Best Bang for the Buck headphones?

Gautama said:
The HD555s are $93 at amazon, Im probably gonna spring for those. Ive got about $40 now, another $40 from Xmas, then I can beg the rest lol :)

every review ive read has said the 485's are better

and i went on 3 other forums, and 97 percent of the users on each forum all gave the 485's two huge thumbs up

the only complaints they had was that they're bass heavy, but thats a matter of opinion.
saoxcore said:
every review ive read has said the 485's are better

and i went on 3 other forums, and 97 percent of the users on each forum all gave the 485's two huge thumbs up

the only complaints they had was that they're bass heavy, but thats a matter of opinion.

As a 555 owner, I disagree. I got a pair for my father, but returned them after trying them. There is more to music than bass ;)
Gautama said:
More opinions on the HD555 developement please. is a great place for headphone information.
You may want to check out their headphone section and do a search for HD555. I'm sure you'll find tons of threads.
deathBOB said:
As a 555 owner, I disagree. I got a pair for my father, but returned them after trying them. There is more to music than bass ;)

how long did you let the mbreak in?
towert7 said: is a great place for headphone information.
You may want to check out their headphone section and do a search for HD555. I'm sure you'll find tons of threads.
I am a member of Head-Fi and have already checked that out, but I like to get opinions form lots of different sources.
saoxcore said:
how long did you let the mbreak in?

I didn't. The sound offended me and they were returned :eek:

I bought 555s about 2 years ago. I think they are very well rounded, competent headphones for the price; I use mine for everything, gaming , music, movies, whatever. It's probably the best $120 (with shipping) I've ever spent.
deathBOB said:
I didn't. The sound offended me and they were returned :eek:

I bought 555s about 2 years ago. I think they are very well rounded, competent headphones for the price; I use mine for everything, gaming , music, movies, whatever. It's probably the best $120 (with shipping) I've ever spent.

then your opinion isnt valid if you never even let them break in.
I have a nice broken in pair of HD555s. I do love them, how they fit is just wonderful for me.

The sound is nice, warm...decent highs and bass. Bass seems bloated without a amp though. Maybe its just me. The 555s arent really a "up front" type of can...maybe a tad in the mids. Grados are a perfect example of what the 555 is NOT hehe. It kinda makes you feel like the sound is coming from around rather then right into your ear. This is why they are soo great for gaming and movies.

It was my first set of real phones and have really enjoyed them to say the least. It just makes me want better up to chain.

So im selling my 555s now and going for the 580s However if i could afford it, i would keep both. I
saoxcore said:
the problem with this forum is, they all seem to think you have to spend 150+ for a "decent" pair of headphones.

not everyone are audiophiles. not everyone has had an extensive list of headphones theyve used.

of course, if youve been using 300 dollar headphones for months, or years, and then try out some headphones that cost 60-100, youll go "no. dont get those. theyre HORRIBLE." etc. its just idiotic.

$150 bucks won't buy you anything even CLOSE to "audiophile", actually.
saoxcore said:
the problem with this forum is, they all seem to think you have to spend 150+ for a "decent" pair of headphones.

not everyone are audiophiles. not everyone has had an extensive list of headphones theyve used.

of course, if youve been using 300 dollar headphones for months, or years, and then try out some headphones that cost 60-100, youll go "no. dont get those. theyre HORRIBLE." etc. its just idiotic.

huh? I own several >$300 (K1000, HE60, HD650 etc) headphones and i said in my post that the HD201's for under $25 are pretty decent headphones, especially if you want an intro to headphones... then later save up more if you want something more expensive...

I use my HD201's every day at work, and while im not gonna toss out my other headphones, they definately sound pretty nice...
cfull said:
$150 bucks won't buy you anything even CLOSE to "audiophile", actually.


o rly?

the DT770s are the greatest basshead headphones imho... i am not a basshead so they really are not my thing... and now that i have a proper amplifier i actually prefer my DT880's to my K701's so there you go... audiofool quality for $150...

i cant stand the word "audiophile"... I can only assoicate that word with morons that pay several hundred or even thousands of dollars for power cords, "sound rocks", and all sorts of other completely retarded stuff... jesus dont get me started on $10,000 pieces of wire and hundred dollar RCA connectors and other crap like that....... to me audiophile = moron with too much money begging clever people to take it away from him/her...
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FLECOM said:

o rly?

the DT770s are the greatest basshead headphones imho... i am not a basshead so they really are not my thing... and now that i have a proper amplifier i actually prefer my DT880's to my K701's so there you go... audiofool quality for $150...

i cant stand the word "audiophile"... I can only assoicate that word with morons that pay several hundred or even thousands of dollars for power cords, "sound rocks", and all sorts of other completely retarded stuff... jesus dont get me started on $10,000 pieces of wire and hundred dollar RCA connectors and other crap like that....... to me audiophile = moron with too much money begging clever people to take it away from him/her...

