Post your HeadPhones!

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m3ta1head said:
Got my woodied MS-1s today:
I went through the AD700, HD595, DT880....and finally found MY headphone. I love these things!
Give it 17 days, then you'll be ready for the next upgrade in headphones. ^_^

Who did the woody job, and what wood is it?
Just an update on the Bozo Triport OE's. They actually sound quite acceptable after almost a hundred hours burn-in with my Dynahi! Still a bit too bass heavy & disconcerted but they are sounding quite a bit better than when new. Not good for the price, but decent considering their use.

And yeah, I could have purchased a HD-280 or K18DJ instead, but I hate the extreme neutrality & lack of comfort of the 280, and the K81DJ just isn't as portable :)
towert7 said:
Give it 17 days, then you'll be ready for the next upgrade in headphones. ^_^

Who did the woody job, and what wood is it?

Phergus_25, aka Greg, of headfi. The wood is oak. These were his first 'woodies'-well over 400hrs on these.

Yep, those are MY headphones plastered all over the website. I feel special :D
saturnine2 said:
Just an update on the Bozo Triport OE's. They actually sound quite acceptable after almost a hundred hours burn-in with my Dynahi! Still a bit too bass heavy & disconcerted but they are sounding quite a bit better than when new. Not good for the price, but decent considering their use.

And yeah, I could have purchased a HD-280 or K18DJ instead, but I hate the extreme neutrality & comfort of the 280, and the K81DJ just isn't as portable :)

you hate the "extreme .... and comfort of the 280"? or do you mean lack thereof :p
Viper87227 said:
metal.... i absolutly love those!

As do I!

I brought my setup to school today and the general consensus was "WOW DUDE OMG...these are so rich much were they?!?!"
m3ta1head said:
As do I!

I brought my setup to school today and the general consensus was "WOW DUDE OMG...these are so rich much were they?!?!"

Heh, I was sporting my lowly 225's when camping for a PS3. Had a few people intersted in by the time my stay was over :cool:
Viper87227 said:
Heh, I was sporting my lowly 225's when camping for a PS3. Had a few people intersted in by the time my stay was over :cool:

Yay for Grados! :eek: :eek:

Listening to Slave Labor by Fear Factory right now....oh man...that BASS :D
I sought out to answer another age old question today.

What would an amp in a blue enclosure look like?


Pretty bad huh? :p
It has one of my PINT inspired XP amp boards in it.

(it is about the same size as your alien dac and pint placed side by side)
Mister X said:
I sought out to answer another age old question today.

What would an amp in a blue enclosure look like?


Pretty bad huh? :p

is that painted or anodized?
I love my MS-1s but only for rock. They don't compare to my a900s for all around listening or for gaming.

Next step is Gilmore Lite + HD650 :p

(oh.. and the westone UM2s that are on their way to me right now :p )
All this talk about MS1's is getting me excited. So much so, I just put a pair of MS-2's on my radar. Probably will be my next can. THey are so sexy :).

I just hope I can find some of the old school ones, not the new one. The old one has more of the PS-1 look going on, and would make me feel that much more badass wearing them :).
m3ta1head said:
Yep, I'm hooked.

I've got the RS-2 on my radar.

I plan to have alot of Grado's before I quite the habbit, but RS-2's probably aren't one of them. If I am going to drop some dough on a high end can, im gunna go all out.

My current forcast: MS-2, HF-1 (to be headphiled), RS-1

Then, Ill move to another brand. My Grado itch should be satisfied by then :).
welcome to club K1000 :)

some progress on my dynamight... finally casing it up properly now that i found some suitable power supplies and a suitable chassis... .. got them at a surplus place... new in box from 1983... amazingly they look exactly the same as some 2005 power-one power supplies i have, different specs obviously tho... my friend is helping me out with the drilling and such since work has been killing me lately and he has better metal working tools...

overall overhead view



close up of the boards


4 channel series stepped attenuator... got it for $5 at a hamfest hehe... i populated it with resistors, they are RN55's


wiring is under everything...

Viper87227 said:
Heh, I was sporting my lowly 225's when camping for a PS3. Had a few people intersted in by the time my stay was over :cool:

Man, you gotta be loony. Taking your grados out in public and camping out with em! Mine don't leave my desk.....ever :x Scared they might disappear or something else might happen to em...they arent the sturdiest things ever.....
some progress on my dynamight... finally casing it up properly now that i found some suitable power supplies and a suitable chassis

2 Years later? :p

(Damn, has it really been two years already... seems like it was just the other day I packed all of those freaking boards)

The P2 heatsinks are a good idea.... they are almost perfect for a Dynahi. ;)

Tonights project for me is another Dynalo + Crossfeed.


