Post your HeadPhones!

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Some new pics of old cans, and some pics of never before pictured stuff. Namely the amp. There is also the sweet headphile stand, which I absolutely love. I've got a lot of shots of the grado's. I got a new camera to pay with today :).







saturnine2 said:
Lucky bastard :eek:

I didn't know you had a HE-60, very nice collection!

ya picked them up a few months back, they came with an HE90 connector on them, didnt have an amp for them tho... recently aquired a Stax SRM-1/MK-2 and changed out the "normal" stax connector with an HE90 connector (used the pro-bias tho) and it sounds great definately worth the waiting/begging/money involved in getting a pair :)
Don't the HE60/HE90 have slightly different power requirements than the Stax headphones? Or is there some sort of resistor mod in there along with the connector swap?
philodox said:
Don't the HE60/HE90 have slightly different power requirements than the Stax headphones? Or is there some sort of resistor mod in there along with the connector swap?

ya it dosent matter much with the HE60... stax pro is 580v, HE60 is 540v, and HE90 is 500v... i havent had an issue and most other people havent had an issue... although i will probably put a 5meg resistor just in case but meh
Worminater said:
dang i need a stand like or similar to that. Just gives them the respect they deserve.

I love the stand. Larry really does a fantastic job on them. They are a little pricey, especially if you want some of the more exotic woods, or if you want lambskin on them. I opted not to get those though. That stand I have was $58 shipped, which really isn't so bad all things considered.
Am I the only one that thinks the Headphile stands are ugly? Man, i see everyone on headfi going ga-ga over Larry's stands, but personally I think they are hideous (not to say they aren't quality, i just cant stand the way they look). They look like something you would have had in your hi-fi cabinet back in the mid 80's to me....
I love my headphone stand. It is not a headphile creation, but certainly the work of a master carpenter. I can't imagine the patience it would take to do the marquetry work on the top of it. [Sorry for the crappy pictures... they don't really capture the richness of the wood.]
cfull said:
Am I the only one that thinks the Headphile stands are ugly? Man, i see everyone on headfi going ga-ga over Larry's stands, but personally I think they are hideous (not to say they aren't quality, i just cant stand the way they look). They look like something you would have had in your hi-fi cabinet back in the mid 80's to me....
Don't sugar coat it..Tell us how you really
Sorry for the quality of the pictures... I really need to get a tripod.

The head-fi meet in Toronto was great tonight, but I'm glad to finally be home as I didn't get much of a chance to hear my amp there.

This is the balanced tube amp that I had built for me by Peter McAlister... as you can see, the AKG K340's have some rather excessive power requirements which we have attempted to handle by stuffing as many tubes as we can into an already large chassis. :D





A few points:

- Yes, the 1/4" jacks are different. Yes, it will be fixed. :D
- The Power keystart switch failed and Peter had to bypass it... I'm glad this happened before he handed the amp over.
- The faceplate didnt really turn out as Peter and I wanted it. Neither of us payed anything for it though so no harm. A friend of mine should be able to remedy this for me with a nice wooden faceplate. :)
- The XLR jacks are way too close to the volume knobs... this is one of the things that we will try to remedy with the new faceplate.
- I believe Peter mentioned that there is some more exterior finishing that is still to be done.
- Will probably swap the blue LED for a green one. Though I suppose I need to consider what will look proper on a bloodwood and ebony faceplate.
- I'm thinking about trying to source the aluminum caps voodoochile used in his gorgeous amp as mine are tin. With aluminum I could polish them up nice and clear coat them. :cool:
- We will likely tweak the circuit some more, though at the moment my complaints are very minor.
- It's still burning in, so no impressions yet.
My attempt at a Lights Out shot without a tripod...


My friend Renato enjoying himself...


The whole rack...


[I know, this is a terrible picture.]

Random decent shot I took of the E5 Sig...