Dude, DT770s are not anything CLOSE to audiophile. They are merely a really good set of headphones. Audiophile is a whole other plateau of cost and equipment, lol.
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maingearprelude said:
I suggest avoiding the impending upgrade sessions so many fall victim too. Just splurge 300$ on ebay and get Sennheiser HD650. Most comfy, best sound, most reliable. You won't look back. Sure they are way out of your price range, but who can honestly say they absolutley can not save up 300 bucks? Probably the best purchase I made in audio in my life.

I agree. Save some money in the long run and just go for the best.
If you buy a cheaper headphones(still high quality) with other higher quality components together for $300, I think that you will get a better sound than buying a $300 headphones if your other components still have a lower quality. You can upgrade other components later and get a much better sound if you buy the expensive headphones now but before you upgrade other components, the $300 headphone won't be as good as the $300 headphones+components purchase.
FLECOM said:
i cant stand the word "audiophile"... I can only assoicate that word with morons that pay several hundred or even thousands of dollars for power cords, "sound rocks", and all sorts of other completely retarded stuff... jesus dont get me started on $10,000 pieces of wire and hundred dollar RCA connectors and other crap like that....... to me audiophile = moron with too much money begging clever people to take it away from him/her...
I agree with that sentiment except I tend to be a little more abrasive and as such I prefer the words fucking idiotphiles. :D
Plus it seems you forgot about the elitist nonsense.

OMG... you can't even come close to enjoying music with those $150 headphones!
You have to spend more $ to really enjoy music!!!!!11one :rolleyes:
If you coming from a cheap set and never had a pair, any of the choices listed in this post will prob blow your mind to begin with. I bet the KSC75s would put a smile on your face for 20$. HD555 will certainly do so, did for me...(got HD580s coming). HD595s are real nice ive heard, some say best in that price range if you want a all around'er. I love Sennhesier just for the comfort alone. Most comfortable headphones ive ever worn.

If they sound good to you, then they are good....ignorance is bliss..(PLEASE dont take that like im calling you ignorant, just speaking in general)

However, anything you get will want make you still want more, hence why I sold my 555's and bought some 580's Its a BUG!!! Cant shake it, once it has a hold of your wallet, its all over!! Buy the HD595 and never think of a upgrade unless you kill them or lose them =)
Highlife said:
If you coming from a cheap set and never had a pair, any of the choices listed in this post will prob blow your mind to begin with. I bet the KSC75s would put a smile on your face for 20$. HD555 will certainly do so, did for me...(got HD580s coming).
It's true, if this is your intro into high end audio, anything remotely nice will put a smile on your face. ^_^
cfull said:
Dude, DT770s are not anything CLOSE to audiophile. They are merely a really good set of headphones. Audiophile is a whole other plateau of cost and equipment, lol.

why cost?

so you are saying that the DT880's must not be audiophile either right?

so what cost do you require?

$200 HD580? K601? SR225?

$300 HD650? K701? SR325i?

$1000 GS-1000?

$1200 K1000?

$1800 HE-60?

$8000 HE-90?

$100000 London symphony orchestra in your house?
Mister X said:
I agree with that sentiment except I tend to be a little more abrasive and as such I prefer the words fucking idiotphiles. :D
Plus it seems you forgot about the elitist nonsense.

OMG... you can't even come close to enjoying music with those $150 headphones!
You have to spend more $ to really enjoy music!!!!!11one :rolleyes:

thankfully i have managed to avoid most of the elitist crap... all of the people i have met down here in florida at the head-fi meets are super cool and down to earth... but i have seen all sorts of wacky stuff in message boards and such... i have been thinking of just removing myself from participating in this hobby at all... since i have found everything i wanted to find anyway... i have awesome dynamic headphones, an awesome dynamic amp... and awesome electrostatic headphones... all thats left is an awesome electrostatic amp (starting work on my KGSS using one of justin's PCBs) and i am getting there with the source too...

but ya, to the OP... dont listen to all this crap or else you will just end up broke like me :p

i blame this all on mr.x btw, i was happy with my DT990's coming out of my Audigy2 until i made the mistake of PM'ing him and asking "wtf would anyone need a headphone amp for? isnt it loud enough already?"

i can hear my wallet sobbing softly at night
FLECOM said:
i have been thinking of just removing myself from participating in this hobby at all...

