Dell U2412M

What are you guys using to calibrate this monitor? I purchased two 2412's from Amazon, along with a Spyder4Pro, and after calibrating whites are very, very dim. With the calibration turned off, whites look great. The colors look much better overall using the calibration, but the whites just look very lackluster and dim, not bright and vivid as they do without the calibration.

Has anyone else experienced this?
What are you guys using to calibrate this monitor? I purchased two 2412's from Amazon, along with a Spyder4Pro, and after calibrating whites are very, very dim. With the calibration turned off, whites look great. The colors look much better overall using the calibration, but the whites just look very lackluster and dim, not bright and vivid as they do without the calibration.

Has anyone else experienced this?

Using a Spyder4 Elite (same sensor, different software). I have mine calibrated to 2.2 gamma, 6500k color and luminance at 160cd/m² (ends up being 40 Brightness). My whites are pretty clean and bright. I know the standard is luminance at 120, but I personally like it better a bit higher. That may have something to do with it... although I don't remember the whites being off or too gray/dim at 120.
anybody have 3 of these? if so could you put them in portrait mode and snap a couple pictures?

i am considering buying 2 more and seeing how it goes for me
anybody have 3 of these? if so could you put them in portrait mode and snap a couple pictures?

i am considering buying 2 more and seeing how it goes for me

They go in portrait mode? How do you do that? I bought two and thought they were supposed to flip, but they don't rotate when I try.
They go in portrait mode? How do you do that? I bought two and thought they were supposed to flip, but they don't rotate when I try.

Did you tilt the screen back before rotating? Also, it helps if the neck of the monitor is extended all the way to ensure clearance.

Seems to work on my U2410s just fine...
Maybe he means that they don't rotate automatically (i.e, the image itself)? The monitor does not auto-rotate the display so you need to make use of hotkeys in order to rotate the image. This is a hardware limitation.
Can someone please tell if the U2412M feels fast enough for gaming?

I did notice on some videos that it doesnt feel so "snappy" as some other monitors.
Can someone please tell if the U2412M feels fast enough for gaming?

You have been told a hundred times (this is probably not an exaggeration) on various forums and youtube, by many different people that it doesn't have any input lag. Repeatedly asking the same question is not going to change the answer.
You have been told a hundred times (this is probably not an exaggeration) on various forums and youtube, by many different people that it doesn't have any input lag. Repeatedly asking the same question is not going to change the answer.

lol - thought I was noticing a familiar pattern in various threads.
Well sorry for asking so many times :) But i'm just picky when buying new stuff. And i did noticed some input lag when someone was doing some comparision video. And IRL means more for me than just numbers in reviews so thats another reason i try to ask more people if they notice any issues with the monitor.
How exactly can you notice input lag on video? Unless it's so severe that the display is basically unusable... My U2412Ms have been fine for gaming, I'm no pro tho.
I have received my u2412m a couple of weeks ago.
I noticed yellow tint around bottom on white and grey background as soon as i read something on it.
at first, I thought i should send it back but as i read the forum i realized that yellow tint is caused by backlight leakage and it is a common issue.
I don't know if the backlight leakage that my monitor has is reasonable?
I'm attaching a few photos of the monitor. What do you guys say? should i keep it or get it replaced?
after taking the photos I also noticed red dot on the right side. but it is not seen with naked eye.
btw rev.A05 , may 2012




I have received my u2412m a couple of weeks ago.
I noticed yellow tint around bottom on white and grey background as soon as i read something on it.
at first, I thought i should send it back but as i read the forum i realized that yellow tint is caused by backlight leakage and it is a common issue.
I don't know if the backlight leakage that my monitor has is reasonable?
I'm attaching a few photos of the monitor. What do you guys say? should i keep it or get it replaced?
after taking the photos I also noticed red dot on the right side. but it is not seen with naked eye.
btw rev.A05 , may 2012

I can't really comment without having in front of me. Its hard to discern anything from pics. I know I'm happy with the uniformity of my backlight (best of any LCD I've had). I do have a bit of that off color on the bottom (which I didn't notice until you mentioned it). When I adjust the height or tilt it disappears, so I don't think its from BL leakage.

As far as your question, you might want to consider taking/sending it back if you're not satisfied with certain aspects of it. If not, they're will probably drive you crazy over time.
Mine also has that Yellow/Green tint issue in the lower right hand side, and a slight red tint on the left hand side.
I have found that it is mostly only noticeable on white background web pages, also
pdf's with a white background.
You might find that increasing the blue in your custom colour profile reduces this effect up to a point, but increasing the brightness makes the biggest difference.

Don't confuse IPS glow with backlight bleeding. My monitor has practically zero backlight bleed, but the characteristic IPS glow is always noticeable at certain angles. That red pixel
is likely your camera, not the monitor.

