Going from Sennheiser HD 497 to???


Jul 3, 2006
Thinking about buying a xi-fi music card and get some quality headphones. I've been using my hd 497's for about two years and there great. Im using a old soundblaster live value card for anime and movies. Since im always watching movies/anime I would like some great headphones. Dont want to spend over $160ish for the headphones as well. Im intersted in these headphones and would like everyones opinion

Sennheiser HD 580

Sennheiser HD 595

beyerdynamic DT 880

I really dont want to buy an amp since im a cheap. I do understand the headphones im eyeing work best with amps and would possibly buy an amp in the future sometime. What do you guys/girls think I should do? Stick with what I've got or downgrade the headphones?
since you're going unamped, hd595's. 250ohm for dt880 and 300 ohm for hd580 are a bit high to go unamped.
So the Hd 595 sounds a good deal better than the 880 without amp? I can get the 880 cheaper but if it requires another $100 or so to beat the 595 then its not worth the price for me at the moment. Thanks for the advice
250ohm dt880 won't sound as good out of your soundcard as the 50ohm hd595. me thinks. i don't have experience with high impedence cans, so if anyone who has that can comment would be much appreciated.

i don't know if it sounds bad, or just not enough juice to drive to an optimal volume.
For the 16455865th time:
Sensitivity is the spec that determines a given headphone's power requirements.
Not impedance.

So the Hd 595 sounds a good deal better than the 880 without amp?

The DT880s won't have much bass unamped (even when they are amped they are a little lean in the bass department) but it's not like the HD595s are bass monsters either so......
Direwolf said:
Thinking about buying a xi-fi music card and get some quality headphones. I've been using my hd 497's for about two years and there great. Im using a old soundblaster live value card for anime and movies. Since im always watching movies/anime I would like some great headphones. Dont want to spend over $160ish for the headphones as well. Im intersted in these headphones and would like everyones opinion

Sennheiser HD 580
beyerdynamic DT 880
If it were me, I would look at the Senn HD580, beyer DT770pro 80ohm, or Beyer DT880. They will all have different sound signatures....... so it kinda depends on what you're after. Each can be had for around 140$-160$us.

Either case though, you'll be plesantly surprised by the increase in sound quality over your HD497!
I, too, came from Senn HD497s.

DT770/80 sounds great right out of the soundcard, and even better amped. Go with those if you do a lot of anime or movie watching on your PC(like me). I ended up selling mine because I decided I liked my Grado SR225's better since I listen to a lot of music as well, but you really cant go wrong with the DT770.
I own the beyerdynamic DT 770 Pro 250 ohm cans. They absolutely sound great. I also do not own a amp but I plan on purchasing one in the future. On my ipod, I have to crank it up to like 70%-80% volume to my perferred listening level. (I do not blast music)

They worked great playing games, and just listening to music.

My previous pair of headphones were Sony MDR-V700DJ and the beyers in my opinion are a better set of cans with alot more bass.
Looks like HD497's are a popular starter can. They were my first too. I still use them, mainly for sleeping, as it woulnd't be to tragic if they broke (though, they havent yet, they are damn sturdy).

If your going unamped, HD595 would be a good choice. However, I am surprised no one has mentioned some AT's. Audio Technica A700/A900 do very well without an amp, and can be had in your price range. I don't know what your preferance to open or closed cans is... but for gaming and movies, I really love mine.
So im stuck between the Hd595, Dt770 Pro and Dt880. Leaning toward Hd595 because it sounds better unamped. I do appreciate everyones opinion and yes the Hd497's are awesome and have never really had anything better.

I do have some great desktop speakers logitech z550 I think there called, top of the line four years ago around $220 or so. I just cant crank them up because of my parents :(
towert7 said:
:Sigh: Some people just don't learn.
Oh well, hope you like them. ^_^

Truth be told, I'd probably choose the same. I don't know why, but the HD595 just looks so appealing to me. I will own it one day. :p
Viper87227 said:
Truth be told, I'd probably choose the same. I don't know why, but the HD595 just looks so appealing to me. I will own it one day. :p

Yea, I was just poking fun at the fact that: Direwolf takes what a few people say as gospel for which headphone will sound better "unamped". Heck, no one can say that, because no one has Direwolf's ears and personal tastes. ^_^

I just sigh because, eventually, you have to start somewhere..... and whether he makes a good choice now or later down the road, the ineveitable truth is he has fallen victim to the curse! ^_^ (and that's a comfortaing thought).

