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  1. C

    Show Your LCD(s) setups!!!

    Well, EXCUSE us for having to audacity to help out some fellow posters. Sheesh.
  2. C

    Show Your LCD(s) setups!!!

    1. The aeron is way more adjustable overall - you can adjust just about everything on this chair. 2. The aeron's mesh seat gives just enough and is comfortable enough while ventilating your ass. Your seat gets warmer quicker with the liberty. This makes a difference if you are sitting at...
  3. C

    Show Your LCD(s) setups!!!

    I have a Humanscale Liberty at my office. It sucks, and I hate it. The Aeron is so much better it isn't even funny (had an Aeron for 5 years now as my home pc/gaming chair).
  4. C

    Dell U2412M

    has anyone noticed the displayport being washed out as compared with DVI? Both of mine are. Had to go back to dvi - difference was pretty strong. Anyone know why that could be?
  5. C

    Dell U2412M

    10e's settings (gives you a good base to work from) I just purchased one last night from microcenter - they have dwindling stock but have a sale going on this week that makes the monitor the same price as the dell website, minus shipping and the 2 or 3 week wait. It takes up FAR less space...
  6. C

    HP ZR24w

    Do no brick and mortar stores carry these?
  7. C

    moving up from UE where to next?

    Well, that's not what you said. You said that Logitech had only ACQUIRED the consumer division. "Acquired" and "running a division" are two completely different things.
  8. C

    moving up from UE where to next?

    I don't think that's true. Otherwise the UE universal fit IEMs would be branded as logitech, not UE. Pretty certain logitech owns UE in its entirety. Ive had my triple-fi 10vis for nearly a year now, and have had no trouble with the cables. You can buy the old right-angle cables still...
  9. C

    M-Audio AV40 or Klipsch Promedia 2.1

    i had klipsch 2.1s for 2 years until they developed issues and i gave them away. I replaced them with some klipsch 2.0s which sounded ok but were absolute garbage build-quality wise and didnt even last a year. I replaced them with M-Audio AV30s and have been going strong for 2 years now...
  10. C

    Gateway FHD2400

    I just found one of these clearanced at my local best buy for like 200 bucks. Picked it up and am now setting it there any way to lock the monitor from rotating into portrait on its stand? Monitors that have this feature are always subject to wobble, especially if your desk is on an old...
  11. C

    Are Klipsch still sold in retail stores ?

    Really? The 5.1s are not sold in stores anymore? Wow, what happened. I remember when they were all over the place.
  12. C

    Best Bang for the Buck headphones?

    So if I'm happy with those 30$ cans, that's all of a sudden "audiophile" equipment? Look, im not challenging anyone's love for music here, im saying that the really knowledgeable crowd considers "audiophile" gear is simply more than what the average consumer thinks are "expensive" components. Do...
  13. C

    Best Bang for the Buck headphones?

    Why cost? Because usually, better cans cost more money. I'm sure you will think it witty to come back with "OH YEAH WHAT ABOUT BOSE IS THAT BETTER BECAUSE ITS $$$?" No. It's not. Expensive crap is still crap. But when you are discussing headphones that DONT suck, 95% of the time better cans...
  14. C

    Best Bang for the Buck headphones?

    Dude, DT770s are not anything CLOSE to audiophile. They are merely a really good set of headphones. Audiophile is a whole other plateau of cost and equipment, lol.
  15. C

    Newbie Headphone Questions

    If you are looking for closed cans good for gaming and/or music.... Audio-Technica has some nice closed cans that are good all-arounders. Personally I would recommend the DT770/80. They are closed, can be driven decently without an amp, have a pretty good soundstage and bass oompf for all...
  16. C

    Should I get a headphone amp to go with my DT 770's (250)

    DT770/250s? YES. Get an amp.
  17. C

    Best Bang for the Buck headphones?

    $150 bucks won't buy you anything even CLOSE to "audiophile", actually.
  18. C

    Best Bang for the Buck headphones?

    Oh look. Mister X slinging mud in a thread. Never seen that before. Nope. :D Seriously though, don't listen to the guys that are saying "Get HD580" or "Get HD600". Those cans need an amp to sound decent. For under 100 bucks, the at500-something that someone suggested is pretty decent...
  19. C

    Gateway's FPD2185W: a 21in widescreen 2005fpw killer!