I think I overdid the LED brightness just a tad. :D


And normally I despise vents in the top of the enclosure but it almost kinda works here because of the LED's on the circuit board.

I just got Grado SR80's with the black-dyed Sennheiser pads for the ultimate set of cans I have ever heard. I sold my Sennheiser HD555's to a friend and next week I'm expecting the Pocket Amp (PA2V2) which I ordered thru Gary himself. Once I get the headphone amp, I'll post a nice picture to add to this collection. I have come a long ways since owning Bose Trifarts. How much I hate those now that I have heard Sennheisers and Grados.

Long live the head-fi world and high fidelity music!
Mister X said:
2 Years later? :p

(Damn, has it really been two years already... seems like it was just the other day I packed all of those freaking boards)

The P2 heatsinks are a good idea.... they are almost perfect for a Dynahi. ; )

Tonights project for me is another Dynalo + Crossfeed.

I think I overdid the LED brightness just a tad. : D

And normally I despise vents in the top of the enclosure but it almost kinda works here because of the LED's on the circuit board.

ya amazing eh? I remember being so excited when i recieved my envelope with my PCB's... couldent wait to start... the P2 heatsinks worked perfectly... i always knew i kept all those P2 heatsinks from the dell's we were tossing out at work for a reason hehe... i also built a small 927mhz amplifier on one... but thats not audio related so i dont have any pics...

also i finally used my bulgin button, i love that blue lighted ring... i am dropping a pair of AMB's DC-offset protection boards and going to do a little logic circuit so that the button turns the amp on, and when the amb boards are in fail/standby the LED on the bulgin throbbs a-la apple sleep... and when the boards kick in after their 3 second wait it will go solid... then if the dc-offset board fails out a channel it will start throbbing again to let you know bad stuff happened... and in the back im going to have some nice red led's to let you know which channel failed...

its been a long journey but I am very happy with my results, the amp sounds amazing and even Ray Samules seemed impressed with it and its sound he had very nice words for it... which makes me feel great considering he knows its a Gilmore design... not that i even would dream of touching the whole ray/gilmore drama with a 20ft pole...

nice dynalo... i love the brushed aluminum and those toggle switches and knobs really complete the front panel beautifully.. ya that blue led... ahh! my eyes! : o

i need to case up my dynalo... i have an AKG reciever from a wireless mic system that someone lost the mic here at work, was thinking of gutting it and putting my dynalo in there... it just barely fits in there with the powersupply... would make a very nice @ work package... probably gonna drop the alien dac in there too, for the ultimate at-work package : )

anyhow, here are some pics from this weekends head-fi meet in south florida...

i spent friday at merritt's house (hifihaxor) working on my dynamight... in the mandatory pre-meet marathon to finish up equipment :)

working on the dynamight:







and i spent a few hours re-cabling headphones...





and finally day of meet... about 99% done... actually finished in the meet, had to replace a 7915 that exploded... lol




apparantly she likes the HE-90s more than the HF-1s... this is going to be an expensive child :)


K340's are always nice...


woodied K340's... and a chinese tube amp... some of these chinese amps were pretty nice, and very reasonably priced...


a headroom max single ended, and a headroom desktop balanced... along with a micro amp/dac... the balanced desktop was very nice... I got to borrow it for a little while to review/play with it yay!


balanced headphones for the headroom


a blockhead with some more balanced hedaphones...


some AT love


oxygen free audio... these amps were pretty nice, although i couldent really enjoy them, the rega cd player that was their source was ear-bleedingly bright...


the B-52... words cannot describe this amp... it sounds better than it looks, and it looks amazing! ray really made an amazing piece of electronics with this amp...



hifihaxors akido amp...


my dynamight :)


Ray (owner of Ray Samuels Audio and Tyll, owner of headroom...)



more photos from the rest of the meet in the impressions thread over at head-fi
towert7 said:
Are you sure we can't talk you into a nice little GS-1. ^_^

Now now.. no tempting me!

I already have the HD650s and an M3 amp on the way. Between those and the UM2s that showed up last week my wallet is feeling light enough :)
towert7 said:
Are you sure we can't talk you into a nice little GS-1. ^_^

You know what... I am an absolute Grado whore, and I have absolutely no interest in the GS-1K. I really haven't looked into it to much, but the thought of dropping $1000 on a can I've seen described as the least Grado sounding Grado can..... not I :p
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