HD485 vs 555 vs 595


Mar 10, 2003
Ive seen similar threads, but not exactly what I wanna know.

I need headphones to use for music on my computer, through Audigy 2 and for use on my iPod. On my computer, I game , but not as much as I used to, mainly just WoW so sound there isn't a huge deal. But I do watch all my movies on my computer.

Because of the cost, I won't be buying an amp. Also since iPod is one of the main uses and I don't wanna have to travel with an amp :p

I am looking at the 485s, but is it really worth it for these uses to spend the extra $50/$100 for the 555/595s? Any help would be useful because I need to order by tomorrow night so my order gets here quick since my old Sennheiser's (just some PMX-60s) broke. I have no good speakers here in dorm (OLD dell 2 channel, crackle HORRIBLY) so I have no music except in my car.
BTW, I just noticed that the HD555s are $20 less on Amazon than Newegg, I can get them overnight shipped (have them tuesday) for $126 on Amazon.

How are these headphones? Ive head the 485s praised as best under $100, and the 595 best under $200, but what about the 555?

Edit: This thread just sounds like Im having a conversation with myself but I AM asking for your guys' help :p I have some looking around and ruled out the 485s. Now, I cant decide if the 595s are worth the $63 more than the 555s. These will be used often straight off an iPod 5G and then switched back to my non-amped Audigy 2
Kido1986 said:
BTW, I just noticed that the HD555s are $20 less on Amazon than Newegg, I can get them overnight shipped (have them tuesday) for $126 on Amazon.

How are these headphones? Ive head the 485s praised as best under $100, and the 595 best under $200, but what about the 555?

Edit: This thread just sounds like Im having a conversation with myself but I AM asking for your guys' help :p I have some looking around and ruled out the 485s. Now, I cant decide if the 595s are worth the $63 more than the 555s. These will be used often straight off an iPod 5G and then switched back to my non-amped Audigy 2

You sound like you have quite a bit more experience with cans than me, but I LOVE my HD555's. I tried on the 485's at a store and just about threw them down in disgust compared to the 555's. For me, the uber comfortable circumaural fit was much more preferred to the supra-aural 485's.

I would have to be considerably more discriminating to appreciate the HD595's and I'm not :)

I do EVERYTHING on my computer with them, music, game, dvd's, etc.
the hd595s are overkill for an audigy 2 and the 555s are very boring sounding. i'd go for the 485s personally. :D
Darknyt said:
You sound like you have quite a bit more experience with cans than me, but I LOVE my HD555's. I tried on the 485's at a store and just about threw them down in disgust compared to the 555's. For me, the uber comfortable circumaural fit was much more preferred to the supra-aural 485's.

I would have to be considerably more discriminating to appreciate the HD595's and I'm not :)

I do EVERYTHING on my computer with them, music, game, dvd's, etc.

You must have huge ears, because my HD485's go all the way over my ears and they're very comfortable.

I love my HD485's. I prefer a "scooped" sound so the recessed mid's and nice bass in the 485's were a perfect match. I have tried out the 555's briefly, and if you could get them for a price you could justify, then I would definetly go for it, but you won't be let down with the 485's.

Kido1986 said:
What do you mean that they are boring sounding?

Boring as in they don't really color the sound. Some people like the sound darker, brighter, or warmer. Or they want the bass to kick them in the head. Its just what you prefer, really. i can just about guarantee that if you are coming from low-end headphones, you will not be disappointed in how the 555 sounds.
well, I have both HD485 and HD595, . , ,
I like the bass punch of HD485 more than HD595 but the others than bass HD595 steps many than HD485 in advanced music detail and soundstage, I hope that the HD595 have the same bass impact of HD485 but nevermind HD595 definitly my favorite set since I listen to classical music more than any genr.