I do not notice the tint issue in games or watching movies at all. I'm not going to worry about it with my monitor, as I have heard that most of these e-ips screens suffer to a certain extent from this. If Your's is very bad then return it, Dell have the best customer service around.
It doesn't look quite this bad in reality, but essentially that is how it is, reddish to the left, yellow/green towards the right.

I did have an ASUS PA248Q with had a slight reddish tinge on the right third of the screen. I sent it back and got the Dell instead (which has a much better panel). Again, if you've got weird color issues like that you might want to try another one - my U2412M is fine.
thank you guys for helping me out
apperantly, this monitor is not flawless. whatever you call it bl leakage or ips glow, the monitor certainly has some uniformity issues,
but overall it's a good monitor in terms of the price/performance ratio.

thank imperious for enlightening me that red pixel is my camera's fault.
as jeffredo did when I adjust the stand, it disappears. I decided to keep my monitor.
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I'm waiting to see if the tinting improves over time at all. I've only had my monitor 2 weeks tomorrow.
I don' t think it's worth returning for a minor tinting issue, as the replacement could end up worse.
3 Years warranty anyway, so I'll just get in touch with Dell if it starts annoying me.
I just bought a U2412M from a local store to replace my old 2005FPW from 2006.

I had to return the first one due to a pronounced greenish cast on all presets. This is not spotty tinting, it is overall and even.

The second one from the same store (and close in serial number to the first) has exactly the same issue. These are Rev. A03 Mfd. May 2012 in China.

Other users and several test reports on this monitor have said that the Standard and 6500k presets are pretty close out of the box. The 2 I have aren't and have had to have the green level substantially reduced to get 6500k. I have an i1 Display 2 and was able to calibrate OK. If you leave it to the LUT though, you get a crazy curved Green line on the results in i1 Match. The Red and Blue lines look good.

It looks fine now thus far although the OSD is really green now.

Also, previous reports have shown that a Brightness level of about "35" was needed for 120cd/M2. Mine needs a Brightness setting of "55" for 120.

I'm not sure what to do. Live with it like it is? If I do, am I getting all the performance I should? What about longevity?

Try yet another one from the store? (they have 6 more in stock) Return it to the store and try one from Amazon?

Call Dell?

Tweak the 6500k preset in the service screen so that the video card doesn't have to correct the green channel so much?

What do you monitor experts think?


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These are Rev. A03 Mfd. May 2012 in China.

This is exactly my manufacture month and point of assembly - no greenish cast. Mine only had the usual LED coolness ( and even that wasn't too strong).

Also, previous reports have shown that a Brightness level of about "35" was needed for 120cd/M2. Mine needs a Brightness setting of "55" for 120.

Wow. I use a Spyder4 Elite and only need 28 brightness to get 120cd/M2. This is the value from the pre-calibration check it does. 50 brightness gets me 180cd/M2! I'm no expert and I know every monitor has a little variation even with the same model number, but that seems kind of... extreme. If it were me I'd return it if possible. I bought mine from Amazon the beginning of August and I'm pretty pleased with it.
This is exactly my manufacture month and point of assembly - no greenish cast. Mine only had the usual LED coolness ( and even that wasn't too strong).

Wow. I use a Spyder4 Elite and only need 28 brightness to get 120cd/M2. This is the value from the pre-calibration check it does. 50 brightness gets me 180cd/M2! I'm no expert and I know every monitor has a little variation even with the same model number, but that seems kind of... extreme. If it were me I'd return it if possible. I bought mine from Amazon the beginning of August and I'm pretty pleased with it.

Thanks Jeffredo,
I know, this is very strange. And to have 2 units with exactly the same issue?!

I have tried it on a different computer with the same result, so it is not the video card.

I went into the service screen and tweaked the 6500k preset to actually be 6500k. The factory settings were 255, 254, 253 (R, G, B) and now they need to be 252, 195, 230.

Does anyone know what the "Offset" and "Gain" controls do?

Mine are 140, 127, 141 for Offset and 109, 107, 105 for Gain.

Maybe these were set wrong in final testing for this range of serial numbers?

Forgot to say Markey, mine's the same revision as yours.

Well, that tells us at least that not all units made in May are bad.

What is your serial number?

Mine are CN0M2GCR7426125N 11UL (the first one) & 126L (this one)
After my previous post saying I wasn't going to bother about the red tint to left and green/yellow tint to right, I decided that it's something I shouldn't have to put up with on a new monitor, so Dell are sending
me a replacement (hopefully not a refurbished one).
I'll let you know how it goes. Mine is June manufacture date btw.
Other than that I love this monitor, definitely an improvement on old 2ms Benq x2200w, less ghosting, also no input lag that I can discern.
I'm not a hardcore gamer, but do play online racing games like rFactor, Netkar Pro, and the occasional FPS.
Well, that tells us at least that not all units made in May are bad.