    Thats an issue on all these panels, it seems. Mine does the same thing, and there's countless examples in this thread. My buzzing seems to go away around ~85 or so.
  20. C

    Going from Sennheiser HD 497 to???

    I, too, came from Senn HD497s. DT770/80 sounds great right out of the soundcard, and even better amped. Go with those if you do a lot of anime or movie watching on your PC(like me). I ended up selling mine because I decided I liked my Grado SR225's better since I listen to a lot of music as...
  21. C

    75MHz Refresh Rate for Westinghouse 22"?

    the main cause of eye strain when using an lcd is the contrast between the brightness of the screen and the environment around the lcd. Avoid using it at night with the lights off or try placing some bias lighting behind the screen. I use these little glass rectangle lamps i got at ikea for like...
  22. C

    Post your HeadPhones!

    Man, you gotta be loony. Taking your grados out in public and camping out with em! Mine don't leave my desk.....ever :x Scared they might disappear or something else might happen to em...they arent the sturdiest things ever.....
  23. C

    New Westinghouse 22" (LCM-@@W2)??

  24. C

    Information overload: Is there one sub $600 LCD that stands out?

    yes. And I love it. Can be had at any best buy or circuit city (i think its cheaper at circuit city).
  25. C

    Information overload: Is there one sub $600 LCD that stands out?

    Gateway 2185, its awesome at everything. Monitor, video, gaming, hdtv. Best panel out under 600 bucks hands down.
  26. C

    New Westinghouse 22" (LCM-@@W2)??

    ...or you can hit up, good cables and cheap.
  27. C

    New Westinghouse 22" (LCM-@@W2)??

    spend the money on the dvi cable, trust me.
  28. C

    New Westinghouse 22" (LCM-@@W2)??

    Also try turning the brightness down. I had to turn mine down to around 40-50 or so and the colors dont looked so washed. but you are right, the dell and gateway panels have much better color than the westinghouse. Its not just your unit.
  29. C

    New Westinghouse 22" (LCM-@@W2)??

    Even with your ps2 set to output to ws, it wont be in WS unless the game supports it.
  30. C

    New Westinghouse 22" (LCM-@@W2)??

    No backlight bleed on mine. After about 6 hours of playing around with this monitor, here are my impressions. As a monitor, this thing is pretty nice. Even nicer when you factor in price. Text is nice and clear, sucker can get real bright. Color seems a bit on the cool side, even after...
  31. C

    New Westinghouse 22" (LCM-@@W2)??

    at 199 i could not resist. I drove to best buy last night at 11pm to gauge the line and.....there were 105 people in line. So i said, "fak this" and drove home and went to sleep. Got up at 6.30 AM, decided to go back just for the hell of it (its basically a 5 minute car ride down the street)...
  32. C

    Post your HeadPhones!

    Am I the only one that thinks the Headphile stands are ugly? Man, i see everyone on headfi going ga-ga over Larry's stands, but personally I think they are hideous (not to say they aren't quality, i just cant stand the way they look). They look like something you would have had in your hi-fi...
  33. C

    Decided on the Beyer DT770's, but which one? Beware, though, the DT770 Darth Beyer is NOT cheap.
  34. C

    Gateway's FPD2185W: a 21in widescreen 2005fpw killer!

    The native res of this monitor is 1680 x 1050. I would NOT run it at 1920 x 1080.
  35. C

    Post your HeadPhones!

    Ok, after nearly 3 days and about 36 hours of burn-in time, the 225's are FREAKIN AWESOME. So much so that I think im letting go of my DT770s. The 770s are great rock cans, but since I now have ultimate (ok, not ultimate, but close) rock cans in the Grados I cant justify keeping the 770s...
  36. C

    Post your HeadPhones!

    discovered a Grado dealer in Atlanta next to my office, couldnt resist and picked up the 225s this afternoon.
  37. C

    help a hi-fi noob out is the answer to all your headphone questions~
  38. C

    Decided on the Beyer DT770's, but which one?

    Look for the 80 ohm version of the DT770, that one is regarded as the best. Its not being produced anymore, but it can still be found with relative ease. Guitar Centers still stock it.
  39. C


    I owned both of them, and the 280 is without a doubt better.
  40. C

    HD485 vs 555 vs 595

    Boring as in they don't really color the sound. Some people like the sound darker, brighter, or warmer. Or they want the bass to kick them in the head. Its just what you prefer, really. i can just about guarantee that if you are coming from low-end headphones, you will not be disappointed in...