Decided on the Beyer DT770's, but which one?


Supreme [H]ardness
Nov 15, 2005
Ok so I've decided pick up a pair of the dt770's(2005 edition) to see what a good pair of headphones sound like. Only one problem with that, though. When I look at beyer's site, there are three different ohm versions (32,250, 600).

The question is, which one should I choose, and what's the difference between the three (sorry, I'm a complete idiot when it comes to this audio stuff).

It'll be hooked up to a x-fi plat at home, and a zen vision:m when I'm not. Also, I head that these respond really well to an amp, so is there a good portable one I can buy?

Thanks for all the help.
Ok... im no expert but I realized this week if I'm going to be using my headset so much i should probably get a really good headset! Alas... I've found there are no truely good headsets, it's all about a headphone+standalone mic.

So I have some BeyerDynamic DT990 Pro's (Open-Circumaural) inbound to me as we speak.

My basic end-user understanding is this... The lower the Ohms the easier it is to drive the sound through the headphones. So among your DT-770 choices, the 32-Ohm version would be easily driven by your Zen Vision or X-fi sound card. The 250 and 600-Ohm versions... well those would probably have to be used with an amp.

As for an amp? I think a cmoy amp would do the trick both for you x-fi and portable music player.

See here

I would really like to hear some experienced HardOCPers respond to this question, I don't think I would get an involved response from anyone over on

And P.S. ... I will be copying this awesome dude for sure... I'm not going to stand a unwieldy standalone mic in front of me while im playing my games.
MatDef said:
Thanks for the help, anybody else wanna chime in?

Yeh no problem... I was hoping someone else would chime in too.... Let me know how the Beyers go for you... I heard they're really good for Bass....
Look for the 80 ohm version of the DT770, that one is regarded as the best. Its not being produced anymore, but it can still be found with relative ease. Guitar Centers still stock it.
Sorry to raise this thread back from the dead, but I wasn't able to find the 80ohm version around where I live. So outta the three, which one is best and where can I find them online?

MatDef said:
Sorry to raise this thread back from the dead, but I wasn't able to find the 80ohm version around where I live. So outta the three, which one is best and where can I find them online?

On ebay, there is a member named "guitarinsider".
Make an offer for $145 and he will accept it, it comes out to about $160 shipped USPS Priority w/ insurance :)
Also, you can pick up a PA2v2 or an LDM+ on ebay as well, from the original manufacturers.
Johnny Rogers said:
On ebay, there is a member named "guitarinsider".
Make an offer for $145 and he will accept it, it comes out to about $160 shipped USPS Priority w/ insurance :)
Also, you can pick up a PA2v2 or an LDM+ on ebay as well, from the original manufacturers.
Hmmm, I don't have a paypal account, but I'll create one and make an offer. Thanks for the info, he seems pretty legit. :)
there should be an 80 ohm version for those, usually only found at musicians friend or guitar center, but they are AWESOME
MatDef said:
Hmmm, I don't have a paypal account, but I'll create one and make an offer. Thanks for the info, he seems pretty legit. :)
You can pay with a credit card actually. Specify this when you make the offer.
Yea, the DT770pro 80ohm is the conservative choice.

If you like the way the DT770pro sounds, down the road you may consider the Headphile "Darth Beyer" version. Huge difference.
MatDef said:
Hmmm, I don't have a paypal account, but I'll create one and make an offer. Thanks for the info, he seems pretty legit. :)

Just a little advice on creating a Paypal account. You should open a bank account just for Paypal and keep no more in it than you need, say $500.00. I say this because there have been cases reported where Paypal has frozen people's accounts due to some issue or another. You don't want that happening to your main bank account so create one just for Paypal and don't let them have access to your main account.
Heh, I'm dumb. I was too tired when I was posting last night, what I meant was I don't have a ebay account. I've already contacted the guy though, hopefully he'll let me buy one anyway.

towert7 said:
Yea, the DT770pro 80ohm is the conservative choice.

If you like the way the DT770pro sounds, down the road you may consider the Headphile "Darth Beyer" version. Huge difference.
Got linkage to that one? I'm not gonna buy it now, but in the future ya never know. ;)
MatDef said:
Heh, I'm dumb. I was too tired when I was posting last night, what I meant was I don't have a ebay account. I've already contacted the guy though, hopefully he'll let me buy one anyway.

Got linkage to that one? I'm not gonna buy it now, but in the future ya never know. ;)

Beware, though, the DT770 Darth Beyer is NOT cheap.
cfull said:

Beware, though, the DT770 Darth Beyer is NOT cheap.
You're telling me!

I think I'll stick with the normal 770's for now, they're still the most expensive pair of headphones I've ever bought.
MatDef said:
You're telling me!

I think I'll stick with the normal 770's for now, they're still the most expensive pair of headphones I've ever bought.
Something to dream about I guess you could say.