Good, you can sell me one of those kick ass DACs i wanted at the headfi meet =)

JK...flecom is the guys gotta see his Dynamight..its impressive.
FLECOM said:
why cost?

so you are saying that the DT880's must not be audiophile either right?

so what cost do you require?

$200 HD580? K601? SR225?

$300 HD650? K701? SR325i?

$1000 GS-1000?

$1200 K1000?

$1800 HE-60?

$8000 HE-90?

$100000 London symphony orchestra in your house?

Haha. Priceless.
all in all I think every head-fi'er would agree...its about finding "your" sound, each ear is different. Some pick up more detail than others, if your pleased with $20 cans...good for you...if you notice a difference with a pair of $100 cans and you can get them and like them...get them.
skeeder said:
all in all I think every head-fi'er would agree...its about finding "your" sound, each ear is different. Some pick up more detail than others, if your pleased with $20 cans...good for you...if you notice a difference with a pair of $100 cans and you can get them and like them...get them.

QFT. More money doesn't mean better. A perfect example being my brother. I gave him a test run of my setup (SR225 + Headfive), and while he admit it sound good, he preferred his $30 panasonic crappers to my $450 setup. Not once did I try to persuade him that he was wrong. If he was happy at only $30, power to him. I am nearly $2000 into the addiction, and have quite a bit more ground I'd like to hit.

So, if the OP, or anyone else, is pleased with the what they are using, and has no desire to upgrade other than because everyone else says they should... save your cash. Your going to be much happier with your cheap headphones than you would be if you ended up dropping $150-$300 just to feel like it wasn't worth the cost.
FLECOM said:
why cost?

so you are saying that the DT880's must not be audiophile either right?

so what cost do you require?

$200 HD580? K601? SR225?

$300 HD650? K701? SR325i?

$1000 GS-1000?

$1200 K1000?

$1800 HE-60?

$8000 HE-90?

$100000 London symphony orchestra in your house?

Why cost? Because usually, better cans cost more money. I'm sure you will think it witty to come back with "OH YEAH WHAT ABOUT BOSE IS THAT BETTER BECAUSE ITS $$$?" No. It's not. Expensive crap is still crap. But when you are discussing headphones that DONT suck, 95% of the time better cans will cost more money. So yes, cost is at least a decent starting point. Whether or not one will actually HEAR that difference, though, is another story. I probably couldnt tell the difference in a 400$ pair of HD650s and a 1000$+ Stax setup.

Well then, by your definition of "audiophile", if I think a 20$ pair of HD201s sound good, then hey, that's audiophile too!

If you ask anyone that knows much about headphones, they'll tell you that cans like the DT770, Grado SR225, HD580/600/650 are good MID-TIER cans. They dont approach the detail resolution for example of a can like the K1000 or Electrostats. Those are truly audiophile.

You can't just merely call something "audiophile" because you want to. The DT770, while being awesome and tons of fun to listen to, is not AUDIOPHILE. Ditto for the sr225 and similarly-tiered headphones. Just because the kick the crap out of headphones for the mass market doesnt mean they are "audiophile"

And before anyone tries to accuse me of being elitist or having an ego because I like expensive cans or whatever...

I have owned both the DT770 and the SR225 and have no desire to go beyond that. I am not an "audiophile".
cfull said:
Why cost? Because usually, better cans cost more money. I'm sure you will think it witty to come back with "OH YEAH WHAT ABOUT BOSE IS THAT BETTER BECAUSE ITS $$$?" No. It's not. Expensive crap is still crap. But when you are discussing headphones that DONT suck, 95% of the time better cans will cost more money. So yes, cost is at least a decent starting point. Whether or not one will actually HEAR that difference, though, is another story. I probably couldnt tell the difference in a 400$ pair of HD650s and a 1000$+ Stax setup.

Well then, by your definition of "audiophile", if I think a 20$ pair of HD201s sound good, then hey, that's audiophile too!

If you ask anyone that knows much about headphones, they'll tell you that cans like the DT770, Grado SR225, HD580/600/650 are good MID-TIER cans. They dont approach the detail resolution for example of a can like the K1000 or Electrostats. Those are truly audiophile.

You can't just merely call something "audiophile" because you want to. The DT770, while being awesome and tons of fun to listen to, is not AUDIOPHILE. Ditto for the sr225 and similarly-tiered headphones. Just because the kick the crap out of headphones for the mass market doesnt mean they are "audiophile"

And before anyone tries to accuse me of being elitist or having an ego because I like expensive cans or whatever...

