Post your HeadPhones!

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towert7 said:
For once I'de actually like to see your actual headphone rig......... not just the amps you build.
Is it just me? Maybe it's just me........ hm
Nope, not just you...I agree!
If I only had one amp one DAC and one set of headphones that would be very easy but since I don't you get to see them one at a time. :p



towert7 said:
For once I'de actually like to see your actual headphone rig......... not just the amps you build.

I do not remember ever asking you for your opinion about anything so feel free to keep it to yourself. It doesn't end there because if you have ever actually read this thread you may have noticed that I have posted several headphones pictures as well.

And if you really feel that way you can always try complaining to the moderator or lying to the administrator again.
Mister X said:
And if you really feel that way you can always try complaining to the moderator or lying to the administrator again.

Wow, I didn't exect a rude response.
I just thought it would be nice to see your main rig setup, which you never really seem to post.
You have your reasons though I guess...... whatever they may be.

Wow, I didn't exect a rude response.

As is always the case you somehow seem to miss exactly how rude your own comments are and dwell soley on the comments other people post.
I think you really need to get a clue about that.
And I would have thought that you have learned to leave me alone by now.... but I stand corrected
maybe he wasn't obvious by not using a smiley but I assure you towert didn't intend to come across so "rudely". He was just stating that you had posted your amps in so many different pictures he wondered what you yourself actually listen to as a main rig. I didn't sense any hostility, which is why I agreed in my reply.
oC|-TiTaN said:
maybe he wasn't obvious by not using a smiley but I assure you towert didn't intend to come across so "rudely". He was just stating that you had posted your amps in so many different pictures he wondered what you yourself actually listen to as a main rig. I didn't sense any hostility, which is why I agreed in my reply.
This is the truth.
oC|-TiTaN said:
maybe he wasn't obvious by not using a smiley but I assure you towert didn't intend to come across so "rudely". He was just stating that you had posted your amps in so many different pictures he wondered what you yourself actually listen to as a main rig. I didn't sense any hostility, which is why I agreed in my reply.

While I obviously do not agree with your interpretation I appreciate the fact that you took the time to explain your reply. :)
i agree with misterx on this. Towert loves to make snide remarks as if they were funny. Chandler he is not....
strikeout said:
i agree with misterx on this. Towert loves to make snide remarks as if they were funny. Chandler he is not....
Even so, that doesn't mean his intentions were to be rude or snide...anyways, I'm interested in Mister X's home setup as well, he is such an authority on amps and I think it'd be cool to know what he, the amp master, listens to :)
I am sorry because I don't really have a "main rig".
They come and go way to fast. ;)
The best you get it the one I am currently using:

I am currently listening to a lossless rip of the Tool Lateralus CD via the analog out from my DMX6 fire to a Dynalo + Elpac PSU (D-lite?) Into my Shure E4C's.

You may almost be able to see them with all of the other crap that is currently occupying my desk. ;)
iron dreamer, didnt u have some akgs lying around? is it the middle one of the trio? anyways heres the new home for my starter setup, got a new dvd carosel cus im lazy. Next purchase, new camera lol

got a new dvd carosel cus im lazy

That is best part about having a PC as a souce.
You only have to change each Disk once. :)

Of course the caveat is extra harddrive space becomes an ongoing problem.
Iron_Dreamer said:
Back on track....:D
Nice beyer collection. Did you happen to get those DT990's from the huge bhphoto deal?
How are you liking it compared to the old beyers you have?
Mister X said:
That is best part about having a PC as a souce.
You only have to change each Disk once. :)

Of course the caveat is extra harddrive space becomes an ongoing problem.

yeah i still listen to the majority of my music from my hd but on those times when i can just listen, ill never put my cd into my dvdrom on my pc. Even with my x-fi and just my lesser detailed hd201s, music was just charcoal grey. The dvd player cost less but is 2x more black and way more enjoyable imo.
strikeout said:
iron dreamer, didnt u have some akgs lying around? is it the middle one of the trio?

The middle one is the DT831. Great closed headphones, but too bright without a little tweaking. I do have some AKG's, the K270S dual-driver closed cans. But they're on their way to a new owner Monday morning. After checking them out for a while, I just didn't find myself ever using them much, although the sound is pretty balanced and pleasing.

towert7 said:
Nice beyer collection. Did you happen to get those DT990's from the huge bhphoto deal?
How are you liking it compared to the old beyers you have?