Keep in mind that it is a work in progress at the moment... but I am quite happy with it nonetheless. ;)
azulcorvette - You may be right as the whole amp gets nice and toasty once it has been running for a little while. Nothing excessive though from my experience with tube amps. ;)
Mister X said:
Yeah like a perforated metal cover for the toobs.
Hmmm... I'm not sure I want to do that, but we'll see.
Mister X said:
And no offence but the blew LED need to go bye bye.
philodox said:
- Will probably swap the blue LED for a green one. Though I suppose I need to consider what will look proper on a bloodwood and ebony faceplate.
I guess I should have said definately. :D

I actually asked for a green LED originally and I think that Peter forgot as he has been rather busy lately.
I was thinking amber to match the glow from the tubes.
And I know the feeling.... very few people ever ask for anything except a blue LED and it almost becomes automatic after a while. :p
Mister X said:
I was thinking amber to match the glow from the tubes.
That is an idea... and I think that would go well with the bloodwood and ebony faceplate that Steve [swt61 on head-fi] has planned for me. :D
Mister X said:
And I know the feeling.... very few people ever ask for anything except a blue LED and it almost becomes automatic after a while.
LOL, well in Peters defense I originally did say blue to match my power conditioner LED and the display on my CD-E5 [which is actually more of an aqua colour]... but changed my mind in a later email to him.

PS. Everyone who heard the PINT you made me [red LED] at the meet today seemed to really like it. I still don't have a portable source, so it hasn't been getting much use from me yet, but soon I should have something. I'm also really enjoying my Alien DAC... which is currently floating behind my monitor in a zip lock baggy. :D
lol, for some reason I knew the alien dac would get used like that.

And here, a quick photochop will give you an idea of what I meant by a perforated cover:


Retro style baby. :D
LOL, nice photoshop! :)

I still think that I like it the way it is now... though it does mean that I have to be more carefull with it. Anyways, we'll see how it evolves over the next few months. Thanks for the input so far though Marshall.

I'm off to bed now... this day is starting to catch up with me and I suppose the amp will still be here tomorrow. :D
Ladies and Gents, I proudly present the ultimate in dynamic ported headphones: The Bose Triport OE. With quite possibly the world's worst price to performance ratio, they crush the competition in both comfort and.. umm... damn, I'd make a terrible Bose marketing guy..

Anyways, here they are in all their glory. They sound noticeably worse than the regular Triport (now called the Triport AE), with more boomy bass and little treble they sound more "veiled" than any Sennheiser I've had the opportunity to demo. They are comfortable (very odd pad design), are very portable, and isolate better than the AE version. Still, for $179, definitely not worth it!


saturnine2, did you happen to pay for those.....? or are those on loan from someone?
My god, 179$.

They don't even look strudy, nor comfortable (reminds me of a 20$ pair of sony's)
Just got them from Best Buy today :) I needed something ultra portable and isolating, & since I work at BB I got a hefty discount. Believe me, they are extremely comfy, even more than the Triport AE (which I also own, but the headband broke :() The headband does seem fragile, but it is better built than the AE.
saturnine2 said:
Just got them from Best Buy today :) I needed something ultra portable and isolating, & since I work at BB I got a hefty discount. Believe me, they are extremely comfy, even more than the Triport AE (which I also own, but the headband broke :() The headband does seem fragile, but it is better built than the AE.

Booooo :p

So many better choices out there... *cough* k81dj
pelayostyle said:
Is that zhaolu modded with a zapfilter? Also, are you running the CS4398 ?
Running the CS4398. I plan on installing a Zapfilter sometime in the future; still waiting for Parts Connexion to get some back in stock :eek:
saturnine2 said:
Ladies and Gents, I proudly present the ultimate in dynamic ported headphones: The Bose Triport OE. With quite possibly the world's worst price to performance ratio, they crush the competition in both comfort and.. umm... damn, I'd make a terrible Bose marketing guy..

Anyways, here they are in all their glory. They sound noticeably worse than the regular Triport (now called the Triport AE), with more boomy bass and little treble they sound more "veiled" than any Sennheiser I've had the opportunity to demo. They are comfortable (very odd pad design), are very portable, and isolate better than the AE version. Still, for $179, definitely not worth it!



Did someone fall for all those Bose commercials where they have professional looking people with suits and suitcases saying how great they are?
Boredom set in.


At least for a half an hour. :D


Some of you may notice something a little different for a Pimeta. ;)
The black thingies soldered on the green thingy that is plugged into the black thingy that is soldered to the other green thingy. :p

(The outputs from the AD744 opamps are taken from compensation pins which bypasses their internal output stage)
I need to build another amp, I'm bored waiting for my Alien Dac boards. Gotta buy all the rest of the parts too, so I might as well buy tons of crap all at the same time :p
Got my woodied MS-1s today:


lossless flac iRiver h340 Kosh experimental rockbox via line out->belkin pureAV->LDM+->MS-1...

I'm all smiles, baby. These are so, so, so amazing. I went through the AD700, HD595, DT880....and finally found MY headphone. I love these things!
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