Newbie Headphone Questions


Mar 25, 2005
Ok, so I'm looking for a set of cans for gaming as well as for music. I'm in a guild in WoW that is starting to raid, which means a set of cans and a mic would be good for Ventrilo use, and I also tend to play or just screw around on the computer after my girlfriend has gone to sleep, and therefore need to be quiet.

I've read some of the threads on this and other sites, and have heard that going with a headset is regarded as a bad idea compared to getting a decent set of headphones and a clip-on mic. I'm cool with that, and have seen several models mentioned repeatedly that I want to check out.

My real question is in terms of what else I'll need. I currently use an Audigy 2 ZS and a set of Klipsch Promedia 2.1 speakers. Should I plug my headphones directly into the soundcard or into the headphone jack on my speakers? Wouldn't that be better because it would make use of my amp? Or would it simply be an extra link in the soundchain to degrade the signal in some manner?

Also, I've noticed that "better" headphones have a 1/4" connector which I obviously don't have on my setup. Will using one of those little adapter gizmos crappify my sound? If I use one of those is there any point in spending money for "good" headphones?

Thanks in advance for the help.

Edit: Since a great deal of the time I'm using these it will be late at night with a sleeping girl within ten feet, I'm very concerned about noise "leaking out." Most of the headphones I see recommended are "open," like the HD485's and 555's, so wouldn't those end up being too loud to other people in the room? What about something like the Sennheiser HD280Pro's? I hear many good things about the noise-cancellation on these, but only in terms of blocking out ambient noise. What headphones are really good for keeping other people from hearing what you're listening to?
If you are looking for closed cans good for gaming and/or music....

Audio-Technica has some nice closed cans that are good all-arounders. Personally I would recommend the DT770/80. They are closed, can be driven decently without an amp, have a pretty good soundstage and bass oompf for all those nifty explosions. AKG K81DJ's are closed as well, though i don't know much about those.

Also, avoid using the headphone jack on your speakers. Plug into the soundcard whenever possible. and no, 1/4-1/8 adapters wont crappify your sound. At least not noticeably.
An open type headphones sounds like a cheap, small, crappy, mono FM radio lol, it really sounds like that if you are not wearing them but you are sitting next to someone that wears it. I think that it will disturb your sleeping girlfriend.