Direwolf, do yourself a favor (if you're pressed for money) and try and demo the headphones if possible.
Viper87227 said:
However, I am surprised no one has mentioned some AT's.
I can't stand them. The fake leather just isn't comfortable to me, nor is the headband. ~_~
Im taking in everyones opinion as a whole. I've did some research at headphone.com and other popular sites and to be honest really want the Dt880's. I cant justify spending over 350ish for an Music-xtreme,Dt880 and a amp. Majority of the sites say there hard to drive and I really cant test any of them out where I live. I'll use the headphones for games/anime/movies and music. I dont care for much bass, im a average kind of sound guy that just wants something that will make me smile while I watch/play my fav games/movies.
towert7 said:
I can't stand them. The fake leather just isn't comfortable to me, nor is the headband. ~_~

Heh... I find them to be super comfortable. The fake leather doesn't bother me (though I woulnd't object to cloth), and I like the headband.

I suppose though, I am really getting past my comfort craze. It used to be that my grados were love them, hate them, because no matter how awesome they sounded I just couldn't stand to wear them. Now, I can't stand to take them off, and my next three projected cans are all Grado (MS-2, HF-1, RS-1). I've done quite a bit of growing since I started this journey.
Direwolf said:
im a average kind of sound guy that just wants something that will make me smile while I watch/play my fav games/movies.
In that case, i'll just straight out recommend the DT770pro. For the price, they do quite well with movies!!! and excell for gaming.
DT-770 all the way, unless you want to save up a bit and grab an Ultrasone.

Oh, and hi David :) This is Allen from the GS.
the 595's have been claimed as the "gamer" can at Head-fi, I like the 580's and 600's better myself. But unamped, why not look at the 280's? if isolation is your thing.
The 595s are my latest can. I like em a lot. They work unamped fine, but I usually amp them. They do leak a lot of sound though.

Your best bet is to find a place that will let you compare headphones or return them if you don't like 'em.
skeeder said:
But unamped, why not look at the 280's?

Because they suck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
They Suck amped and unamped. Just the sight of them disgusts me
I spoke to saturnine, looks like I can get a really nice amp for around $100 or so. Looking to get the Dt770pro but the newer version costs $249!!. Thats a bit more than I wanted to pay for headphones. Also thinking about geting a Pimeta amp. Anyone know where one could get a new version dt770pro for $210ish? :D

You guys think I should forget about the x-fi and get the new version for $249 and then get the pimeta amp? I really dont want to spend an arm and a leg when im not a audiophile yet. I do understand and respect quality music though :)

Thanks for all the opinions!
Direwolf said:
I spoke to saturnine, looks like I can get a really nice amp for around $100 or so. Looking to get the Dt770pro but the newer version costs $249!!. Thats a bit more than I wanted to pay for headphones. Also thinking about geting a Pimeta amp. Anyone know where one could get a new version dt770pro for $210ish? :D

You guys think I should forget about the x-fi and get the new version for $249 and then get the pimeta amp? I really dont want to spend an arm and a leg when im not a audiophile yet. I do understand and respect quality music though :)

Thanks for all the opinions!

What are you using for sound now? Onboard?

If so, that makes it a really tough call. I would say get the DT770 and an X-Fi now, get the amp when you can afford to.
Direwolf said:
Looking to get the Dt770pro but the newer version costs $249!!. Anyone know where one could get a new version dt770pro for $210ish? :D
Who said you had to get the new version? What's wrong with the old version (have you compared both yourself)?

Sorry if I seem a little stern, but you're getting a crash corse... so to speak... in audio basics. ^_^

Rule #04: Newer does not imply better.
I have a soundblaster live value. I spoke to several people and looked up reviews saying this

"This newly-revised DT770 model offers better control and sonic extension on the upper treble ranges than previous 770 editions. The recessed mid-ranges of yore have also been nicely beefed-up and are now significantly better-detailed to our ears than just about any other sealed/closed headphone on the market today." which is from www.headphone.com and few people that are really into this type of hobby.

Mostly saying it sounds better and its definietely worth the extra pennies... not that im ditching the old version. I have not heard or tested any headphones (except my lovely hd497's) lol. :)
Well, some people say they prefer the sound of the previous version of the DT770 (the DT770pro). It's a matter of taste.

Again, any of these headphones will bring a smile to your face. It's only after you start to try different headphones that you will develop a sound preference.

I'd be interested to see what you end up getting.

~Good Luck