The worst overhyped games of 2008

Duke Nukem.:eek:
FarCry 2......not a bad game, but not as overwhelming as it was touted to be.
For PC: Spore.
For Consoles: I'd say Haze.
It was supposed to sell PS3s. The company that developed it recently laid off the entire staff. Hmm...
Haze was overhyped, and that is what made people hate it.

I was talking about Haze to a co-worker this morning. He completed it, I'm part way through. Neither of us consider it a bad game. Maybe not a AAA title, but certainly not a pile of garbage. Both us believe that being overhyped is what made people hate it so much.

Oh, my vote goes to Age of Conan.
Assassin's Creed.

Good concept but the game play gets way too repetitive and boring.
Too Human, GTA4 and maybe GT:p.
After all the hype that came with it they should have had a parts customization section, it's what the series is known for and with out it, it was just another racer.

Still the best looking one though.
I was talking about Haze to a co-worker this morning. He completed it, I'm part way through. Neither of us consider it a bad game. Maybe not a AAA title, but certainly not a pile of garbage. Both us believe that being overhyped is what made people hate it so much.

Oh, my vote goes to Age of Conan.

I just hate the cheesy dialogues, at least they should learn something from MGS series.
Spore, nuff said.

FryCry 2, it seems that if I get it for free with a video card that it sux. First quake wars now this. Why couldn't eVGA give out COD4.

GTA4, GTA games always get old to me. Soon after I unlock the second city I usually end up losing interest.

Haze, I never thought this looked that great, but some people were hyping it up as a system seller. Obviously not.

LBP, not a bad game, but single player isn't very entertaining. Theres really no objective in the game besides completing the levels for stickers and clothes. Its really a game where you need multiple friends playing. It had a lot of hype at the beginning of the year, but for whatever reason not many people cared enough to actually buy it. Surprising how bad the sales were considering that there weren't that many other PS3 games released at the time and this is suppose to be a A+ title.
Spore, Far Cry 2.

My first thought was FC2 but after being reminded of Spore, thats probably worse.

Assassins Creed was clearly disapointing but I still thought it was fun and I still beat it so I dont think its one of the worst.
Everything was overhyped and only Chrono Trigger was any good.

Far Cry 2
Dead Space
Mirror's Edge
Assassin's Creed
Fallout 3
Lich King
gta 4 - the story sucks, its the worse out of all the gta games.

i find myself just using codes for guns + porsche car and shoot everything while outrunning the police, i think thats the best part of the game. it sucks how there are no jetpacks. they could have done so much more with this game.
Spore. Halo 3. GTA IV. Haze. Far Cry 2. Pretty much everything that's been mentioned here thus far.

Oh -- and I too cannot stand the Wii. Paying current gen prices for previous gen games, no DLC, Gamecube level graphics, all multiplatform titles look like trash or just aren't available, plus overpriced accessories? Yes, please.
MGS4. I was definatly not impressed with this game after all of the hype that came with it.