the CS community was growing so large due to it's ease of access for all players, and the popularity of it drew in MORE players, including Quake players, because games abnd servers were abundant.

All in all, I hate cs (and everquest which came out at about the same time, sucking up a lot of players from Quake including my clan leader...) with a passion =( BRING ON UT3.

good peg on EverQuest there... I was an avid quake TF junkie till I found EQ... I am still going through withdrawal from EQ almost 2 years after quitting... but it looks like Age of Conan is going to put an end to my itch, that Vanguard couldnt...
I liked it a lot, but it still feels too much like quake 3 to me. The level design is cool, and I am glad that they are going back to a more classing UT99 feel and style but it is not quite there yet for me. Great game and runs good, I will buy it eventually.
I think if they would have added all the game modes with one map then we would have a better taste of what ut3 is all about. Not enough demo for me to even know what its all about completely. To me the best part of the demo is the deathmatch. They should have included more into it. Not like everyones just going to be playing a demo for the next few years lol.
They should have call it UT2004 re-done. It is nice but It does not feel fresh like most new game's it feel's just like UT2004.. It does look a whole lot better but that just does not seem to cut it for me.. I was abig UT fan but I dunno I have been playing Team Fortress 2 and that beats the hell out of it.. I also am loving cod4 I was not that big of a cod2 fan but cod4 is a very very good game that looks good and plays good..
It's pretty impressive, but im not sure i'll get it if it doesnt have invasion mod. Im frickin in love with that mod for 03/04
UT3 is definitely a great game
the thing i love about it is the fact that its so fast and intense - you gotta think quick and make fast decisions. I hate CS because its so slow....
I must go ahead and say I like UT2004 better than UT3.

Yes, i'm a hitscan whore...

Yes, I like dodge-jumping..

Yes, I will play UT3.....
cant wait till ut3 comes out , twitch game play is always intense and i love just sitting down for a quick 30 min session. gets rid of all my stress.