I have owned both the DT770 and the SR225 and have no desire to go beyond that. I am not an "audiophile".

I too, disagree with you. To me, an audiophile would be anyone who enjoys their music on whatever equipment they have. If someone is pleased as piss with a $30 pair of cans, so be it, just as someone could be with a "mid-range" can. By merely breaking down the word, an audiophile would be someone who loves music. Who says you have to have a $1000-$3000 headphone setup just to enjoy music?
I'm coming in late here, but seriously, best bang for the buck = Koss. But right now, Amazon has Senn 580s for $125. Hot as shit.
matt fury said:
I'm coming in late here, but seriously, best bang for the buck = Koss. But right now, Amazon has Senn 580s for $125. Hot as shit.

It is a great price, but you have to remember that the 580 really does need an amp to shine.
Viper87227 said:
I too, disagree with you. To me, an audiophile would be anyone who enjoys their music on whatever equipment they have. If someone is pleased as piss with a $30 pair of cans, so be it, just as someone could be with a "mid-range" can. By merely breaking down the word, an audiophile would be someone who loves music. Who says you have to have a $1000-$3000 headphone setup just to enjoy music?

So if I'm happy with those 30$ cans, that's all of a sudden "audiophile" equipment? Look, im not challenging anyone's love for music here, im saying that the really knowledgeable crowd considers "audiophile" gear is simply more than what the average consumer thinks are "expensive" components. Do I think HD650s are pricey? Oh hell yeah. Do I think they are audiophile gear? Not really. There exist many better headphones, many at much greater costs. It would be hard (impossible) to pin down an EXACT definition of what constitutes "audiophile", but with so many better options available (many of which at prohibitive cost, but available nonetheless) you can get a fair idea of where the lines could be drawn.
cfull said:
So if I'm happy with those 30$ cans, that's all of a sudden "audiophile" equipment? Look, im not challenging anyone's love for music here, im saying that the really knowledgeable crowd considers "audiophile" gear is simply more than what the average consumer thinks are "expensive" components. Do I think HD650s are pricey? Oh hell yeah. Do I think they are audiophile gear? Not really. There exist many better headphones, many at much greater costs. It would be hard (impossible) to pin down an EXACT definition of what constitutes "audiophile", but with so many better options available (many of which at prohibitive cost, but available nonetheless) you can get a fair idea of where the lines could be drawn.

It depends from person to person, but I certainly think its possible. As you yourself said, you cannot pin down an definition, it is a very subjective term. As I said before, merely breaking down the term, an audiophile would be a lover of music. For some people, it takes hundreds or thousands of dollars in equipment, others can achieve the same happiness with $30 headphones. To me, both would be audiophiles in their own right. I see the term as a level of enjoyment, not a dollar amount.
cfull said:
Why cost? Because usually, better cans cost more money. I'm sure you will think it witty to come back with "OH YEAH WHAT ABOUT BOSE IS THAT BETTER BECAUSE ITS $$$?" No. It's not. Expensive crap is still crap. But when you are discussing headphones that DONT suck, 95% of the time better cans will cost more money. So yes, cost is at least a decent starting point. Whether or not one will actually HEAR that difference, though, is another story. I probably couldnt tell the difference in a 400$ pair of HD650s and a 1000$+ Stax setup.

Well then, by your definition of "audiophile", if I think a 20$ pair of HD201s sound good, then hey, that's audiophile too!

If you ask anyone that knows much about headphones, they'll tell you that cans like the DT770, Grado SR225, HD580/600/650 are good MID-TIER cans. They dont approach the detail resolution for example of a can like the K1000 or Electrostats. Those are truly audiophile.

You can't just merely call something "audiophile" because you want to. The DT770, while being awesome and tons of fun to listen to, is not AUDIOPHILE. Ditto for the sr225 and similarly-tiered headphones. Just because the kick the crap out of headphones for the mass market doesnt mean they are "audiophile"

And before anyone tries to accuse me of being elitist or having an ego because I like expensive cans or whatever...

I have owned both the DT770 and the SR225 and have no desire to go beyond that. I am not an "audiophile".

that still is not a valid arguement, because I own K1000s and I own HE60 sennheiser electrostatics, and for some of my music I enjoy my DT880s more than either the K1ks or HE60s

its about liking the sound... for example i personally find the HE90s too warm, which is why I am happy with my HE60s for my personal tastes
Guy's and Gal's.... can we take the discussion of what is considered an audiophile to PM's? I really want to follow what the OP is doing, but this thread is getting taken over by off topic discussions.