I did get them on the B&H deal. I had been contemplating trying them anyway, but waiting for them to come from overseas or paying $400 domestically wasn't too inviting. When I saw the deal I just had to strike.

I think they are pretty darn fabulous, really they are just as enjoyable to listen to as my W5000, just with a different sound signature. I bought them thinking they might be as fun as the DT531 but with better detail extension, etc. And they are! Although I know the bass and treble are slightly boosted, the midrange always sounds great, and never recessed like the DT770's I've owned (250 and 80 ohm versions). Considering the sound quality, build quality, and improved aesthetics, I'd actually say I'd pay $400 for the new DT990, as it is better than the HD650 or K701 in every regard that matters to me.
Iron_Dreamer said:
I did get them on the B&H deal. I had been contemplating trying them anyway, but waiting for them to come from overseas or paying $400 domestically wasn't too inviting. When I saw the deal I just had to strike.

I think they are pretty darn fabulous, really they are just as enjoyable to listen to as my W5000, just with a different sound signature. I bought them thinking they might be as fun as the DT531 but with better detail extension, etc. And they are! Although I know the bass and treble are slightly boosted, the midrange always sounds great, and never recessed like the DT770's I've owned (250 and 80 ohm versions). Considering the sound quality, build quality, and improved aesthetics, I'd actually say I'd pay $400 for the new DT990, as it is better than the HD650 or K701 in every regard that matters to me.
Thanks for the nice info Iron Dreamer. Glad to see you are enjoying your new cans. I wish I got my dad to spring on that bhphoto deal since his HD280pro are in horrible shape.... but .... oh well.
My most used rigged:
5g 60gb iPod (with BSE applied on Agent18 backing) -> ALO Bling Bling dock -> Go-Vibe 5 -> AKG 81DJ

My Go-Vibe 5 iPod docking station made from sticky velcro and the back of an Agent 18 case:
Nice iPod solution... thinking about doing something like that with my PINT. What is 'BSE'?
Best Skins Ever is like PDA screen protector that covers most of the area. I have it on the face and back which allows me to put the iPod on the agent18 back case without the snapping on the front part and still prevent scratches. Although the fit is a little snug with the Agent 18 case.....
What is under the two Stello units?

K1000's?!?! Are those staying?

Where is the ES1? Any particular reason you are going for the Aristaeus over it?

Done? Yeah right man... :D
philodox said:
What is under the two Stello units?

K1000's?!?! Are those staying?

Where is the ES1? Any particular reason you are going for the Aristaeus over it?

Done? Yeah right man... :D
Yup, the K1000s are definitely staying. It sounds great out of the RKV -- and a pretty good compliment to the OIIs.

The unit under the Stellos is the Lite DAC-60, heavily modded.

And I sold the ES-1 because it was too big and impractical. We will see how the Aristaeus is when/if it comes out. :p
akwok said:
And I sold the ES-1 because it was too big and impractical. We will see how the Aristaeus is when/if it comes out. :p

I remember you saying that you loved it....
I gotta get a DAC with a preamp function, and an Aleph 3! I must hear what these K1000s can do!

Plus, this new DAC I'm looking at has the perfect amount of outputs, so I can run the Aristaeus and Aleph 3 at the same time.

discovered a Grado dealer in Atlanta next to my office, couldnt resist and picked up the 225s this afternoon.
cfull said:
discovered a Grado dealer in Atlanta next to my office, couldnt resist and picked up the 225s this afternoon.

Psssht... you cant post that and then not tell us what you think!
Ok, after nearly 3 days and about 36 hours of burn-in time, the 225's are


So much so that I think im letting go of my DT770s. The 770s are great rock cans, but since I now have ultimate (ok, not ultimate, but close) rock cans in the Grados I cant justify keeping the 770s around. The 225s make the 770s seem almost muffled in comparison, since its so up-front. Ive found that even for watching movies/tv shows/anime on the computer, the Grado sounds better to me even with its limited soundstage. Now I need me some flats, a tube amp.......

Wallet am cry.
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