What is your serial number?

Mine are CN0M2GCR7426125N 11UL (the first one) & 126L (this one)

Can anyone else with a U2412M Mfg. Date of May 2012 tell me their serial number?

I have returned the second one to the store and got a third. (Maybe the third time's the charm?!) I am not optimistic though because all 7 units they have (had) in stock are from the same shipment and all have the same build date. They all have serial numbers that differ only in the last 4 digits too.
Got the replacement, it is a refurbished one manufacture date March 2012. Looks like it has had a new screen put in it, as nearly 0 minutes display on time in the factory menu. Although I'm sure they would reset that anyway.
There are no scratches, marks, or anything, although I did have to clean some finger grease marks off.
No faulty pixels, and the most important thing is it has a near perfect uniform screen, as in no green, red, or yellow tint on a white screen.
Don't care if it's Refurbished, I'm going to keep it. Better than possibly getting a faulty new one again.

I did changethe stand, as mine was less wobbly.
Got the replacement, it is a refurbished one manufacture date March 2012. Looks like it has had a new screen put in it, as nearly 0 minutes display on time in the factory menu. Although I'm sure they would reset that anyway.
There are no scratches, marks, or anything, although I did have to clean some finger grease marks off.
No faulty pixels, and the most important thing is it has a near perfect uniform screen, as in no green, red, or yellow tint on a white screen.
Don't care if it's Refurbished, I'm going to keep it. Better than possibly getting a faulty new one again.

I did changethe stand, as mine was less wobbly.

Thanks for the follow up. I am close to getting a pair of these and it is good to know we should expect perfection (or near perfection anyway...) of the panels uniformity.

Now comes the fun part for you, enjoy it!
Can anyone else with a U2412M Mfg. Date of May 2012 tell me their serial number?

I have returned the second one to the store and got a third. (Maybe the third time's the charm?!) I am not optimistic though because all 7 units they have (had) in stock are from the same shipment and all have the same build date. They all have serial numbers that differ only in the last 4 digits too.

The third one is pretty much the same plus has a lot of backlight leakage.

I have ordered one from Amazon. I really hope it is OK. If not, what else shall I look at?

Any chance I can get a new backlight bulb for my old Dell 2005FP? It was rock-solid from day one for over 6 years.
Check your calibrations, especially the blue levels.

Just checking in with an update... I have 2 of these in one location and a third at work. I noticed that after 9 months, the color was looking 'cool', so I re-calibrated and found I had to reduce the blue level on the 2 local monitors substantially to return from 7200+ to 6500 color temp. Looks good now but I need to check the third at work on Monday to see if it also needs a blue reduction too.

For those commenting on uniformity, yes, I had to return 2 in order to get 3 decent ones and although they are not perfect, in normal usage I don't notice the slight uniformity. On 2 of them, it bothered me enough to say that I wasn't happy looking at them daily, so I RMA'd them. Each of the three I have now calibrated a little differently both in color settings and brightness, but all of them have 800+ contrast and look really good when calibrated with the xrite iDisplay 2.

Compared to the older 2001FP I've used for years, the contrast level on these are insane, both measured and from observation. As long as you don't constantly view blacks in a dark room at night with a bright screen, the slight backlight IPS corner glow is not noticed.

Anyway, I'm very pleased with the 3 I have with about 9 months of usage.
Had mine for about a week now. I like it, but I feel like I may have gotten a lemon in terms of bleed.


Bought it from Amazon, and may see if I can get a replacement...
I enabled service menu and turned on Overdrive. What should I do do disable access to service menu? (Power button backlight should change from orange to blue).
That looks more like IPS glow than backlight bleed to me.

If it changes as You move Your head it's IPS glow, otherwise backlight bleed.
The replacement I got last week has even less Backlight bleed than my original, and that one
was good as far as I was concerned.
Overdrive cannot be permanently turned off, it resets when You power off and on. Also You cannot
permanently alter the number either.
Just turn the power off and on again to remove access to the factory menu.
It doesn't help. Factory menu is still available after pushing first button on the top. I deaattach power cable for a few seconds. Power button is still orange.
That looks more like IPS glow than backlight bleed to me.

If it changes as You move Your head it's IPS glow, otherwise backlight bleed.
The replacement I got last week has even less Backlight bleed than my original, and that one
was good as far as I was concerned.

It's definitely bleed, especially in the bottom left. Might give it one more week.
has anyone noticed the displayport being washed out as compared with DVI? Both of mine are. Had to go back to dvi - difference was pretty strong. Anyone know why that could be?
It's definitely bleed, especially in the bottom left. Might give it one more week.

I was wondering about this as well. Mine looks like it has it strong glow on the bottom right but I haven't done an in the dark test. I'll try that out tonight. My old 2407WFP feels to have a better lighting ~_~

Has anyone replaced their monitor because of this?