So has anybody heard both the HD580 and HD595 in person? I'm wondering if it's worth the extra ~$30 for the 595s.
RyanVM said:
So has anybody heard both the HD580 and HD595 in person? I'm wondering if it's worth the extra ~$30 for the 595s.

Depends on your setup. If you don't have an amp, it is no contest. The HD595 will run much better unamped than the 580.

If you have an amp, I don't think it is then an issue of better, as much as it is different. I haven't heard the 595, but as I understand it, is has a brighter sound signature. If thats your thing, the 595 would be better. The 580 also has the potential to be easily upgraded with 600 grills and 650 cables. With the 595, what you see is what you get.
Viper87227 said:
Depends on your setup. If you don't have an amp, it is no contest. The HD595 will run much better unamped than the 580.

If you have an amp, I don't think it is then an issue of better, as much as it is different. I haven't heard the 595, but as I understand it, is has a brighter sound signature. If thats your thing, the 595 would be better. The 580 also has the potential to be easily upgraded with 600 grills and 650 cables. With the 595, what you see is what you get.

I got the 580s on order and now thinking about a amp upgrade. However the 595s are easy to push since they 50ohm i think? The 580s are 300ohm, so without a amp, there is no contest, the 595 will sound better.

I will let you know after christmas. There is a mini-meet on the 6th here for headfi that im going to attend. I will of course bring my 580s (even though Flecom's stuff PWNZ mine.) and hope to see someone there with a set of 595s. Maybe, maybe not.

The grills and cable are the nice thing about the 580s. You can order both the 650 cable and the 600 grille from Sennheiser. Its pretty cheap too, 25$ for cable and i belive 9$ per grille. Could be wrong. Alot of people say that the grilles really dont make much of a difference, just alittle more airy feeling i belive. I did read somewhere that the 650 cable sorta lessens the soundstage a tad...also might mean you need to upgrade your amp to push them further.

I miss my 555's already....right now im listening to my iGrados, which sound rather nice...i think its nicer sound then the KSC75s, however they double the price. CANT WAIT till my 580s get here...Hoping tomorrow..."nose pressed up against the window, waiting for the mailman"
Highlife said:
I got the 580s on order and now thinking about a amp upgrade. However the 595s are easy to push since they 50ohm i think? The 580s are 300ohm, so without a amp, there is no contest, the 595 will sound better.

I will let you know after christmas. There is a mini-meet on the 6th here for headfi that im going to attend. I will of course bring my 580s (even though Flecom's stuff PWNZ mine.) and hope to see someone there with a set of 595s. Maybe, maybe not.

The grills and cable are the nice thing about the 580s. You can order both the 650 cable and the 600 grille from Sennheiser. Its pretty cheap too, 25$ for cable and i belive 9$ per grille. Could be wrong. Alot of people say that the grilles really dont make much of a difference, just alittle more airy feeling i belive. I did read somewhere that the 650 cable sorta lessens the soundstage a tad...also might mean you need to upgrade your amp to push them further.

I miss my 555's already....right now im listening to my iGrados, which sound rather nice...i think its nicer sound then the KSC75s, however they double the price. CANT WAIT till my 580s get here...Hoping tomorrow..."nose pressed up against the window, waiting for the mailman"

The grills may not do much, but IMHO they are FAR more attractive than the plastic. Worth the $15.
Viper87227 said:
The grills may not do much, but IMHO they are FAR more attractive than the plastic. Worth the $15.

Ya, i was thinking the 15 is worth the comestic change alone =) Im going to rock them stock for a while.....i may love them soo much i wont have to mod them at all =) If its not broke, dont fix it, right?
580s and 595s are totally different, I wouldn't say that the 595s are an upgrade.
coolxboxgamer said:
hd 485's,

Without a doubt! I just got these headphones, my price range was up to $150, and I am not at all disappointed! I've never heard headphones with so much base before in my life..
RyanVM said:
So has anybody heard both the HD580 and HD595 in person? I'm wondering if it's worth the extra ~$30 for the 595s.

I think the 580s are better personally... but they really really need an amp to sound great... they will sound "ok" without an amp, but with an amp they really sound nice... i actually prefer the 580s to the 650s actually... i ended up giving my 580s to my dad when i picked up some 650s for real cheap and i ended up regretting giving away those lol... and the 580s are a great steal right now considering they were once sennheisers top-end headphone and they use the same drivers as the HD600s