Search results

  1. D

    Ps 3 bluray player failure rate?

    Mine failed twice.
  2. D

    Forget what *might* be, what do you *want* to be in the next gen?

    We need more immersion. Something like NATAL + VR Helmet.
  3. D

    At what point will console graphics be outdated?

    If you ask me, console graphics were outdated the moment they began to sell. I was gaming at 1080P before the 720P XBOX360 came out...
  4. D

    What graphics card impressed you the most?

    My 9700 pro played everything on max details, max resolution, for 3 full years. Best card I've ever had.
  5. D

    Game of the Year?

    Very easy this year. DRAGON AGE.
  6. D

    Best controller for PC?

    360 controller
  7. D

    Most enjoyable PC game out right now?

    Dragon Age. Torchlight if you have less money :)
  8. D

    Final Fantasy XIII - March 9, 2010

    March 9, 2010, English version or JAP only ?
  9. D

    Dragon Age: Origins. Thanks but no thanks.

    The game is a masterpiece. I you liked the Neverwinter series, or BG2, this game is for you.
  10. D

    How the heck is Dragon Age:Orgins played?

    RPG of the year for me. And maybe of the decade... (when was BG2 released ?) Storyline. Gameplay. Combat. Micromanagement. LOVE IT.
  11. D

    Wii2 Next Year?

  12. D

    Torchlight Dev Diary: Action RPG All-Stars

    Definately picking this up at this price point.
  13. D

    Anyone else NOT renew aion subscription today

    Grind. No solo play. Cancelled.
  14. D

    Aion - One Month Later - Players Opinions?

    Stopped playing and cancelled my subscription because : 1) Too much grinding and 2) no solo play after the first 15-20 levels
  15. D

    HL2 Screenshot comparison analysis

    White crush in the first one, probably some overused HDR ? Number 2 wins.
  16. D

    How long does it take to install Lord of the Rings Online?!

    Computers CAN multitask these days you know :P
  17. D

    Are you going i7 or not?

    E5200 @ 3.7 still going strong in all my games. No need to upgrade, will wait for the next round.
  18. D

    The Last Remnant PC : Horrible Performance?

    Runs flawlessly on my 4870 1GB. 60FPS @ 1920x1080. AA doesn't seems to work, though... LOVE the game. Very nice battle system.
  19. D

    Will YOU buy Fear 2 Project Origin?

    Already pre-ordered on STEAM.
  20. D

    F.E.A.R.2 Project Origin gone Gold

    Funny. 1) STEAM. 49,99$ US so about 60$ CAN, release FEB 12th 2) BOX, 49,99$ CAN, release FEB 10th.
  21. D

    Bottlenecking a 4870?

  22. D

    Your card of choice in 2008

    4870 1GB because it is the first card in YEARS the game me ABSOLUTELY no problem working with my HDTV. (first ATI card in years, too...) AND it is performing wonderfully in games @ 1080P.
  23. D

    The best overlooked games of 2008

    Jack Keane (got it on the PC but surely available on the console ?) Good old point and clic adventure game, good story, characters, humour, etc..
  24. D

    Will a ati 4850 bottleneck a AMD FX-60 proc?

    You will get slowdowns and poor minimum frame rates. I don't recommend it. Sell the FX and get a fast C2D or C2Q instead.
  25. D

    is 1080P on 46" LCD with E6400 possible?

    Get a new video card if you want to game @ 1080P. CPU is fine. Overclock it if possible.
  26. D

    Ok, which combo of CPU/GPU?

    ... and that CPU overclocked to 3.7 in my machine using the stock cooler.
  27. D

    For those of you with both Xbox 360 AND PS3.

    I buy the PS3 version simply because I do not want to use my 360 too much in fear of the RROD.
  28. D

    4870 Fan Speeds - Where is yours?

    35% here. Anything above that is way too loud.
  29. D

    Fallout 3 stability

    No crashes but some annoying slowdowns on a pretty fast machine. C2D @ 3.7 + 4870 1GB
  30. D

    Buying a 360 from Dell vs Wal-Mart

    Dell on novembre 28th, Arcade 360 + Rock band 2 for 199$ :)
  31. D

    Mirror's Edge

    Can't get used to the controls. I hate multiple actions on same buttons. Will pass this one.
  32. D

    Higher Pings with Vista?

    Oups, clicked YES when my answer was NO.
  33. D

    "I'm happy with my current S775 setup" club

    Gigabyte G31. E5200 2.5 @ 3.7 GHz 4870 1GB 4GB G.Skill Pretty happy :)